Weavers POST questionnaire for CARERS

This questionnaire will be used in the evaluation of the Weavers service. The information you provide will help us to understand who carers are and if they benefit from being in the Weavers service. Please be honest. The information you provide will help improve the program in the future.

The questionnaire is voluntary. This means you do not have to complete it. If you do not want to answer a question, you can skip it and go on to the next question.

Your answers are anonymous. This means that the workers from Weavers will not see your answers. Your answers will be analysed by the evaluators who will provide a report to the Weavers program. No names, and nothing that could identify you, will be used in any reports, articles, or other documents.

ID: …………………………..…………………………..……………………………….

Name ………………………………………………………..…………………………..

Date: ……/……./………

B. Carer Experience Scale

B1.Activities outside caring (Socialising, physical activity and spending time on hobbies, leisure or study)
You can do most of the other things you want to do outside caring……
You can do some of the other things you want to do outside caring ….
You can do few of the other things you want to do outside caring …..... / 1
B2. Support from family and friends (Personal help in caring and/or emotional support from family, friends, neighbours or work colleagues)
You get a lot of support from family and friends ……………………..
You get some support from family and friends ………………………
You get little support from family and friends ………………………... / 1
B3. Assistance from organisations and the Government (Help from public, private or voluntary groups in terms of benefits, respite and practical information)
You get a lot of assistance from organisations and the Government …
You get some assistance from organisations and the Government ….
You get little assistance from organisations and the Government…... / 1
B4. Fulfilment from caring (Positive feelings from providing care, which may come from: making the person you care for happy, maintaining their dignity, being appreciated, fulfilling your responsibility, gaining new skills or contributing to the care of the person you look after)
You mostly find caring fulfilling ……………………………………...
You sometimes find caring fulfilling …………………………………
You rarely find caring fulfilling ………………………………………. / 1
B5. Control over the caring (Your ability to influence the overall care of the person you look after)
You are in control of most aspects of the caring …………………….
You are in control of some aspects of the caring ……………………
You are in control of few aspects of the caring……………………… / 1
B6. Getting on with the person you care for (Being able to talk with the person you look after, and discuss things without arguing)
You mostly get on with the person you care for ……………………..
You sometimes get on with the person you care for …………………..
You rarely get on with the person you care for………………………… / 1

C. Personal well-being index

I am now going to ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from zero to 10.On this scale, zero means you feel no satisfaction at all. 10 means you feel completely satisfied.

Questions / Score (0-10)
C1 / “Thinking about your own life and personal circumstances, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole?”
C2 / How satisfied are you with your standard of living?
C3 / How satisfied are you with your health?
C4 / How satisfied are you with what you are achieving in life?
C5 / How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
C6 / How satisfied are you with how safe you feel?
C7 / How satisfied are you with feeling part of your community?
C8 / How satisfied are you with your future security?

E. Experience with your Weaver

For each question in the two sections before tick the box that comes closest to a true answer for you

E1. I learnt new ways from my Weaver to help manage own stress:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

E2. I learnt new ways from my Weaver to help the person I care for feel less stressed manage the stress of the person:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

E3. I learnt new ways from my Weaver to help the person I am caring for:
☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

E4. I learnt new tips about how to manage symptoms or behaviours of the person I am caring for

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

E5. I learnt new information from my Weaver about the obligations of organisations that provide supports to me as a carer:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F. Knowledge of and requests for services

(Thinking about things you have learned from your Weaver during the program).

F1. I learnt aboutnew services for myself:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F2. I have a better understanding of how to access services for myself:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F3. I requested a new service or services for myself that I had not requested before:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F4. I learnt about new services for the person I care for

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F5. I have a better understanding of how to access services for the person I care for

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

F6. I requested a service or services for the cared for person that I had not requested before:

☐Not true for me

☐A little


☐Quite a lot

☐True for me

G. Comments

G1. Have you used any services for yourself differently, as a result of your contact with the Weavers program? If so, please list them here and describe the change.


G2. Have there been any other changes for yourself or the person you care for, as a result of your contact with the Weavers program? If so, please list them here.



G3. Is there anything else you’d like to say to contribute to the evaluation of the Weavers program?


Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire!