SR Cell, Corporate Office

148-Statesman House, A-Wing 6th Floor

Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110 001

No. BSNL/39-3/SR/2006Dated, the 5th February, 2007

Sub:Minutes of the 13th meeting of the National Council held on 4th December 2006 with the BSNL Employees Union under the chairmanship of Director (HRD), BSNL.

The 13th National Council meeting was held on 4thDecember, 2006 at 11.00 AM in the Conference Hall, Statesman House, New Delhi. The list of participants is available at Annexure-I.

2.At the outset, DDG (SR) welcomed the participants in the meeting and pointed out that notification for conduct of third membership verification has already been issued and the elections have been scheduled for 19thDecember, 2006. He expressed hope that elections shall take place smoothly in a decent manner.

3.Thereafter, welcoming the Official side as well as Staff side members, Director (HRD) congratulated the members for conduct of successful meetings of National Council during the last two years. He spoke of the achievements of this National Council, viz. wrist watches for all the employees of BSNL, grant of PLI, counting of past service, payment of CGEGIS amount, Insurance scheme for BSNL employees etc. He also mentioned that things have moved very smoothly during the last two years and BSNL has set an example for other PSUs. In the day to-day working, the Government PSUs have to face certain constraints, which BSNL has been able to overcome. He expressed his hope that now the unions shall be busy in connection with ensuing third membership verification and wished them good luck.

4.In the absence of Director (Finance), Sr. DDG (PF) welcomed the participants on behalf of Director (Finance).

5.From the Staff Side, Secretary, Staff Side welcomed all Official / Staff side members and mentioned that this is the last meeting of the National Council constituted after the second membership verification. While expressing happiness over the settlement of large number of issues, he drew attention to the following points for necessary action -

Notification of orders regarding accumulation of 300 days EL for industrial workers; The officials, who have retired last month, may also be given the benefit.

Supply of wrist watches be got expedited, wherever pending;

Personal loans - although Canara Bank has extended the facility till 31.3.2007, but some of their branches are not extending this facility. The facility of various loans and advances from the company should continue;

Telecom Factory, Jabalpur & Richai - working conditions are poor in both the factories, equipment is old, canteens are dirty;

USO Fund - to take up with the Government for release of BSNL share. At present, Rs. 13,000 crores is available with the Government and nothing is paid to BSNL during the last 2-3 years for provision of land-lines as well as Mobile telephones.

CDA Rules have been notified by the Management without consulting the union whereas it has long been assured in the National Council that the Standing orders will be finalised in consultation with the unions. The union demands that the CDA Rules be kept in suspension and discussed with the representative union and the modification, if any, incorporated;

Shifting of Corporate office to new building needs to be expedited.

The anomaly report should be implemented early.

The Transport Allowance for Grade IV officials should be increased without further delay.

Action should be taken to continue the Bank loans.

6.Responding to the unions' issues, Sr. DDG (Estt.) clarified that orders relating to accumulation of 300 days EL for industrial workers have not so far been received in BSNL and the same will be circulated immediately on their receipt. These orders shall be effective from the date of issue of orders by the Government. With regard to Transport Allowance to Gr. IV employees, the Committee had not given any recommendation to this effect earlier and the case is under examination of the same Committee. On the issue of CDA Rules, Staff side was advised to submit their suggestions in the form of modifications, additions etc. with explanatory notes which can be considered.

7.On the issue of CDA Rules, most of the members from the Staff Side wanted to know as to how and why the CDA rules have been notified without consulting the unions and why the assurance given in the National Council has not been honoured. In a unanimous voice, they desired that the CDA Rules be kept in abeyance and discussed with them in the first place.

8.Director (HRD) informed that it has been ascertained from other PSUs, but nowhere CDA Rules have been notified in consultation with the unions. It was also informed by DDG(SR) that the legal opinion about non-requirement of framing Standing Orders for BSNL (except TF & TS staff) was formally communicated to BSNLEU and therefore, it was not correct to say that they were not kept informed.

9.On the issue of loans from Canara Bank, Sr. DDG (PF) agreed to take up the issue with Canara Bank.

10.Thereafter, the following agenda items were taken up for discussion:

10.1Enhancement of minimum amount of PLI (Bonus) for non-executive employees from Rs. 7000/- to Rs. 10,000.

The Staff side demanded that with the revision of PLI (Bonus) for the year 2004-2005, the non-executive staff has not been adequately benefited. The difference between the minimum amount and maximum amount of Bonus which was 7000 : 12,500 i.e. 1 : 1.78 has been widened to 7000:25,000 i.e. 1 : 3.57. Hence, with the revision of upper limit from Rs. 12,500 to Rs. 25,000/-, the lower limit should also be raised from Rs. 7,000/- to Rs. 10,000/-.

Responding to the Staff Side demand, it was informed that demand for raising lower limit of PLI to Rs. 10,000/- based on ratios between maximum and minimum PLI is not the basis but the PLI formula is based on basic pay and if any comparison is to be drawn, basic pay ratios are to be reckoned with. Moreover, the wage revision is due w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and with the revised pay scales, it is expected that there will not be any necessity to raise the lower limit from Rs. 7,000/- to Rs. 10,000/-. After prolonged discussions, it was decided to refer the issue to DOT as PLI formula was given by DOT.

10.2Conducting Promotional Examinations:

The staff side mentioned that no promotional examination has been conducted for the last six years. Further, if some examination is announced, but the same is being subsequently cancelled. JAO Part-II exam is not being held because JAO Part-I exam is yet to be conducted. The staff side demanded that JAO Part-II exam be conducted at least for those who have already qualified JAO Part-I examination.

Sr. DDG (PF) informed that although a large number of vacancies exist, but JAO Part-I exam is held up because of Allahabad High Court order. The UP (West) Circle has filed a clarification affidavit to seek clarification of the said order from the Hon'ble High Court, Allahabad and the same is expected to come up for hearing soon. As regards JAO Part-II exam, some of the Circles were facing difficulties in conduct of the examination. It has been decided to downgrade the level of paper setters and evaluators from JAG & above to regular STS with the direction to conduct the examination immediately. TTA 10% absorption quota selection has already been notified and 40% quota exam is going to be notified shortly.

JTO – 35% Quota

The Staff Side demanded that all the qualified officials be promoted to JTO by taking outside vacancies as a one-time measure or by personal up-gradation. Further, examination be conducted in 35% quota by reducing qualifying period from 10 years to 5 years. The Official side stated that any further examination in 35% quota would be feasible only after the waiting list of around 3,300 is cleared for which 500 posts are being diverted from DR quota to 35% quota each year as per Board decision. Staff side was also reminded that though DoT cancelled the waiting list from Government point of view, it left decision to BSNL for deciding treatment of waiting candidates and BSNL Board decided to divert 500 posts each year from DR quota for the purpose and after waiting list is cleared, necessary adjustments in quota are to be done. In this background, fresh 35% quota examination can only be considered if remaining waiting list is cancelled by BSNL. Since no 35% quota examination is feasible at this juncture, question of reducing qualifying service period from 10 years to 5 years is premature.

JTO – 15% Quota

The Staff Side demanded that examination be conducted in those circles where vacancies are available. The Official side informed that as a result of relaxation in qualifying standards in the year 2003, number of Court cases are pending in different Circles. As such, 15% quota examination can only be considered in those Circles where vacancies exist and matter is not pending in Courts. Staff Side was requested to give its considered opinion in this background.

Regarding cancellation of LICE for promotion of UDCs to the grade of Assistant in the BSNL C.O., the Staff Side pointed out that DoT didn’t ask for cancellation of the examination. When 52 clear vacancies are there and only 21 candidates have qualified the exam, then what was the need to cancel the exam. Director (HRD) responded that there were serious complaints in this regard and after taking note of the irregularities committed in the exam, it was decided by the Management to cancel the same and re-examination shall taken place very soon.

10.3Filling up of vacant posts in Himachal Pradesh Circle

The staff side pointed out that there is severe shortage of staff in Himachal Pradesh Circle, particularly in the cadre of TTA and Telecom Mechanic, which is creating difficulties in running the services with desired efficiency.

It was clarified from the Management side that shortage was mainly in the grade of TTA, for which 10% quota selection has already been announced, 40% competitive exam is going to be announced shortly and a proposal is also under consideration for filling up of posts against DR quota. In view of declining trend in the fixed lines, there is no proposal to fill up TM posts from open market. All the posts of Hindi Translators have been filled up and approval has already been conveyed to the Circle for filling up departmental quota vacancies in the cadre of Drivers.

11.After discussions on the current issues, the following old items were also taken up for discussion

11.1Compassionate Appointments - It was informed from the Management side that a proposal for restoration of creation of posts for CGA has already been submitted for consideration of BSNL Board, whose decision is awaited.

11.2Free calls on concessional telephones in MTNL and BSNL areas - The Staff Side demanded that till the issue is settled with MTNL, the officials residing in MTNL area be re-imbursed to the extent of their entitlements. It was informed from the management side that the issue is still under consideration of the Management Committee.

11.3Benefit of 5 years service weightage under Rule 48-A & 48-B for voluntary retirees - The staff side was informed that DOP &PW has already rejected the proposal. It was agreed to take up the issue again with DOT / DOP&PW.

11.4Restoration of Powers of CGMs to create posts - It was informed that the BSNL Board has already deliberated the issue and its minutes are awaited.

11.5Counting of past service of casual labourers who were regularized on or after 01.10.2000 -It was clarified that matter of counting of past service is applicable to TSMs only and as per recent decision from DOT, the data pertaining to TSMs as on 30.9.2000, who were regularised as on 1.10.2000 or later in BSNL, is to be sent to DOT for issuing Presidential Orders. Accordingly, all Circles have been addressed to send the requisite information.

11.6Date of effect of upgraded pay scale on completion of 26 years - It was informed that as directed earlier, matter has already been referred to DOT. Response is still awaited.

11.7Grant of lineman pay scale to the officials qualified in the second screening test - It was informed by BSNL management that these two matters have been referred to DoT as per discussion with BSNLEU earlier.

11.8CGEGIS Claims - It was informed that some circles are yet to send consolidated claims to CCAs, after which CCAs would transfer the amount to BSNL.

12.At the end, Director (HRD) expressed his heart-felt thanks to the members for cooperation and fruitful discussions in all the meetings and wished them good luck for the forthcoming elections. Secretary, Staff Side also acknowledged the cordial relations with the management all along and expressed satisfaction over settlement of a good number of issues.

13.The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


List of participants who participated in the 12th National Council meeting

Held on 31.08.06

Management Side:

  1. Director (HRD)-Chairman
  2. Sr. DDG (Estt.)
  3. Sr. DDG (PF)
  4. Sr. DDG (SPF)
  5. DDG (Pers.)
  6. DDG (Training)
  7. DDG (EF)
  8. DDG (SR)
  9. ADG (SR-II).

Union Side:

  1. Shri V.A.N. Namboodiri-Secretary, Staff Side
  2. Shri P. Abhimanyu
  3. Shri K. Vallinayagam
  4. Shri R. Venkataraman
  5. Shri V. Subburaman
  6. Shri Pabitra Chakraborty
  7. Shri P.E. Jaipaul
  8. Shri M.R. Vashisht
  9. Shri J.N. Mishra
  10. ShriS.D. Sharma
  11. Shri A.D. Patil.
  12. Shri P. Asoka Babu.


Minutes of the 13th National Council meeting SR Cell Page 1 of 6