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/ LESSON 3 / Dates and Time
第三课 / 时间
PART ONE / Dialogue I: Taking Someone Out to Eat on His/Her Birthday
I. Listening Comprehension(INTERPRETIVE)
A. Textbook Dialogue(True/False)
T / F
1. / / / Gao Wenzhong is eighteen years old this year.
2. / / / September 12 is Thursday.
3. / / / Bai Ying’ai will treat Gao Wenzhong to a dinner on Thursday.
4. / / / Gao Wenzhong is American, but he likes Chinese food.
5. / / / Bai Ying’ai refuses to eat Chinese food.
6. / / / They will have dinner together at 6:30 p.m.
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B. Workbook Dialogue I(Multiple Choice)
1. / Today’s date is ______.
May 10 / June 10 / October 5 / October 6
2. / What day is today?
Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
3. / What day is October 7? It is ______.
Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
C. Workbook Dialogue II(Multiple Choice)
1. / What time does the man propose to meet for the appointment?
6:30 / 7:00 / 7:30 / 8:00
2. / What time do they finally agree upon?
6:30 / 7:00 / 7:30 / 8:00
3. / What day are they going to meet?
Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
A. Read the calendar and answer the questions. (Multiple Choice)
  1. What day of the week was September 15?
  2. What is the date of next Thursday?
    September 22
    September 23
    September 24
    September 25

III. Reading Comprehension(INTERPRETIVE)
A. Read the calendar and answer the questions. (Multiple Choice)
  1. What day of the week was September 15?
  2. What is the date of next Thursday?
    September 22
    September 23
    September 24
    September 25

B. Fill in the blanks in English based on the calendar.
  1. The date on this calendar is , .
  2. The day of the week is .
  3. Next month is .
  4. The day after tomorrow is a .

C. Which of the following is the correct way to say “June 3, 2009” in Chinese?
D. Read the passage below and answer the questions. (True/False)
T / F
1. / / / Saturday is Little Wang’s birthday.
2. / / / Little Wang’s mother will take her son to dinner this Saturday.
3. / / / The speaker seems to know Little Wang’s mother well.
4. / / / The speaker is American, and Little Wang’s mother is Chinese.
5. / / / Most likely they will have a Chinese dinner on Saturday.
E. This is a flier for a museum exhibition. What were the dates for the exhibition, and on which university campus was it held?
IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises
A. Write the following numbers in Chinese characters. (PRESENTATIONAL)
Print page
  1. 15
  2. 93
  3. 47
  4. 62
  5. Your phone number
  6. Your birthday月号

B. Write out the questions to which the following statements are the appropriate answers. Use 还是in each question. (INTERPERSONAL)
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EXAMPLE: / A: / 王朋
B: / 王朋是中国人。
1. / A. / 你
B. / 我喜欢吃美国菜。
2. / A. / 李友的爸爸
B. / 他是律师。
3. / A. / 高文中
B. / 高文中有姐姐。
C. Rearrange the following Chinese words into sentences, using the English sentences as clues. (PRESENTATIONAL)
Print page
  1. 我/ 晚饭/ 你/ 怎么样/ 吃/ 请/ 星期四
    (I’ll take you out to dinner on Thursday. How’s that?)
  2. 星期四/ 星期五/ 晚饭/ 我/ 你/ 还是/ 请/ 吃
    (Are you taking me out to dinner on Thursday or Friday?)
  3. 哥哥/ 小白/ 喜欢/他/ 我/ 我/ 可是/ 不/ 喜欢
    (I do not like Little Bai, but I like his older brother.)
  4. 美国人/ 美国菜/ 可是/ 他/ 不/ 喜欢/ 吃/ 是
    (He is American, but he does not like eating American food.)

D.Answer the following questions according to your own circumstances. (INTERPERSONAL)
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1. / A. / 你今年多大?
B. /
2. / A. / 你的生日(是)几月几号?
B. /
3. / A. / 你喜欢吃美国菜还是中国菜?
B. /
E. Translate the following exchanges into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL)
Print page
1. / A. / When is your birthday?

B. / My birthday is September 30.

2. / A. / What day of the week is September 30?

B. / September 30 is Friday.

3. / A. / How old are you?

B. / I am eighteen.

4. / A. / How about I treat you to dinner on Thursday?

B. / Great! Thanks. See you Thursday.

5. / Little Wang’s girlfriend has never met Little Wang’s parents. She is planning a dinner date and wants to invite Little Wang’s parents. She wants to find out more information about her guests. Translate their conversation using Chinese characters.
Little Wang: / What time are we having dinner on Saturday night?

Girlfriend: / How about 7:30?

Little Wang: / Okay. Whom are we inviting for dinner?

Girlfriend: / We’ll invite your mom and dad.

Little Wang: / Great.

Girlfriend: / Do they like American or Chinese food?

Little Wang: / They like American, and they like Chinese, too.