Elijah Under the Juniper Tree

1 Kings 19:1-8

July 19, 2015

The kids will understand:

·  The account of Elijah and his flight from Jezebel.

·  That God was with Elijah in victory and discouragement.

·  That life is full of highs and lows and God is with us through them all.



2 actors

running outfit

running shoes



microphone (doesn’t have to work)

You’ll need one actor to be the runner, Ron Moore, and one to be the interviewer, Will Askew. Will Askew holds the microphone while talking to the class and trying to pin down the jogger, Ron Moore, for an interview. Ron is wearing running clothes, iPod and headphones.

Will: Hello, this is the last interview in my series called “Why People Run.” I’ll be talking to Ron Moore (pauses, scratches head inquisitively), which incidentally sounds like run more. I wonder if he did that on purpose? Anyway … (Ron runs by in front of Will. Will holds out microphone, shouts) RON … yes, Ron … (Ron runs out of room).

Will: (a bit frazzled) Yes, well, we’ll try again here in a minute. We’ve been talking about why people run. Sometimes they’re scared … (Ron runs through again and circles around.) YES, Ron … I would like to talk … (Ron whizzes by again and goes out the door.)

Will: (clearly shaken, clears throat) Yes, well apparently Ron didn’t hear us. We’ll try once more. Some people run because they’re afraid, they fear something like a bear or a dog chasing them. Some people run because they … (Ron runs in again and Will blocks him. The two almost fall in a heap on the floor.) EXCUSE me, Ron!

Ron: (surprised, stops but continues to jog in place, shouts) WHAT… what did you say?

Will: (shouts) I’m Will Askew and I want to talk to you. Can you take your headphones off?

Ron: (removes headphones) Oh sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I didn’t mean to give you the “run around.” (laughs heartily)

Will: Yes, well I’m doing a series on why people run. Do you run because you’re afraid or are you running from your problems?

Ron: (jogging in place, checks pulse) Oh no, not at all. I never run from my problems; that never solves anything. I run because it’s good for my heart. I also run because I can get some time alone with God. I pray and listen to praise music!

Will: Well then, that’s interesting. You run to get alone with God. (turns to audience) How cool is that!

Ron: Oh yeah. (checks pulse again, still jogging) Sorry, I have to keep my heart rate up!

Will: So, you said you don’t run from your problems. What advice can you give the kids here?

Ron: Never run from a problem. Yep, that’s my advice. Instead, run to God! I hate to run out on you, but I gotta finish my prayer time. (puts on headphones) See ya kids! (runs out of room)

Will: There you have it. Ron shared with us a very good reason to run—not from your problems but run straight to God! This is Will Askew signing out! I’ll see you another day!

Object Lesson


small wind-up toy figure

small table

You’ll need a small wind-up toy. If you don’t have one, a spinning top will also work.

Have any of you ever played with one of these? Wind up the toy and watch it walk across the table until it stops. Well, I guess it ran out of energy there. It needs wound up again. Wind it up and let it walk again.

This wind-up toy reminds me of our Bible story today. Wind up the toy and let it walk again as you speak. Elijah accomplished some amazing things for God! Did you know that one time he prayed for God to send a drought and God answered his prayer and stopped the rain for three years? Another time he prayed and God sent fire from heaven to show some idol worshippers that God was the only one true God! The toy should be stopped, but if it isn’t, just pause a moment and wait.

But then, guess what? Just like this toy, Elijah ran out of energy. He got discouraged and wanted to quit. Wind up the toy and let it walk again. But God wasn’t done with him yet!

Bible Account


actor (Elijah)

actor (servant boy)


gray blanket/sheet

water bottle


pita bread

poster board


Bible garb

artificial tree

Before class make a cue card that says, “Run to God … NOT from Problems!” Place an artificial tree at the front of the room. To create a rock, cover a chair with a gray blanket and put it several feet behind the tree. (You could also use a large landscape rock that is used to cover meters.)

Elijah is sitting cross-legged under the tree with a plate of bread and some water next to him. He shares his account of the story. His servant is in the background crouched behind the rock. Elijah acts like he doesn’t realize the servant is there, since Elijah left the servant behind. The servant stands up from behind the rock and holds up the cue card for the class to shout out what is on the card at the proper times.

Elijah: (shakes head, takes a bite of bread and then a swig of water) Ahhh, now that’s refreshing. (wipes mouth with sleeve) Boy, what’s up with Queen Jezebel? Whoa, she really got upset with me!

I mean, I just called fire down from heaven to show her that Jehovah-God was the only REAL God and, man oh man … she goes berserk! Well sure, I had a few thousand of her priests killed, but is that a good reason to kill me?

Okay, maybe it is! You know, one time God caused me to run so fast that I beat Ahab’s chariot to his palace in Jezreel. I ran faster than his horses! God sure can set your feet on fire! I was smokin’! I asked God to end the 3-year drought … and then it poured cats and dogs! I thought for sure King Ahab and Queen Jezebel would serve Jehovah-God then! (sarcastic) But NOOOOO! How stubborn!

She sends dudes to hunt me down and kill me. (shakes head) I mean, where’s the love? I am sooooo done with ol’ Jez and Ahab. I mean, enough already! What’s a guy got to do to prove a point! God is the only God … duh … not Baal! (takes a bite of bread and swig of water)

So I got discouraged. (holds hand up in air) I mean I’m on top of the world one minute calling fire down from heaven, then rain down from heaven, then (drop hand to ground) I’m all discouraged and running for my life from that woman!

Servant: (He stands up holding cue card high in the air. Kids shout out phrase, and then he crouches quickly behind rock.) Run to God … NOT from problems!

Elijah: (looks around, puzzled, but doesn’t see servant) I’d had enough. Everyone has their limits, right? Yeah, I ran! I’m not proud of it, but I was so down and discouraged. Hey, I was spent! I didn’t have anything left. I told my servant to stay behind. I didn’t want him to see me like this and get discouraged too! I had a plan. I was going to ask God to just let me die. That was my solution. That’s why I ran away. (puts head down into his hands, ashamed)

Servant: (He stands up holding cue card high in the air. Kids shout out phrase, and then he crouches quickly behind rock.) Run to God … NOT from problems!

Elijah: (looks around again, puzzled) I know, I know. After I asked God to just let me die, I was so exhausted and discouraged that I fell right to sleep. I’m in the middle of this dream, and I feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. I open my eyes and see this angel. I’m thinking, “Wow, God really did let me die!” Then, I look around and, awww man, I’m still in the wilderness under this juniper tree! The angel has (points to bread and takes a bite) this bread all baked and hot for me on the fire and (picks up water and drinks some) this cold water for me to drink.

Servant: (He stands up holding cue card high in the air. Kids shout out phrase, and then he crouches quickly behind rock.) Run to God … NOT from problems!

Elijah: (looks around again) What is going on here? But, I was so exhausted I fell back asleep. Then tap, tap, tap … here’s this angel again with some more bread and water and tells me to get up, eat, and drink for the long journey I had ahead of me. So I ate (eats more bread) and drank (drinks water) some more.

Servant: (He stands up holding cue card high in the air. Kids shout out phrase, and then he crouches quickly behind rock.) Run to God … NOT from problems!

Elijah: (shakes head but gives up trying to figure it out) Yep, that’s right! You know, you just can’t run from God or from your problems. He never leaves you … He’s always right there. You might as well just run TO God the first thing and save yourself some time! (gets up, rubs his belly and stretches) You know what? I feel refreshed. (flexes) I feel strong! I’m really full too (puffs out cheeks), like I won’t have to eat for over a month! Well, I better get started on my journey! I guess God isn’t done with me, yet!

Servant: (He stands up holding cue card high in the air. Kids shout out phrase, and then he crouches quickly behind rock.) Run to God … NOT from problems!

Elijah: (walks away shaking his head)



pairs of adult tennis shoes


masking tape

You’ll need several pair of men’s tennis shoes, the bigger the better. Each group will need a pair, and all the kids will need to wear socks. Provide some socks for kids who aren’t wearing them. Before class, remove the shoelaces from the tennis shoes, so the kids won’t trip on them during the game. Place a masking tape line at one end of the room and a finish line near the other end of the room.

Divide the class into teams behind the finish line. Place a pair of shoes on the line at the front of each team. At the signal, the first player for each team puts the shoes on quickly and runs to the other end, touches the masking tape line and then returns to the finish line at their team. If the shoes come off along the way they must stop and put them on again. The player who crosses the finish line first will get the opportunity to answer a question (below). If they get stumped, they can call on one of their teammates for help.

Elijah was weary and discouraged after dealing with King Ahab and Jezebel time and time again. He took matters into his own hands and RAN from Jezebel instead of trusting God to stand against her. Instead of running from our problems, we should run to God!

Questions and Answers

·  Why was Jezebel mad at Elijah?

(He killed the priests of Baal, and prayed for the drought.)

·  How did Elijah beat Ahab’s chariot on the way to Ahab’s palace?

(God caused him to be able to run faster than Ahab’s horses.)

·  What happened when Elijah asked God to stop the rain?

(There was a drought for 3 years.)

·  What did Jezebel promise to do to Elijah?

(kill him)

·  What was Elijah’s plan when he heard what Jezebel wanted to do?

(He ran to the wilderness to hide.)

·  What did Elijah ask God to let him do?


·  What happened to wake Elijah up from his sleep?

(An angel woke him and told him to eat.)

·  What did Elijah do after he ate and drank?

(fell back asleep)

·  Did the angel let Elijah sleep after he had eaten?

(No, the angel woke Elijah a second time and told him to eat and drink.)

·  What did the angel prepare for Elijah to have for a meal?

(bread and water)

·  Was Elijah hungry after he finished eating and drinking?

(No, he was very full.)

·  What was the reason the angel told Elijah that he had to eat and drink?

(He had a long journey ahead of him.)

·  True or False. Elijah and Ahab were good friends.

(False. Elijah was Ahab’s enemy.)

·  True or False. Ahab and Jezebel loved God.

(False. They worshiped the idol, Baal.)

·  True or False. It’s always good to try to fix a problem ourselves before turning to God.

(False. We should always turn to God first.)

Activity – Video


YouTube video

Beforehand, download the following YouTube video called “Official Millennium Force POV in HD” submitted by CedarPointVideos. We have included an additional file for both PC and Mac users, if you need assistance downloading the video.


What a fun video to watch! Encourage the kids to squeal and raise their hands in the air as they pretend to be riding this massive roller coaster.

This is a roller coaster at Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio. Has anyone ever been to this park? They are known as the roller coaster park, because they have so many. Has anyone ever ridden this roller coaster—the Millennium Force? It rises 310 feet in the air, goes up to 93 mph and is a full two minutes long. When it was built, it was so huge that they created a whole new category of roller coasters—the giga-coaster. If you haven’t ridden this roller coaster, then who’s been on a roller coaster … any roller coaster?

How is life like a roller coaster? Let the kids come up with suggestions and then elaborate on them.

·  There are lots of highs—up times, excitement, successes, victories, fun stuff.

·  There are lots of lows—when you’re down in the dumps, slowdowns, you don’t know what’s going to happen, you’ve lost someone you love.