Ημ. έκδοσης 1/2006
High Penetration Protective Sealer
An advance high penetration protective sealer.
It can be used as a sealer for cementitious and other substrates offering resistance to abrasion and chemical attack but also it can be used as a binder for loosely placed sand in the joints of pre-cast paving blocks.
This advance product embraces the following advantages:
- Colourless liquid
- U.V stable therefore suitable for both external and internal applications.
- Long life expectancy.
- One- part, moisture cured, therefore easy to apply.
- Itslow viscosity makes it easy to penetrate through relatively dense substrate.
- It forms a relatively flexible system
- It waterproofs and provides chemical resistance. Its sealing action provides to the substrate a barrier to oil, grease and any other spillages making easy the cleaning operation.
- When used to seal paving blocks, it binds the sand particles together and to the paving blocks, forming a monolithic pavement thus avoiding the weathering of either the sand particles or the paving blocks, due to rainabrasion, flooding, wind and storm. It also prevents any organic growth through the joints.
- TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 allows breathing of the substrate tested in accordance to BS 6477:1992.
4kg and 17kg metal containers.
Depends on type and porosity of the substrate and joint width. As guidance coverage of 2,5-5,0m2 per kg should be considered.
Typical Product Data
Specific Gravity at 20C: 0.93
Combined Isocyanate: 1.25%
Chloride Content: Nil
Flash Point: 42oC.
How to use
The substrate to be treated must be clean and free from any loosely adhered particles and other contaminants such as oil, grease, dust. e.t.c. Special equipment can be used for cleaning contaminated surfaces depending on the size and type of contamination. As a guidance for small size operations wire-brushing can be used and for larger size operations high-pressure water jetting or sandblasting could be used.
As TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 contains a high percentage of solvents, enough ventilation should be provided at the working place. No smoking is allowed during the treatment as the flash point of the material is quite low.
At the time of application the substrate must be dry to assist adhesion. However in very dry climates to allow moisture curing, the substrate must be predampen and allowed to surface dry before applying TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40.
Apply TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 evenly on the substrate/paving blocks by brush, roller or spray allowing enough material to penetrate the joints. Any excess material resting on the surface must be removed before curing.
Curing Times
For tack free: Between 1,5-3,0 hours depending on temperature and humidity.
For opening to traffic: Between 14-26 hours depending on temperature and humidity.
Clean all tools with TSIRCO-EPOSOLVE immediately after use.
Handle TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 with care to prevent skin irritation.
When dealing with TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 it is essential that operators:
a)Do not smoke
b)Avoid naked flames or lights
c)Prevent accumulation of vapour through ventilation of the area until the product has cured. This is applicable in case of indoor treatment
d)Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In case of accidental contact with the skin or eyes, thoroughly wash with plenty of water and seek medical advice if the irritation develops or persists.
Storage Life
Not less than 6 months if kept in the manufacturers’ undamaged sealed containers and stored in dry and cool conditions away from direct sunlight.
How to specify
All surfaces/paving blocks (as indicated) to be treated with TSIRCO-POLYDUR 40 strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions, TSIRCON CO. LTD.
Head office:Strovolos Industrial Zone,
P.O. Box 23863, 1687 Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Tel: +357 22 487029, Fax: +357 22 487716