• Where & How can I learn more about the UW Spirit Program?

Informational meetings will occur on:

Monday - April 20th - 7pm

Monday - May 4th - 7pm

Monday - May 11th - 7pm

Located in the Marv Harshman Court.

Also visit www.gohuskies.com/cheer for frequent updates and details about tryouts!

• When and Where are tryouts?

May 16th & 17th – 9am - 4pm

Located in the Marv Harshman Court, next to the Bank of America Arena.

• What specific paper work items do I need for tryouts?

To be eligible for tryouts, you will need to fill out and provide the following:

-Application with a head shot photo

-Physical – current within 6 months


-Proof of insurance – copy of card front & back

Application, Physical information, Waiver, Insurance Instructions and Forms can be found at: www.gohuskies.com/cheer under the cheer links section.

Once this has been submitted to the Spirit Coordinator, you will receive the OK to participate in open practices, clinics and tryouts.


They can be dropped off at the Graves Building front desk, hand delivered to the Cheer office-Basement of Graves building, Emailed or Mailed.


Graves Building Box 354070

Seattle, WA 98195

Information MUST be received by the DEADLINE: MAY 13TH, 2009

Forms will NOT be accepted after this date!!

•If I want to work on my skills for tryouts is there anything I can do?

OPEN practices will begin April 20th – May 15th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Marv Harshman Court. Those trying out are welcome to attend these practices, but MUST have all clearance forms submitted. No instruction will be given at these open practices. This is primarily a place to practice. But don’t hesitate TO ASK veteran cheerleaders, coaches or others for help. The required sideline will be the only piece of material taught at open practices and upcoming clinics.

Open Gym Practice Schedule 7:00pm - 9:00pm

April: 20th, 22nd, 27th, 29th

May: 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 15th

Prospective Candidates ONLY and those cleared by the training room will have access to open gym practices. Insurance information, Waiver and Physical must be submitted prior to participation.

•Do you offer clinics? Are they recommended?

The spirit program will offer college prep clinics throughout MAY

Check www.gohuskies.com/cheer for clinic info and to register.

• What time do I show up for clinic and tryouts?

We recommend that everyone attending a tryout session or clinic show up a minimum of 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time for check in.

•What do I wear to clinics, open practices and tryouts?

The dress code for practices and clinics should include: t-shirts, shorts (within reasonable length for women), pants, cheer and/or dance shoes.

Midriffs and sports bra are NOT allowed as we have a strict athlete dress policy within the athletic department.

The dress code for tryouts should include: PLAIN white t-shirt or tank top,

PLAIN black shorts or pants and cheer and/or dance shoes.

• How many people tryout?

Each year is different. Typically has between 50-75 people tryout.

• Are tryout sessions open to the public?

No. All tryout sessions are closed.

• Do I need cheerleading experience?

No, not necessarily. We do ask that you know the “basic” cheerleading motions and have the minimum tryout requirements for each team. Requirements can include tumbling elements, stunting elements and basic dance elements. Please note these skills can be mastered at open practices and clinics! These requirements will be posted on the website.

• Do I need tumbling experience?

For the CHEER program…YES! There are basic tumbling requirements. For POM…NO! Requirements can be found on website.

• Is being able to dance important?

YES…We traditionally have been a dance focused program. But technical dance training is NOT necessary. Just be able to learn basic cheer dance placement, feel the beat, and learn routines quickly!

• What’s the difference between the squads? Coed Cheer and Pom

We treat both squads the same. Each cheerleader will be required to attend all practices, games, and weight training sessions. In addition, all team members will participate in parades, gigs, rallies, community service events, fundraising events and University events. All squads will receive the same uniforms and equipment for the season.

•How do I coordinate Cheerleading, School, Greek life and Maybe


You must be registered as a full time student (12 credits or more) at the University of WA (Seattle Campus, Bothell Campus or Tacoma Campus) and in good academic standing with the University. We expect team members to be capable of handling the academic workload and cheerleading commitments simultaneously and successfully. Good time management skills are a must if you want to be a successful student and cheerleader. Based upon “our” priority scale, #1 is academics, #2 SPIRIT PROGRAM, and so forth. Please note we DO NOT deter you from extra activities or work, but put emphasize the importance of School and the Spirit Program.

• Do you offer scholarships or out of state tuition waivers?

We offer our version of “scholarships” which include a basketball stipends and book stipends. Amounts are determined up fundraising efforts over the course of the season.

• Who pays for any travel related to cheerleading?

The UW Athletic department, Husky Band and Spirit Program pay for travel to away games. Travel is a privilege determined by coaching staff. If the opportunity arises, travel to a national competition comes from fundraising efforts by the spirit program.

•When and where is Summer Camp?

The entire program will attend a private camp held on the University of Washington campus in AUGUST. This is a MANDATORY.

• What is the time commitment?

Spring Quarter practices 1-2 days a week for in state members will begin Monday May 18th.

Mandatory summer practices will begin Friday July 24th, 2009. 3-5 days a week, 4-6 hours per day. This will be determined by coaching staff and by members’ schedules.

The first mandatory event will be the Torchlight Parade which will take place Saturday JULY 25th, 2009.

Fall-Winter Quarter - 3-4 days a week, 10 to 15 hours:

Three 2-hour practices a week, two 2-hour strength and conditioning workouts a week plus any games for the week.

Practices will take place are Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Class schedules MUST be completed by 3:00pm. Strength and conditioning workouts will be determined by the strength and conditioning coaches and will occur 2 times a week. Each member MUST participate in cardio exercises 3 times a week.

Spirit Program will participate in Football season, select Volleyball games and Men’s/Women’s Basketball.

Additionally, gigs, rallies, community service events, University events or fundraising may occur throughout the season.

2009-2010 Football Schedule

09/05/09 / vs. LSU / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
09/12/09 / vs. Idaho / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
09/19/09 / vs. USC * / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
09/26/09 / at Stanford * / Stanford, Calif. / TBA
10/03/09 / at Notre Dame / South Bend, Ind. / 12:30 p.m. PT
10/10/09 / vs. Arizona * / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
10/17/09 / at Arizona State * / Tempe, Ariz. / TBA
10/24/09 / vs. Oregon * / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
11/07/09 / at UCLA * / Los Angeles, Calif. / TBA
11/14/09 / at Oregon State * / Corvallis, Ore. / TBA
11/28/09 / vs. Washington State * / Seattle, Wash. / TBA
12/05/09 / vs. California * / Seattle, Wash. / TBA

• Does the program compete at nationals?

We DO NOT currently compete at nationals. If the opportunity arises, we would discuss this with administration. Competing at nationals will be contingent upon university approval and funds. Approval is also dependant on fulfilling our cheerleading obligations and game coverage during the event.

• Is there a height and weight requirement?

No!! We do not maintain a height and weight requirement. We do require that all potential members maintain the appropriate physique in order to participate in the required movements. All members must also maintain the same physique that they had when making the squad at tryouts.

• Do you accept VIDEO tape tryouts if I can’t attend the tryout in person?

YES…Videos are required if you DO NOT plan on attending tryouts. Only videos will be accepted by those who CANNOT physically make it to tryouts.

Please place footage on a DVD or a Face-book page accessible to the Spirit Program. It is recommended that you make every effort to attend tryouts. Video tryouts may be a disadvantage for you. Please consult with Spirit Coordinator about videos and required skills for tryout. Those trying out by videotape only need to submit the Application and Head shot photo.

• What are you looking for in a UW Spirit Member?

UW Spirit members are well-rounded athletes. We are part of a prestigious

University, so we want our cheerleaders to graduate and achieve in the classroom. Our program is comprised of well-mannered, spirit-oriented cheerleaders who are disciplined and have good work ethic. Our priority is to spirit raise, crowd direct and represent the University of Washington.

If you have any questions that we did not answer in the FAQ, please send your question to

Thank you- Good Luck and GO HUSKIES!!!

UW Spirit Program Tryout CHECK LIST:

Which Tryout Informational Meeting are you attending?

□ April 20th 7pm □ May 4th 7pm □ May 11th 7pm

Located in the Marv Harshman Court

□ Know what teams are offered & the difference between each team


□ Contact Spirit Coordinator with any questions:

(206) 616-3599

□ Fill out INTEREST FORM on www.gohuskies.com/cheer


□ Physical Form (Complete Form & have current physical within the past 6 months)
□ Waiver
□ Proof of insurance (copy of back & front of insurance card)

□ Application - with head shot photo

□ Turn in all paperwork by May 13th.

Must have paperwork in to be eligible to participate in open practices.

Paperwork can be dropped off at the Graves Building front desk, hand delivered to the Cheer office- Basement of Graves building, Emailed or Mailed:

UW Spirit Program Attn: Shermin Davidson

Graves Building Box 354070

Seattle, WA 98195

□ Attend UPCOMING CLINICS (optional) - Bank of America Arena Multi-purpose Room

Saturday May 2nd

Saturday May 9th

Friday May 15th

Check: gohuskies.com/cheer for additional information

□ Attend UPCOMING OPEN PRACTICES: (optional; recommended)

Located in the Marv Harshman Court: 7pm – 9pm

April: 20th, 22nd, 27th, 29th

May: 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 15th

□ Know the tryout requirements

□ Know the Sideline –

□ Know the when to show up for tryouts, clinics & open practices

□ Tryout attire

□ Know the tryout timeline



Male/Female Stunting Requirements: Female Standing Tumbling -Back handspring
-Toss chair -Back tuck
-Toss extension -Back handspring-back
-Walk-in extension tuck -*recommended

-Toss Stunt
*Optional: 3 in 1 sequence Minimum Tumbling Pass:

-Round-off back handspring back tuck

Female Dance Requirements:
-Home Routine Male tumbling

8 non-repeating eight-counts requirements:

(music and style of your choice) Back handspring OR back

-Single turn toss one-arm stunt

-Kick OR Jump
-mandatory incorporation of a

Back handspring or back tuck

Additional Skill requirements: -Cheer motions - Sideline


Skill requirements:

-Cheer motions - Sideline

Dance requirements:

-Home Routine

8 non-repeating eight-counts

(music and style of your choice)

-Double turn

-mandatory incorporation of a 2 technical elements

ex: turns, leaps, kicks, jumps, etc.