Select Board Meeting

Monday - 04/28/2008

7:00 PM


The meeting was opened by the Chair at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Tiffany L. Glidden, Elwood Ellis, Joann C. Austin, and Irene L. Belanger. Others present were Paul MacDonald, Gabrielle Isenbrand, Mary Grow, and the Town Manager.

On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to accept Warrant #49 for $$14,976.82 and Warrant #50 for $$300,268.69 as presented.

On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 3-0 to accept the minutes of the 04/14/2008 meeting as presented.

Manager’s Report:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  PSAP and Dispatch – Informational Update/Recommendation/Action: The Town Manager noted that there had been a meeting Thursday evening, April 24, 2008, of all emergency services personnel (George Oliver, Tim Theriault, Ron McLaggan, Dick Mores, Tommy Alfieri, Bob Batteese, and Dan L’Heureux) at the China town office with Mike Smith of the Somerset PSAP and Mike Beneke of Waterville Dispatch. The town has been granted authority to change over from the Central Maine Regional Communications Center in Augusta to the Somerset Communications Center for PSAP services and to Waterville Communications for emergency services dispatching. The meeting was held to affirm the change and to make certain that all respective obligations are executed. Peter Hussey, of Hussey Communications, was also in attendance.

·  Causeway & Main Street Intersection: There will be more discussion on this topic at a later meeting.

·  Traffic Items – South China Village Area – Hannaford Bros. Company: Residents of the South China Village area and Road Committee members were invited to a meeting held on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 a the China Town Office meeting room. The intent of the meeting was to receive information about traffic
concerns from all in attendance. Mitch Feeney of Hannaford Bros. Company was in attendance also provided the group with Hannaford’s development specifics.

·  Open Transfer Station Day – June 14, 2008 – Limitations: The limitations/restrictions are going to be the same as last year.

·  April 30, 2008 Joint Meeting of the School Committee, Budget Committee, and Select Board Regarding the School Budget: There will be a joint meeting of the School Committee, Budget Committee and Select Board at the town office. The Select Board asked to have the meeting start at 6:00 p.m.

·  Preliminary 2008 State Valuation Figures – Revaluation Implications and Information Inserts into the Town Line: Information as inserts in the Town Line will provide taxpayers with an explanation of the revaluation process and inform them of what to expect in terms of tax billing and tax commitment.

Unfinished Business:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  Planning Board Position Appointment: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden, the Board voted 4-0 to appoint Gabrielle Isenbrand to the Planning Board position representing District 4 to fill the unexpired term through November 4, 2008.

·  Recycling Coordinator – Neil Farrington: Selectperson Neil Farrington will provide an update at a later meeting.

·  June Ballot Items – Public Hearings:
Liquor License Petition – Sunday Sales – China Dine-ah: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden, the Board voted 4-0 to put on the June 10, 2008 referendum ballot a question which will read: Shall the town of China vote to authorize the State to issue licenses for the sale of liquor to be consumed on the premises of licensed establishments on Sundays? On a motion by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden and a second by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger, the Board voted 4-0 to recommend “yes” on this question.

·  Maine Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden, the Board voted 4-0 to put a question on the June 10, 2008 referendum ballot that reads: To see if the town will vote to adopt the Maine Public Employees Retirement System Plan AC of the Participating Local District Consolidated Retirement Plan and to further authorize the Select Board to sign the respective or appropriate agreement(s) on behalf of the town, and recommend “yes” on the question.

New Business:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  Board of Assessment Review Appointment – Dwaine Drummond and Anthony Pileggi: On a motion by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden and a second by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger, the Board voted 4-0 to appoint Dwaine Drummond to a two year term as an alternate member of the Board of Assessment Review to expire on 06/30/2010 and to appoint Anthony Pileggi to a one year term as an alternate member of the Board of Assessment Review to expire on 06/30/2009.

·  Red Light Applications – South China Volunteer Fire Department and Weeks Mills Volunteer Fire Department: On a motion by Selectperson Joann C. Austin and a second by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger, the Board voted 4-0 to grant authority to use red lights in the Town of China to individuals in the respective fire departments; the list of the people granted permission is attached to these minutes.

·  Ballot Clerk Appointments – Done Every Two Years: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to appoint individuals as election clerks for the ensuing two year period; the list of the names of the appointees is attached to these minutes.

·  Paving Quotes: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden, the Board voted 4-0 to accept the low quote of Pike Industries, Inc. for the paving of town roads this summer. The low quote was $61.19 per ton.

·  Abatement: On a motion by Selectperson Joann C. Austin and a second by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger, the Board voted 4-0 to grant an abatement to Brian Fortin in the amount of $596.86 because of an error in assessment.

On a motion by Selectperson Tiffany L. Glidden and a second by Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joann C. Austin, Secretary

China Select Board