South East Art & Design - NSEADRegional Network Group

The next meeting

Saturday 29th September 2012 : TheBritish Museum 11.00am -3.30pm

Lower Ground Floor Education Area –Claus Moser Roomin the Clore Education Centre

Enter the Museum through the main gate on Great Russell Street. Head up the steps and through the Front Hall into the Great Court. Turn sharp left and go down the stairs in the corner of the Great Court to the bottom. The Claus Moser Room is diagonally to your left at the foot of the stairs along a short corridor - follow the signs.

remember! bring a friend


11.00am Welcome and information sharing

11.15amNSEAD updateled by Lesley Butterworth National General Secretary

  • Primary developments
  • Secondary and FE developments
  • 2013 Conference – early information
  • NSEAD priorities and other developments
  • Information on Survey on Regional Groups – led by Peter Gregory

11.30amLearning through Drawing – A workshop led by Eileen Adams

  • Presentation, drawing activities, discussion

Please bring with you a sketchbook or some drawing paper, a selection of materials you might like to use. Only a very small selection will be provided

12.30pmRichard Woff (Head of Schools & Young Audiences Education) will be

talking about how the BM supports art & design education

12.45pmA focus on Making a Mark – Open discussion forum

  • identifying priorities and actions
  • Assessment and planning

Click on image to download a copy

1.30pmLunch Interval – Cafes on the Main Court

2.20pmThe Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Dimensions in Art and Design :

Ofsted requirements - A short input and discussion led by GedGast

  • Draft Guidance document provided

2.45pmA focus on working with practitioners/Literacy in Art & Design led by

Anne Brown (Creative Junction)

  • A recent project with the Stanley Spencer Gallery exploring ways of unpacking paintings for their narrative through using a range of arts practice.

3.15pmForming the Network Group

  • Roles, meeting dates and venues
  • Setting agendas and communications
  • Focus and date for next meeting

3.30pmFinish and retire to a local pub – all welcome


For a floor plan of the British Museum

Click here.

You can download a copy of Making a Mark by clicking on the image or go to:

To find out more or join go to t:01225 810134 e:

Calling all art and design education colleagues across London and the South East

Following an initial meeting to set up a South East Art and Design Group (SEAD), it was agreed that this group would meet termly in a London culture/gallery/ museum venue, to establish a South East Education Network of teachers, educators in primary, secondary phases, 6th form and FE, HE and all areas related to art and design education, including gallery educators and independent consultants, including subject specialists in creative, media and design education related industries. By using central London as a focus for the SEAD Network Group, we can provide venues that are easily accessed from across the South East. Hopefully, links will also be made with other more local groups establishing themselves in communities within the South East Region.

This group will meet to share information, provide a regular opportunity for input and development, and to enable rapid responses to developments in art and design, where and when there is a need for specific action. At such a time of immense change, it essential that this regional group, brings together art and design education professionals from all phases and areas of work, to communicate and collaborate in ways that enable everyone to be effective in their roles and to support the place of art and design within the curriculum and as an entitlement. This group aims to support the work of NSEAD as the single voice for art and design education in the UK. Through the establishment of regional network groups, the membership can grow and everyone can both have their say and be more effectively supported.

Information about meetings, dates, venues, programmes and agendas will be listed on the NSEAD website within the Regional Networks section. Likewise, discussion and information papers and all dissemination will be established through the NSEAD website and set up in the Autumn Term 2012. A list of attendees will be made available. It is intended that there will be no charge for these attending these meetings and that those presenting or acting in ex-officio roles, do so voluntarily to support the development of the group. Those wishing to attend who are not members of NSEAD will be made very welcome, but it is hoped that attendance may lead to membership. Membership of SEAD is informal and does not commit participants to any actions, but we encourage all participants or members to bring a new colleague with them to each meeting. Following this first meeting, we also plan to establish and agreed e-system to keep members in-touch with meetings, actions and events.