Palm Harbor Middle School

7th Grade Registration Card 2013/14


LEGAL Last NameFirst NameInitialFCAT Read/Math Levels

Students are REQUIRED to take the following:

1.Language Arts



4.Social Studies


6.FCAT Reading Level 1-2 (Listed above)Must take Full Year Reading and choose One elective.

______IntensiveReading 7(10000107Full Year CourseRequired for students with a FCAT Reading Level of Two (2) or below.) All Seventh and Eighth grade students in the standard diploma program who scored at Level 1 or 2 on the previous year’s FCAT Reading Sunshine State Standards test must pass a year-long reading course.

6/7.FCAT Reading Level 3-5(See Scores above). Choose Two electives.


______FCAT Math Level 1(See Scores Above) - Must take Intensive Math - (12040000)

______Reading 7 (10080400) Will be assigned to students not signed up for a yearlong elective.

Yearlong Electives

______Band (Years of experience ______) (B1-13020000, B2-13020200, B4-13020300, JB(B3)13020100)

Rental fee required (Full year class)

______Chorus (13030100) (Full year class)

______Orchestra 1(13020400) (Full year class) Orchestra 2 (13020500) (Full year class)

______AdvancedArt (01040200) (Full year class) Teacher Rec. ______

______Spanish 1

Spanish is a rigorous academic class designed to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing competency in Spanish. Students who enroll in Spanish will follow the same curriculum as high school students. Homework is assigned and a comprehensive testing and evaluation process is used. Spanish is afull-year commitment. Space for 7th graders is limited.

Semester Electives:

______Elective Experience (06000300) Students will have 2 semester courses during the year. Such courses may include Shop, Art, Computers, Horticulture, etc. Student schedules and teacher availability make it impossible to allow individual choices. You may not choose which two courses you want.

*P.E. and/or Advanced Course waivers available in the grade level offices.

Course Cards due 2/8/2013



Course Code # ( X )Course TitleTeacher Signature

10010400____Language Arts 2 - Average______

10010500____Language Arts 2 - Advanced______

Math course To Be Determined by the district using student performance data. See Below*

20000100____Science 2 - Average______

20000200____Science 2- Advanced______

20000206____IMAST 7th Grade______

21060100____CivicsHeterogeneously Grouped

78550407____Gifted (If previously enrolled)______

Math Placement:

M/J Math 2 Advanced – Non-MEGSSS, level 3-5 in Grade 5 or 6 Math FCAT, level 2 in Grade 6 Math FCAT and Level 3-5Reading FCAT Grade 5 or 6.

M/J Math 2 Average – Non-MEGSSS students not achieving the above stated criteria.

PLEASE NOTE: Every effort will be made to accommodate your choices. However, state and county guidelines have not been finalized and this may impact your child’s choices. Due to class size limitations, movement into different level courses may not be available during the school year.

Student’s Signature______

Parent’s Signature______Military Parent/Guardian? Yes / No

Circle one

Current sixth graders who intend to apply for Pre IB (*) or CAT (>) in ninth grade must:

* plan to take foreign language in seventh or eighth grade or both.

One successful year of a foreign language in middle school may earn one high school credit.

* >plan to successfully complete advanced math in seventh grade

* plan to successfully complete Algebra I Honors in eighth grade

I plan to apply to Pre IB or CAT program in 2015-16 Yes No

High school credit classes shall apply to graduation requirements, but shall not be used for acceleration of graduation. Grades for courses that offer high school credit in middle school will be used to calculate high school class rank and grade point average. For the purpose of determining the valedictorian and salutatorian, a graduating 12th grader may drop high school credit courses taken in the middle school from the calculation if the courses are not needed for graduation.