Statsfængslet i JyderupDato:24.april 2004

EU projekt ”SPRING” Cirius – Leonardo de Vinci

Program for the visit of the Italian group from 24.04.04. to 01.05.04.

Sat. 24. April:Arrival at Kastrup, CopenaghenAirport, at about 22 o´clock

Sun. 25. April:From 10 – 13 The coordinator from Jyderup Stateprison welcomes teacher trainers and briefing them to illustrate the main lines and objectives of the training programme in Denmark.

From 15 – 20 Sightseeing in Copenhagen and visit to the establishment “Tivoli” in Copenhagen.

Mon. 26. April:From 10 am. to 14 pm. Visit the Stateprison in Vridsløselille (a closed prison), Copenhagen

Familiarization with the prison system and organization, especially with social workers, guards and teachers. Meet an inmate to discuss the school offer and system in prison referred to the prisoners´ integration into ordinary life. Visit the school department and lunch with the prison teachers.

Late afternoon: cultural and geographical in-depths in Danish way of life.

Tues. 27. April:From 10 to 12 am. visit a Security Prison “Bakkegården” for youth inmates. The head of the prison will illustrate the methods and experience with young inmates and on-to-one teaching support.

From 13 to 17 pm. visit Christiania, Copenhagen, an experimental way to live for ordinary people. The idea was born in the sixties and seventies.

Wedn. 28. April:From 9 to 15 visit the Stateprison in Jyderup (an open Prison). The coordinator of the project will take you through a detailed visit of the premises, especially the new ones especially devoted to the drug-addicted´ recover – discussing rehabilitation through medical and education and training methods. Analysis of the statistical data and description of the present situation of prison system in Denmark. Comparison between the penitentiary system in Denmark and Italy

From 11 to 13 pm Videoconference to establish contacts among the partners in order to exchange experiences as to education implementation in prisons in each country. Filling in of the documentation reporting the program in Denmark.

Dinner at 18.30 pm. at Leif´s home in Køge, after a short visit to the town.

Thur. 29. April:From 10 to 15 - visit the Stateprison in Ringe, Fyn (a closed prison)

The head of the prison will give detailed information concerning the open and closed prisons, Danish school system, the organization of education in the prison and rehabilitation programs for drug-addicted. You will have the possibility to compare the education program run inside the prison and outside, in the public school system.

A special attention will be given to the leaving period, after prison and the problems connected with going back to ordinary life.

Late afternoon visit the house of Hans Christian Andersen in Odense.

Fri. 30. April:From 11 am to 13 pm. Visit the Bacon factory “Danish Crown”, a company providing job for open prison inmates.

From 13 pm. to 15 pm. meet Frank Tonsberg, principal of HolbækTechnicalSchool and visit to the school. The school is attended by Jyderup open prison inmates.

Lunch in HolbækTechnicalSchool.

Late afternoon: cultural and geographical in-depths in Danish way of life.

Sat. 1. May:From 10 to 13 meeting with teachers, social workers and the coordinator to assess the week’s experience as to the prison education and training system.

Late afternoon: departure

Leif Petersen

Head of Education and Employability Department

Jyderup Stateprison - Denmark.