
Contemporary Issues in Social and Cultural Theory:

Art and Politics

授課:朱元鴻Seminar, Fall 2006

Monday7:10-10:00pmClassroom: T314


9/18Course Introduction

I. Some Background Social Theories

9/25Herbert Marcuse, The Aesthetic Dimension.

10/2Jean Baudrillard, “Gesture and Signature: Semiurgy in Contemporary Art,” For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, pp.102-111.

Jean Baudrillard, “The Conspiracy of Art,” “Art Contemporary …of Itself,” The Conspiracy of Art, pp.25-29; 89-97.

Browse the following interviews edited in The Conspiracy of Art(pp.43-85, 133-140, 201-4 ): “Starting from Andy Warhol”; “Art between Utopia and Anticipation”; “No Nostalgia for Old Aesthetic Values”; “La Commedia dell’Arte”; “Too Much is Too Much,”“The Implosion of Beaubourg,”“The Matrix revisited.”

10/9Pierre Bourdieu, The Rules of Art, pp.47-140; 333-348.

II. Art as Testimony

10/16Theodor W. Adorno, “After Auschwitz,”Negative Dialectics, pp.361-365.

T. W. Adorno, “Commitment,” in A. Arato and E. Gebhardt (eds.) The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, pp.300-318.

Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Differend, pp.3-14 (skip the Protagoras).

Giorgio Agamben, Remnants of Auschwitz, ¶ 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 (pp.15-20); ¶2.1;2.2 (pp.41-45); ¶ 3.17; 4.7 (pp.120-1; 150-1).

10/23Jacques Derrida, “Poetics and Politics of Witnessing,”Sovereignties in Question: the Poetics of Paul Celan, pp.65-96.

Shoshana Felman, “Poetry and Testimony: Paul Celan, or the Accidenting of Aesthetics,”“Camu’s The Plague, or a Monument to Witnessing,”Testimony, pp.25-40; 93-119.

Compare two films: Claude Lanzmann’s videotaped testimonies, Shoah, and Steven Spielberg's epic film,Schindler's List (1994).

10/30Jean-Luc Nancy, “Forbidden Representation,”The Ground of the Image, pp.27-50.

Jay Winter, “The apocalyptic imagination in art: from anticipation to allegory,”Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning, pp. 145-177.

III. Political (In)significance of Romanticism

11/6Philippe Lacoue –Labarthe, Heidegger, Art and Politics, pp.51-104.


Carl Schmitt, “The Structure of the Romantic Spirit,”Political Romanticism, pp. 51-108.

11/20Walter Benjamin, “The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism,” Selected Writing, Vol.1, pp. 116-200.

IV. Sublime: Sensible Presentation as Question

11/27Jean-Luc Nancy, “Preface,”Of the Sublime: Presence in Question, pp.1-3.

Kant, “Analytic of the Sublime,” Critique of Judgment, §23-29, 39, 42, 59 (pp.82-120, 133-5, 140-5, 196-200).


12/11Schiller, “Letter XV,”On the Aesthetic Education of Man, pp. 101-109.

Friedrich Schiller, “On the Sublime,”“On the Sublime: Toward the Further Development of Some Kantian Ideas,”Essays, (pp.24-83).

.Paul de Man, “Kant and Schiller,”Aesthetic Ideology, pp.129-155.

12/18Jean Francois Lyotard, “A Few Signs of Heterogeneity,”“The Communication of Sublime Feeling,”Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime, pp.147-158; 224-239.

J.-F. Lyotard, “The Interest of the Sublime,”Of the Sublime Presence in Question, pp.109-132.

J.-F. Lyotard, “Postscript to Terror and the Sublime,”The Postmodern Explained, pp. 67-73.

J.-F. Lyotard, “The Sublime and the Avant-Garde,”“Representation, Presentation, Unpresentable,”“After the Sublime, the State of Aesthetics,”The Inhuman, pp.89-107; 119-128; 135-143.

J.-F. Lyotard, “Anima Minima,” Postmodern Fables, pp.235-249.



1/8Jacques Ranciere, “The Sublime from Lyotard to Schiller: Two readings of Kant and their political significance, Radical Philosophy, No.126 (July/August 2004):8-15.

Jacques Ranciere, The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible, pp.9-45.

1/15Potluck Party


Each student will make several class presentations and will write a research paper expanding on the topics covered in class. A research plan (about one page) will be due by January 9. Grade will be 50% for final paper and 50% for class presentation and participation.
