
/ 2014-15
Illinois Farm Bureau® & Affiliates
FFA Section Presidents’ Award Program

Description of Program

The FFA Section Presidents’ Award Program is sponsored for the twenty-five Section Presidents of the Illinois FFA. The purpose of the award program is to reward the Section Presidents who achieve the greatest degree of excellence during their year of office.

Benefits of the Program

Participant will derive two main benefits from the FFA Section Presidents’ Award Program. First—the program provides the twenty-five Section Presidents with a listing of their duties and responsibilities which should be performed during their term of office. It serves as a reminder of the tasks to be completed and the timetable for completion. Secondly—an expense-paid trip to a two-day leadership conference is given to ten of the top winning Section Presidents indicating their availability to participate. The knowledge gained at the conference will help them become better leaders.


The twenty-five 2014-15 Illinois FFA Section Presidents will be the “direct” participants in the program. Indirectly, all FFA Chapters in a section along with the section chairman of the IAVAT are participants. Their support and assistance must be given to the Section President for them to achieve the degree of excellence which will be required to be a winner in the program.


The Illinois Farm Bureau® & Affiliates Youth Education Committee, in cooperation with the Illinois Association FFA are the sponsors of this program.

/ Preparing Tomorrow's Agricultural Leaders

Competing in the Program

The entry form (pages 1-9) contains duties, responsibilities, and standards of excellence which must be completed to be a winner in the program. The entry form lists sixty-five such items plus areas for listing additional significant activities. Each of the items on the entry form is a duty or a standard that each Section President should complete or have a goal to attain while serving their term of office. The entry form is completed by checking whether or not the duty was completed (by deadline date) and/or how well the task was completed.

The completed entry form must be sent to the Illinois Farm Bureau, Attn: Donna Gallivan, Youth Activities Department on or before the close of business on March 15, 2015.


Judging will be completed at the Youth Conference and applications will not be accepted at Youth Conference. The judging committee will consist of members of the Illinois Farm Bureau® & Affiliates Youth Education Committee. All ties will be broken by the judging committee.


The ten Section Presidents with the highest cumulative point total will receive the Outstanding Section President Award at the State FFA Convention.

A trip to the Illinois Farm Bureau® and Affiliates two-day “Premier 20” Leadership Conference will be awarded to the top ten (10) Section Presidents who indicate their availability to participate. This conference will be held Wednesday evening, April 22, and run through Friday, April 24, 2015, at the Illinois Farm Bureau® Corporate Headquarters in Bloomington. Travel expenses of the winners who attend the leadership conference will be their own responsibility. The Illinois Farm Bureau® and Affiliates will pay all other necessary expenses—conference registration, food, lodging, etc.

Special Note: Once the applicant has attended the conference as a winner or an alternate through the Illinois Association FFA or the Illinois 4-H program, they are ineligible to participate in the conference again. They are, however, still eligible and encouraged to compete for the Top 10 Section Presidents’ Award Designation.

Additional Duties

The following additional duties of office for Section Presidents (events & reports) will occur after the March 28 deadline of this award program. These events/reports will not score points in this contest but are listed here because they are duties of the Section Presidents.

1. IFB® & Affiliates Youth Conference / 6. District Public Speaking Contest
2. Spring Officers’ Meeting / 7. State Foundation Awards
3. Section Agricultural Mechanics Contest / 8. Section Foundation Banquet
4. Chapter Award Program Judging / 9. State FFA Convention
5. Award Program Reports (5)

2014-15 FFA Section President Award Application.doc A

2014-15 Illinois FFA Section Presidents’ Award Program

Name: / Email Address:
Home Address: / College Address
City, State, Zip / City, State, Zip
Home County: / College County:
Home Phone / () - / College Phone / () -
Mail Correspondence to: / Home College / Best time to reach you by telephone:
Section / Total # of Chapters / Signature
Section President

Section I – Leadership Meetings and Other Duties - (Maximum of 230 Points)

Events or Activities Attended Date Completed


A. State & National Level

1. New State Officer Orientation

2. July State Officer Meeting

3. FFA Leadership Camp

4. FFA Barnyard at Illinois State Fair

5. September State Officer Meeting

6. National FFA Convention

7. Winter State Officer Meeting

8. State FFA Alumni Annual Meeting

9. Ag Legislative Awareness Day

B. District and Section Level

1. S.T.A.R. Conference

2. Section FFA Officer Meeting(s) (#, average # attending )

3. Section Reporter Activities (Check those the Reporter attended/conducted)

Published Section Newsletter(s) (# of issues )

Submitted articles to State Reporter (# of articles )

4. Section IAVAT Meetings

Number Held Number Attended If no, why?

5. Chapter visits (# Chapters # of Administrators )

6. State FFA Degree Interviews

7. Section Proficiency Awards Judging

Did you attend the Judging? Were Section Interviews Conducted?

8. District Proficiency Awards Judging

9. Section Leadership Training School

Fall Program

Spring Program (Scheduled Date)
Section I (Continued) FFA Section

Date Complete


10. Other District or Section Leadership Programs


Section II – Required Reports

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 60 Points – 10 pts each)

Required reports due by deadline or one (1) day following contest. (If you did not submit the report, see your IAVAT Chairman for the date submitted.)

1. Land Use Contest

2. Parliamentary Procedure

3. Preliminary Program of Activities

4. State FFA Degree Report Form and Applications

5. Section Proficiency Awards

6. Section Public Speaking and Creed Speaking

Section III – Completed Standards of Quality

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 70 Points – up to 10 points each)

Indicate the total number of chapters in the section

To calculate “% of Chapters,” divide the number of chapters participating by the total number of chapters in the section.

2014-15 FFA Section President Award Application.doc Page 5 of 11

Indicate # of chapters and the % that it represents of the

total chapters within your section. (Information comes

from the ‘CDE’ Reports submitted to the state office.)

1. Chapters submitting preliminary Program of Activities

2. Chapter participation in Foundation Collection Drive

3. Chapters that have active/dues paying FFA Alumni

4. Chapters participating in 212º Conference

5. Chapters participating in Section LTS

6. Chapters represented at the Ag Communications Summit

7. Chapters conducting a member recognition program/banquet

Use this space to explain each item in Sections I, II or III on this application that you marked as “NA” not applicable. (Examples: weather conditions)

# of Members / # of Chapters / % of Chapters

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Section IV – Contests/Activities Participation FFA Section

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 130 Points – up to 5 points each)

Indicate the total number of chapters in the Section

If contest is not held, place “N/A” in “Date Held” column. (Information comes from the ‘CDE’ Reports submitted to the state office) / Did You Attend Yes/No / Date Held / # of Members / # of Chapters / % of Chapters
1. Land Use C.D.E.
2. Parliamentary Procedure C.D.E.
3. Novice Parliamentary C.D.E.
4. Section Agronomy C.D.E.
5. Public Speaking C.D.E.(s):
a: Prepared Speaking
b. Extemporaneous Speaking
c. Creed Speaking
6. Section Dairy C.D.E.
7. Sect. Ag Busin. Management C.D.E.
8. Section Livestock C.D.E.
9. Section Fair(s):
a. Livestock
b. Grain
c. Ag Mechanics
d. Ag Science
10. Ag Mechanics C.D.E.
11. Dairy Foods C.D.E.
12. Horticulture C.D.E.
13. Forestry C.D.E.
14. Horse C.D.E.
15. Meats C.D.E.
16. Poultry C.D.E.
17. Agricultural Sales C.D.E.
18. Ag Issues C.D.E.
19. Food Science C.D.E.
20. Job Interview C.D.E.
21. FFA Quiz/Knowledge Bowl
22. Other

Section V – Intent to Participate/Standards of Section Quality FFA Section

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 105 points)

A. Encouraging Participation in:

These activities will not be completed by the deadline date of this entry form. Therefore, report the method of promotion (newsletter, website, etc.) you used for each activity along with the accomplishment date for each method of promotion. (35 points)

(3 points) (2 points)

Method of Promotion / Date of accomplishment
1. Illinois Farm Bureau® & Affiliates’ Youth Conference
2. State entry in National Chapter Award contest
3. Heritage Program
4. Cooperative Activities Program
5. SAI Grants
6. State FFA Convention
7. Washington Leadership Program
8. FFA Leadership Camp
9. Outstanding Chapter Reporter Award Application
10. Outstanding Chapter President Award Application
11. Harvest for All Program

FFA Section

B. Motivation/Participation: In narrative form (in the space provided), describe what you did during the past year to

motivate members and encourage participation regarding the activities listed previously in this application.

(Give specific examples) (25 points)

C. Team Work: In narrative form (in the space provided), describe how you developed a strong section officer team and explain how that factors into your section’s successes and failures. (Give specific examples) (25 points)

Section VI – FFA Promotion

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 50 Points – up to 10 points per event)

In the space provided, please describe up to 5 of your efforts to promote the FFA during your year as a Section President. Examples may include: FFA week activities, news publications, TV/Radio interviews, workshops, community activities in which you were representing the FFA or other items not previously listed.

(List similar activities only once!)



FFA Section

Section VII – Additional Significant Meetings, Contests, or Other Events Attended

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 50 Points – up to 10 points per event)

In the space provided, describe up to 5 of events (meetings, contests, or others) that you participated in for a possible total of 50 points. The judging committee will determine which items (meetings, contests, or other events) are significant and, therefore, earn points. Examples: Computer CDE, speak at chapter banquet, Courtesy or Press Corps at National, State FFA Degree Workshop, or other items not previously listed.

(List similar activities only once!)



Section VIII – Narrative FFA Section

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 120 Points)

A. Priorities: In narrative form (in the space provided) describe what were your section’s top 3 priorities for this year, what made each important, and how you met them. (Give specific examples) (40 points each/120 points total)

1. Leadership: Explain your role in planning/conducting the leadership activity that had the greatest impact on your

section. (i.e. LTS, Greenhand Workshop)

2. Personal Growth: Explain your role in planning/conducting the leadership activity that had the greatest impact on your

section. (i.e. Officer Retreat, Speakers, etc.)

3. Career Success: Explain your role in planning/conducting the leadership activity that had the greatest impact on your

section. (i.e. Career Fair, CDE’s)

Section IX – Personal Development FFA Section

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 42 Points)

A. It is expected that you have acquired many leadership skills throughout your FFA career. In narrative form (in the

space provided) describe how you have utilized those skills to serve your home and community.

(Give specific examples) (21 points)

B. In narrative form (in the space provided) explain how you foresee using the leadership skills you have developed in

the future. (Give specific examples) (21 points)

Section X – Professionalism, Cooperation, and Citizenship FFA Section

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 125 Points)

Judge's Section Only: Points will be awarded based on the applicant’s professional attitude, conduct, and cooperativeness throughout their term as Section President.
Judge's Section Only: Score Section I
Judge's Section Only: Score Section II
Judge's Section Only: Score Section III
Judge's Section Only: Score Section IV
Judge's Section Only: Score Section V
Judge's Section Only: Score Section VI
Judge's Section Only: Score Section VII
Judge's Section Only: Score Section VIII
Judge's Section Only: Score Section IX
Judge's Section Only: Score Section X

Availability to Participate in the Award Conference

This will not have any effect on the judging of your application, or in the determination of the Top 10 Section Presidents. Prior to completing this section, please check with your parents, school advisor, administration, instructors, athletic coaches, or anyone else you need approval from so that your participation information is accurate.

Yes, if selected, I will be able to participate in all or the majority of the Premier 20 Leadership Conference.
Indicate your attendance plans:
Please note, participants will not be allowed to leave the conference and return. Once a participant leaves the conference, they will not be allowed to return.
Entire Conference (Estimates times: 6 p.m. on Wed., April 22 – Noon. on Fri., April 24
Wed. evening, April 22 – Thurs. evening, April 23
Thurs. a.m., April 23 – 1 p.m. Fri., April 24
Other- Please describe:
Please indicate your size in either an adult male or female polo shirt size: (check one only)
No, I will not be able to participate in the Premier 20 Leadership Conference.

Signature of Section President

Additional Comments or Suggestions Regarding This Program

(This Section is worth a Maximum of 0 Points)

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