Corporate action notice

specific decisions made by the board of directors of the issuer

1. General information
1.1.Full legal name of the issuer (name for nonprofit organizations) / Public Joint Stock Company Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company
1.2.Short legal name of the issuer / PJSC KTK
1.3.Issuer’s registered address / 650000, Kemerovo region, the city of Kemerovo, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 4
1.4.Principal State Registration Number of the issuer (OGRN) / 1024200692009
1.5.Taxpayer’s Identification Number of the issuer (INN) / 4205003440
1.6.Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registering authority / 11330-F
1.7.Internet page address used by the issuer for disclosure of information /
2. Content of the notice
Quorum of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the issuer: Items NN4-5– quorum 5 out of 5 Board members, Items NN1-3, 6-9 – quorum 3 out of 3 Board members uninterested in the transactions.
Contents of the decisions made by the Board of Directors of the issuer and the voting results on the items on the agenda:
Approval of interested party transactions:
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into guarantee agreement between PJSC KTK and PJSC Sberbank to secure performance of obligations by AO Kaskad-Energo (the Borrower) under the General non-revolving framework facility agreement with the limit of 127000000 rubles and maturity period up to 29.10.2020.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into guarantee agreement between PJSC KTK and PJSC Sberbank to secure performance of obligations by AO Kaskad-Energo (the Borrower) under the General revolving framework facility agreement with the limit of 15000000 rubles and maturity period up to 29.10.2020.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into guarantee agreement between PJSC KTK and PJSC Sberbank to secure performance of obligations by OOO Kuzbasstoplivosbyt (the Principal) under Agreement for issue of bank guarantees with the limit of 50000000 rubles to be given up to 05.10.2020.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into additional agreement to the Interest bearing loan agreement between PJSC KTK (the Lender) and KTK Polska» Sp. z o. o. (the Borrower).
Pursuant to subparagraph 15.7 of the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by the Issuer of Securities (approved by the Order of the Bank of Russia No 454-П dated 30.12.2014) essential conditions of this transaction shall not be disclosed until execution thereof.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into the Interest bearing loan agreement between PJSC KTK (the Lender) and OOO Kuzbasstoplivosbyt (the Borrower).
Pursuant to subparagraph 15.7 of the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by the Issuer of Securities (approved by the Order of the Bank of Russia No 454-П dated 30.12.2014) essential conditions of this transaction shall not be disclosed until execution thereof.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into the Interest bearing loan agreement between PJSC KTK (the Lender) and OOO NTK (the Borrower).
Pursuant to subparagraph 15.7 of the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by the Issuer of Securities (approved by the Order of the Bank of Russia No 454-П dated 30.12.2014) essential conditions of this transaction shall not be disclosed until execution thereof.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 N 208-ФЗ On Joint Stock Companies to give consent to settlement of interested party transaction by the Company - entering into the Interest bearing loan agreements as amended by additional agreement to be made between PJSC KTK (the Lender) and OOO Kuzbasskaya Energokompaniya (the Borrower).
Pursuant to subparagraph 15.7 of the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by the Issuer of Securities (approved by the Order of the Bank of Russia No 454-П dated 30.12.2014) essential conditions of this transaction shall not be disclosed until execution thereof.
Voting results: FOR – 3 votes, Against – none, Abstained – none.
Date of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the issuer, at which corresponding decisions were made
: 27 November 2017;
Date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the issuer, at which corresponding decisions were made: Minutes No 2/12 dated 27 November 2017.
3. Signature
3.1. General Director ______E.V. Alexeenko
(signed by)
3.2. Date 28 November 2017 seal/stamp