Field Experience/Intern Type

Child Welfare Training Program


Working with the Child Welfare Training Team, you will assist the Lead and Co-Facilitators in providing formal relative and fictive kin families with Foster Kinship’s child welfare training program. This program includes Kinship Information Sessions, foster parent licensing classes, and curriculum for children in foster care. Furthermore, you will acquire the knowledge, tools, and resources to strengthen the partnership with Foster Kinship and Department of Family Services (DFS) to help families receive the following:

  • Financial Resources: Upon completion of the licensing classes, families are provided with financial support from the Department of Family Services.
  • Community Connection: Families are connected with community resources to increase knowledge and supportive programs.
  • Emotional Support: Families have access to free support groups, caregiver education classes and family events through Foster Kinship.

What will you learn?

This field experience program will assist meeting your goals through your main objectives of your course such as:

  • Direct Client Contact
  • Community Presentation
  • Foster Parent Licensing Process
  • Partnerships within the Community
  • Community Resources


You will work with and be supervised directly by a member of the Facilitation Team that includes:

  • Alison Caliendo – Executive Director
  • Madison Sandoval-Lunn – Training Program Manager
  • Nani Garrett – Lead Facilitator
  • Leah Dods – Lead Facilitator


Hours will vary but classes will be scheduled Monday through Friday 5:30 PM- 9:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 AM-5:30 PM. For Week 1, your hours will be scheduled M-F 10 AM-4 PM.

Week 1 – Learn about Foster Kinship such as the intake process, schedule time to attend a DFS info session and support group.

  • Kinship orientation with Executive Director
  • Review website, read books and articles related to kinship
  • Shadow a Lead Facilitator in their Family Advocate role

Week 2 – Continue learning about Foster Kinship

  • Learn distinction between formal and informal families and associated services
  • Begin assisting lead facilitators and learning the class materials

Week 3 – 5 – Understanding how your story fits in with kinship licensing classes

  • Complete at least five kinship licensing meetings
  • This does not have to be one entire class, however make sure you have seen at least meetings one through five, once
  • Continue assisting facilitators and learning the class materials

Week 6-10 – Training to Co-Facilitate

  • Begin taking sections of the curriculum to facilitate
  • Continue assisting facilitators and learning the materials

Week 10-15 – Co-Facilitate a Class

  • Work as a co-lead with a lead facilitator to facilitate an entire 5-week course start to finish