Fraud Awareness - Protected Disclosures
The information in this brochure is designed to assist you to recognise what is fraud and corruption and what to do about it.
1What is fraud and corruption?
Fraud is a dishonest or deceptive act that causes a loss or a disadvantage to another.
Corruption is abuse of a position of trust for personal gain or an act that is contrary to the interest of Council.
Common examples are:
- Theft, embezzlement, misappropriation of Council assets including cash
- False claims for reimbursement
- False claims on time sheets
- Forgery or alteration of documents
- Collusive tendering
- Unauthorised use of Council assets or equipment
- Misuse of position to gain personal advantage
- Sale or use of Council information for personal gain.
Fraud and corruption is a criminal offence.
2What is my responsibility?
The Council, employees, contractors, volunteers and agents of Council have a responsibility to act with honesty and integrity, and to safeguard the public resources for which they are responsible.
Fraud/corruption reduces the resources available for programs, grants and services. Nillumbik is committed to protecting its finances, properties and intellectual rights from any attempt to gain personal or other advantage by deception.
Your cooperation is essential to the success of Council's fraud prevention and detection program.
Do the right thing.
3What can I do? Report it
You are encouraged to report incidents or suspected incidents of fraud/corruption to either your Supervisor, Manager, General Manager, CEO or Council's Protected Disclosure Coordinator or IBAC directly.
Disclosures can be made verbally, in writing and if necessary can be anonymous, and will be kept confidential.
4Will I be protected?
Council and all parties have a responsibility to keep the disclosure confidential and will take all reasonable steps to protect your identity.
It is a criminal offence to disclose information relating to a Protected Disclosure.
You should also take reasonable steps to protect your identity and the disclosure.
5What happens next?
The matter will be referred to Council's Protected Disclosures Coordinator for initial assessment.
The Protected Disclosure Coordinator will then pass the matter onto IBAC who have the responsibility to investigate and assess Protected Disclosures.
IBAC may pass the disclosure onto another agency, such as the Ombudsman or Victoria Police.
Further information can be found in Council's Protected Disclosure Procedure.
6Information for managers and supervisors
You should make yourself familiar with Council's Fraud Policy and Protected Disclosure Procedures on Sonic.
If you receive information on fraudulent or corrupt conduct then you should immediately report the matter to Council's Protected Disclosure Coordinator for an initial assessment.
Once reported, do not investigate any incident or suspected incident or take any further action unless specifically instructed to do so by the Protected Disclosure Coordinator, CEO or General Manager Corporate Services.
All disclosures are treated as strictly confidential.
If your disclosure involves a Councillor, you must contact BAC directly
Independent broad-based anti-corruption commission (BAC)
Level 1, North Tower,
459 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone:1300 735 135
7Policy statement
Nillumbik Council is committed to preventing fraud in the workplace extending to corruption and bribery through:
- Implementation of effective preventative measures including awareness training to minimise the risk of fraud.
- A commitment to detection, investigation, reporting and responding to cases of fraud.
- Respecting the rights of individuals having regards to the Charter of Human Rights and/or the right to confidentiality under the Protected Disclosures Act 2012.
Any employee, contractor, subcontractor and agent suspected of fraud will be treated fairly and afforded natural justice should any investigation be necessary.