HELD ON 31st August 2016

Attendees: / Maragret Ferguson (MF)
David Wilkins (DW)
Nicola Cameron (NC)
Lesley Robertson (LR)
Hazel Willox (HW)
Claire Alexander (CA)
Claire Young (CY)
Emily Wilson (EW)
Anne Wilkins (AW
Darren Robertson (DR)
Frances Rowe (FR)
Valerie Mitchelle (VM)
Paula Stewart (PS)
Allan Denny (AD)
Shona Bloice (SB)
Michelle Duffy (MD)
Michelle Murphy (MM) / Apologies: / Janelle McDonald(JM)
Heather Shepherd (HS)
Grant McLean (GM)
Ann Marie Bridger (AB)
Item / Discussion / Action / Action Date /
1. / Welcome (DW)
David welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanked everyone for attending.
2. / Resignation of previous Committee
As per the constitution all members resigned
3. / Brief explanation of what the roles are in the committee
All previous committee members gave a brief description of their role.
4. / Election of members
Chairperson - David Wilkins (seconded by Emily Wilson)
Vice Chair – Nicola Cameron/Valerie Mitchell
Treasurer – Nicola Cameron
Secretary – Michelle Duffy
Purchaser – Lesley Robertson/Claire Alexander
School Uniform – Hazel Willox
5. / Treasurer’s Report (NC)
Fundraising for 2015/16 was in excess of £12K
Profit and loss statement and fundraising statements attached.
Easyfundraising – more parents to be encouraged to join the scheme. Suggested that a monthly draw with a prize of £25 M&S vouchers to encourage all parents.
Accounts to be audited / NC/DW
6. / Head Teachers Report (MF)
HT welcomed new committee and thanked all attending. The school receives a lot of support from our parents in all areas of the school ie bikeability, toast rota, library, football, trips, sports day, class room help etc. The school relies on PSA contributions especially in the current climate. This year the school received a budget of £10,921 for the full academic year, this is to cover, jotters, paper, library, books, paint, pencils, glue the list is endless. The school received a small budget of £298 for repairs and maintenance and £350 for telephone calls. Last school year with some creative accounting and our DHT teaching instead of being out of class the money saved went to purchasing new carpets for the school, freshening paintwork and adding some structures to classes.
Agreed Funds for this year :
Art resources - £1544.29
Science resources - £250.00
Ipad minis (13) – one per class including nursery - £2340.00 (discount price through the council) – it was suggested that we may be able to source a different make cheaper however we would receive the technical support through Aberdeenshire Council if we purchased from them – agreed
P7 – Absafe trip - £216.00 plus £140.00 Coach hire)
NC raised cheque for above.
This year the school would like to buy:
More P1 construction toys
Picnic benches for the front of the school – AD suggested that he would be able to help in this matter and will discuss with MF
7. / Setting Dates
Sponsored Walk – Monday 19th September 2016
Sponsor Forms to go out to all pupils
Marshalls required for the event
Ice Lolly treat for all
Dress as you Please - Friday 7th October – Chocolate donation for Christmas Fayre
Email to all parents
October Disco – Thursday 27th October 2016
P1 disco (including both Hillside classes) 5pm – 6pm
P2 – P4 6.15pm – 7.15pm
P5 – P7 – 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Flyers to go home week beginning 3rd October
Snacks and juice to be purchased for the event
Christmas Fayre – Friday 25th November 2016 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
Spring Fayre 20 May 2017
End of Year Disco – 15th June 2017 / MD
8. / Fishermoss Talent Night
Meeting re talent show in Fishermoss staffroom 1st September - it was agreed that the talent show to be held Friday 3rd February 2017 / LR
9. / Discos – Haloween & Summer
DJs to be booked for Halloween as above timings
It was agreed no masks or balloon drop for the P1 disco and sweets and juice to be given at the end / NC
10. / P7 Year book
GM to advise
11. / Christmas Cards
Currently being done by all classes, Donna Gibb is collating and taking forward
12. / Ideas for Christmas Fayre
David Wilkins - Stall Co-ordinator
Darren Robertson – Raffle Co-ordinator
Tombola Co-ordinator – it was agreed to hold a dress as you please day 7/10/16 for a donation of chocolate.
PSA Stall Co-ordinator – Nicola to speak with Sharon Burr and Sarah King re last year and if they are willing to do this year
13. / AOB
Bikeability – As we are struggling for volunteers NC asked if the PSA could help with cost of trainers however bikeabiility is a volunteer role.
Santa – Nursery and P1 receive a gift from Sanata each year it was agreed that Hillside classes are to be included and the PSA will purchase their gifts.
Sanatas grotto – it was suggested that the current P4 classroom be used for Santas grotto this year as it has an enter and exit door.
It was agreed that the PSA would join with the PIP group for 2 x cinema nights held at the Academy (28/10/2016 and 17/12/2016) It is understood that we would pay half the cost and sell half the tickets (money for Fishermoss PSA) Nicola to co-ordinate with PIP . / NC

Date of next Meeting Wednesday 5th Ocotober 2016 at 7pm

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