Woodthorpe Community Primary School Lewis Road Sheffield S13 8DA

City Community Learning Trust


Newsletter September 2011

Welcome back!!

We hope that you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing Summer break and are looking forward to another exciting and happy year at Woodthorpe. A very warm welcome to all the new members of our school community including our new staff – Mrs Barnes (FS Teacher), Miss Morley (Y4 Teacher) and Mrs Lechniak (Teaching Assistant in Y3). In addition we wish to welcome our new parents and carers and most importantly our new children. We hope you will be very happy at Woodthorpe.

School Improvements

You will notice that we have been very busy over the Summer break improving our school. Work has begun on the memorial garden and very soon the children will be asked to contribute to this. Also the dining room has been re furbished providing a welcoming environment for our children to eat their lunch.

Uniform / PE Kit

A reminder that our school dress code is: dark blue sweatshirt; dark blue polo shirt; dark trousers or skirt; dark shoes. For full details and to order school uniform please ask Mrs Twelvetrees at the school office. In addition to this we have introduced a PE dress code this term. This will consist of a light blue T – shirt and black shorts. Children will have an outdoor PE session each week when they may wear track suits, especially in the colder weather. Each child will be given a new ‘Woodthorpe PE’ T – shirt, when they need a new one these too can be purchased from Mrs Twelvetrees. We suggest your child leaves their PE kit in school during term time ensuring it is always available if required.

New Website

In order to improve communication we are in the process of building an exciting new website!! This will contain important information about school as well as details of forthcoming events. It will also be an opportunity to share our successes with a wider audience. For this reason we will regularly use photographs of our children. If for any reason you do not wish us to use images of your child for these purposes please inform your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. We will let you know when the site is up and running and look forward to your feedback!

Disabled Parking

Please give consideration to the disabled community if parking in the school car park and leave the two parking spaces allocated for disabled parking free.

Dinner Money / Milk Money

Dinner money will be £1.98 per day (£9.90 per week) and the milk will be £8.40 for this term (September to Christmas)

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 20th September – Photograph Day

Friday 21st October – school closes for half term

Monday 31st October – Inset day/Tuesday 1st November return to school

Thursday 15th December – school closes for Christmas

Once again welcome back. We are really excited and optimistic that this year will be highly successful for all our learners. Thanks for your continued support and, as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns,

Dave Smith - Headteacher

Working in Partnership with Woodthorpe Development Trust