Operations / OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER AWARD / Date Revised: 11/08/2015
Date Created: 11/20/14
#PR11-001 / Procedures / Date Reviewed: 11/08/2015


In 2003, the Outstanding Volunteer Award was initiated to recognize someone who has made a significant contribution to amateur golf in Northern California. The nominee may be a man or a woman, and does not need to be a member of WGANC. This award is presented at the WGANC Annual Meeting in December.

Purpose: To provide a process and guidelines for the Vice President when selecting and presenting her committee’s recommendation for Outstanding Volunteer award recipient to the Board of Directors for their consideration and vote.


During the year, the President should market the outstanding Volunteer Award to encourage nominations.


The Vice President selects the Outstanding Volunteer Award Committee (preferably one Director from each class). The Vice President is the chair of the committee of 2-3 Directors.


At the Area Meetings, nominees for the Outstanding Volunteer Award are collected and given to the Vice President At a meeting of the committee the Nomination Forms will be reviewed along with the accompanying recommendations. The committee will select a nominee to recommend to the Board.


At the October Board meeting, the Vice President presents the nominees for this award and the committee’s recommendations to the Board for discussion and voting.

The Vice President notifies the award recipient and invites her and guests to the Annual Meeting. The Vice President ascertains from the recipient who he/she would like to present her with the award. This person is also invited to the Annual meeting to introduce her.

The office orders the award with the recipient’s name.

An article should be written by the VP or the nominating person for the Annual report. Also, request an electronic picture from the winner.


The office sends out the invitations to the Annual meeting to the Outstanding Volunteer Award recipient, the presenter and guests. These guests are seated at a special table.


The Outstanding Volunteer Award is presented at the Annual Meeting.

WGANC Outstanding Volunteer Award

2014 Nomination Form

In 2003, the Outstanding Volunteer Award was initiated to recognize someone who has made a significant contribution to amateur golf in Northern California. The nominee can be a man or a woman, and does not need to be a member of WGANC. The award will be presented at the WGANC Annual Meeting on December 8, 2014.

The criteria for nomination are:

·  The nominee has given his/her time and talent in support of women’s or junior girl’s golf in Northern California

·  The nominee is respected in the Northern California golf community

·  The nominee has made a significant contribution in promoting amateur golf in Northern California

·  The nominee has made a significant contribution to the game of golf in addition to the services to their own club community

·  May be awarded posthumously

·  WGANC Directors are eligible two years after completion of their term

·  A minimum of one letter of recommendation supporting the nominee’s qualifications

Past Outstanding Volunteer Award winners have been:

2003: Annette Reynolds

2004: Nancy Gapinski

2005: Karen Dedman

2006: Sheri Erskine

2007: K.C. Coté

2008: Lynn Jansen

2009: Sally Tomlinson

2010: Gail Rogers

2011: Lynne Gangi

2012: Cathy Ley

2014: Fran Weber

2015: Shirley Gahm

Outstanding Volunteer Nominee: ______

Nominator’s Name: ______

Nominator’s Club: ______

Nominator’s Address: ______


Bring your completed nomination form, with letter(s) of recommendation attached, to the Area Meeting

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