REPORT 2003-2004


Included here are written materials and links to further materials from the six WSDC Executive Working Groups for the term 2003-2004, between the Lima and Stuttgart tournaments.

All materials may be found via:

Further reporting will be given verbally at the World Council meeting in Stuttgart.

2004 – 2005

Elections will be held at the WSDC in Stuttgart for the 2004-2005 term. As always, the success of our joint initiatives between tournaments depend entirely on the energy put into them by volunteers. We would very much encourage any adult member of the WSDC community to consider standing for election or joining a Working Group as a volunteer. Information on the election procedure may be sought from the Returning Officer or, before that person appointed, from Mark Gabriel, Executive Committee Secretary.

David Pritchard, Chairperson

Trevor Sather, Vice-Chairperson

Mark Gabriel, Secretary


The Language Working Group for 2003-4 has been chaired by Katrin Viru.

Since the last championships, the group has tackled the issue of recognising English-as-a-second-language (ESL) and English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teams at WSDC. Currently the WSDC Rules do not make any differentiation between the two.

Since 1989, there has been a steady increase in the participation of the countries where English is not the mother tongue. It is generally accepted that teams for whom English is their second or foreign language face a much greater challenge participating in WSDC than teams made up of native English speakers.

Funding is a key issue for all teams participating in WSDC. The fact that the possibility of winning the championships is far more remote for teams who are not from native English speaking countries is a further barrier to obtaining funding for them. It makes it more difficult for teams from existing non-English speaking participating countries to continue getting the funding necessary, and also makes it more difficult to attract new countries to get involved.

The existing ESL award is one incentive that these countries have. However this award has tended to be dominated by countries where English is the main medium of instruction within the education system (even though it is not the official or most commonly used language within the country). Countries where English is taught only as a foreign language subject within the education system have not faired particularly well in the annual battle for the ESL award at WSDC.

In order to give such countries a greater incentive and help them attract potential sponsors by being able to say that they have a realistic chance of success, the Language Working Group is proposing a split in the existing ESL award into two separate awards for the best performing ESL and EFL teams.

This proposal will be put to the World Council meeting in Stuttgart.


This Working Group has been chaired by Christopher Erskine.

The Working Group has essentially functioned since the last championships as two separate groups, focusing on Adjudication and Motions respectively.

The two groups have produced very detailed reports, containing several recommended changes to the Rules and Judges Notes, which will be put to the World Council Meeting in Stuttgart. The reports have been circulated via the WSDC mailing list, and is also available over the WSDC website at:

Also available at this web page are the results of some ‘focus group’ testing conducted by Daragh Grant, asking current and past WSDC participants their opinions on a range of issues.


This Working Group has been chaired by Sue Wenzlaff.

A number of drafts towards a Convenors’ Handbook have been prepared over the past few months.

The latest version is to be circulated during the 2004 championships Stuttgart.

Learning Materials

This Working Group has been chaired by Janet Webster.

The Learning Materials Working Group undertook an extensive review of the rules regarding materials that teams use when preparing for impromptu debates. A postal ballot was held regarding this issue in December-January. The result of the ballot was that no change was made to the existing rules for the 2004 championships. However a further proposal on this issue will be put to the World Council meeting in Stuttgart.



This Working Group was chaired by Andrew Kenning.

The Finance Working Group has continued to explore the intention to seek charitable status according to the terms set out in the last Incorporation Proposal that was sent out to the Executive before the tournament in Lima. The Working Group have also continued efforts to secure various forms of long-term sponsorship for the tournament via the establishment of several useful contacts. The most tangible products are:

  • The production of a refined Incorporation Proposal and the recommendation that we seek to incorporate in the UK;
  • The development of the alumni database;
  • The development of a productive dialogue with British Airways and the securing of an offer of discounted flights;
  • The establishment of links with companies interested in developing links with the tournament in exchange for sponsorship packages;
  • The completion of a draft sponsorship proposal and the recruitment of a specialised debate-funding consultancy as partners in search for sponsorship.
Issues Arising From the Second Year of the Executive

Incorporation in the United Kingdom remains the Finance Working Group’s recommendation. As a group, we strongly believe that an incorporated body benefits from having a number of key personnel in one country who can meet, co-sign and take action. The arguments for the UK’s centrality and the number of experienced WSDC personnel living there still hold true. The Working Group also looked at the need for certain rule changes to facilitate a freer and more effective means of dealing with finance related issues as they arise; the election of someone to the post of Treasurer would also be useful here. Another suggested appointment is that of a Legal Officer or, perhaps, of a sub-committee of the Finance group responsible for overseeing the incorporation process and the protection of our intellectual property rights.

The nature of future sponsorship deals has also been considered. Ideally, a company that is willing to commit its support to the tournament for a 3-5 year period could sponsor WSDC in its entirety, reducing or obviating the need to raise sponsorship locally and allowing Convenors to concentrate on the more appealing elements of organisation. Is it more likely, however, that parts of the tournament and its related activities (e.g. the website) will be offered for sponsorship. It may be easier to market bite size chunks rather than the entire menu.

The protracted negotiations with British Airways and the 2004 organising committee’s arrangement of a separate deal with Lufthansa demonstrated the need for regular and clear communication between the Finance Working Group and the host country. Should WSDC wish to appoint an ‘Official Carrier’, a mechanism for this appointment should be agreed by the Council. Likewise, should efforts continue to raise tournament sponsorship at an international level, then great care and attention must be given to the relationship between and authority of the Council, the Executive and future hosts in this area.


The Finance Working Group has made an informal and temporary partnership with Debate Chamber, a London-based consultancy specialising in corporate communication skills and fundraising for debate projects. Debate Chamber has agreed to develop a sponsorship strategy for WSDC on a no-win, no-fee basis. They will work closely with the Finance Working Group and Alumni Officer and through them report to the World Council.

A draft of the first sponsorship proposal is available at:

We urgently need more data on the ‘reach’ of WSDC, i.e. how many schools, students and debate clubs our competition is publicised to in each country. A questionnaire will be circulated at WSDC 2004 by the Finance Group on behalf of Debate Chamber.

Neill Harvey-Smith, Debate Chamber
Trevor Sather, England


The Finance Group has spent two terms considering the thorny nature of incorporation of WSDC as a charity, and we believe that efforts should be made to pursue this in the United Kingdom for four reasons. (1) We believe that setting up in one country, with a view to incorporating and registering trademarks in other countries later is more realistic than incorporating worldwide at first. (2) The concentration of WSDC personnel in the UK allows a far larger number of people to be involved on the ground than in any other country. (3) The legislation for charitable donation, and the proliferation of top companies, in the UK make it a more logical choice than some other countries in consideration. (4) Incorporation in Europe allows us to apply for funding throughout the European Union (although we would see future registration in the USA as a next step).

We have closely considered the possibilities of a partnership with IDEA and discussed the same with them. There does not seem to be any particular benefits from a formal merger or partnership – we would have to pay our own way, conform to IDEA’s administrative procedures and not receive any support in administering tournaments – but both parties feel that continued and improved liaison and cooperation is worth pursuing.

Approval is sought from the World Council to continue this work in our recommended direction. An official request for approval, including first-draft rule change proposals, is available at: .

Spencer Steadman, England


Preliminary negotiations have opened between the Finance Committee and potential individual and institutional investors over short-term sponsorship for development of the website. No agreement is being sought for longer than one year at first, to allow complete freedom for larger sponsorships to be sought. However it is agreed that an extensive development of the website and particularly the alumni section would greatly aid the overall fundraising efforts.

The basic sums being sought are 3,500 GBP for redevelopment (including a graphical redesign, new logo if required, overall rehaul of text, alumni discussion boards and a standardised online registration facility for future tournaments) and 1,500 GBP per annum for hosting and maintenance, including an upgraded database and periodical e-newsletters to alumni.

These sums are at cost only, based on our short-term development needs. Accordingly any sponsorship should not preclude additional sponsorship being raised and acknowledged on the website.

Any Council member with ideas for developing the website should contact James Brimble () or with ideas for funding its development Andrew Kenning ().


As of 20th January 2004, we have collected 538 names in the WSDC Alumni Database – most volunteered and the rest entered from past participants’ lists. The latter have the opportunity to update their profile if they log onto the site and many have in fact done so after finding their own ‘empty’ page via Google.

While this approach has been very successful, it will not allow us to trace everyone and we very much need individual member countries to help the effort by tracking down and providing us with e-mail addresses for their debater, coach and judge alumni.

116 of those who attended Peru 2003 have joined the database or updated their previous profile to show they attended that year – just over half of the actual attenders. There is clearly a lot to be done by individual countries to publicise the Alumni programme if we are not to lose touch with WSDC participants.

Initiatives to give “added value” to members of the Alumni programme can include: (a) regular (at least annual) e-newsletters, after each tournament, including information, anecdotes, results and photos; (b) discussion boards for each past tournament allowing alumni to share memories and photos; (c) improved methods of tracking alumni such as country alumni officers with shared access to the database etc.

We very much hope that all countries will ensure the participants in WSDC 2004 are signed up to the Programme. Ultimately the aim is to create a list of potential future fundraisers and donors who will be able to support the tournament in years to come. Efforts to harvest the work done so far will start, in cooperation with Debate Chamber, immediately after the 2004 tournament.

Daragh Grant, Ireland
Alumni Officer

Airline Deals

In line with a request made at the last World Schools’ Council meeting, I began to investigate the possibility of securing some form of sponsorship deal with British Airways almost immediately upon my return to Kuwait in August 2003. Initially, I consulted Mr. Bill Dixon, my contact person here, about this possibility and was advised to take up the matter with a Mrs. Aruna Sethi-Bal at BA’s Head Office in London.

Key Dates and Events

October 9: Detailed submission, including tentative offer of a reciprocal arrangement, sent to BA. Indication of offer being sought also sent via Netpals.

October 13: Expression of interest in supporting WSDC from Aruna Sethi-Bal in response to my e-mail of October 9.

October 9- November 11: Expressions of interest from Israel, Bermuda, Australia, Argentina, Malaysia, Canada, Hong Kong, United States, Greece, England, Wales, Peru, Portugal, Indonesia, Ireland. All of these were forwarded to BA as and when they arrived.

October 30 – E-mail requesting urgent action sent out. 15 replies, some from individuals, some from countries.

October 31: Mrs Sethi-Bal indicated that she was preparing an offer. This e-mail was forwarded.

November 1: Details of the Lufthansa offer were received.

November 27: Details of BA’s offer received and forwarded.


  1. The Organising Committee of every WSDC event should liaise with the Finance Working Group on its fund-raising activities. This would prevent mix-ups like the one created by the Lufthansa counter-offer.
  2. Any deal struck with the Executive on behalf of the World Council should not be binding in its nature. The status of Official Carrier can be given to an airline or airline alliance but it should not preclude any country from negotiating a better deal for itself.
  3. The Finance Working Group should continue to pursue the One World option. In discussions that I have had with BA’s representative in Kuwait and its Financial Controller for the Middle East, I have been encouraged by the positive things that they have had to say about the likelihood of a deal being struck. In the event of an agreement being reached, I have been told that BA/One World would seek “a selection of exclusive contracted options for branding/marketing in relation to the conference/event”.
  4. In the event of a One World or another Official Carrier being appointed, therefore, the organising committee should ensure that it is recompensed through effective advertising and marketing of the event and its sponsors. Airlines outside any sponsoring organisation should not be allowed this privilege, no matter how generous their sponsorship of a participating country.

Andrew Kenning, Kuwait
Chair, Finance Group

Recommendations and suggestions for future activity / priority

  1. Gain Council backing of the recommendation to carry out the incorporation process in the UK and for a set of rule changes that will allow the Finance Committee greater room to manoeuvre. These changes include the suggested appointment of a Treasurer.
  2. Begin negotiations with British Airways/One World on a possible flights package for 2005 and, if possible, 2006.
  3. Continue to look for other sponsorship opportunities.
  4. Continue Alumni Project by contacting previous WSDC participants and asking them to assist with our fundraising efforts.

Information Technology

This Working Group was chaired by James Brimble.

Area of Work / Outcome of work (such as change of rules, publication etc) / Required resources (such as people carrying out task or any financial implications) / Justification (such as agreed Council policy or contributing to a certain aim of the WSDC) / Timescale/s (including intermediate milestones if appropriate)


/ Logo to be used on WSDC publicity material / Designer / Transfer onto web-site. Ideally no financial implications with the support of Trevor Sather. / To create a stronger image as a distinct event/organisation. To enhance recognition and sponsorship. / Deadline for schools competition December 2003. In place April 2004.
Alumni database / Database of Alumni contacts to be up-dated / Members of the IT working group (Daragh Grant) to continue to encourage all to sign up! / To create a stronger network of individuals to assist in the work of the WSDC and to promote the event. / On going
Partnership development / Each working group to provide a report of the requirements needed from the IT working group to manage their own set of pages (Hosting information (registration) / Adjudication (tabbing)/ Sponsors-Finance / Learning resources (downloads and links)/ Language. IT working group to assist in the planning and costing of any initiatives by that working group. / The Chair or appropriate member of the IT working group to liase with the other working group chairs. / To ensure that we dovetail with the requirements of the other working groups and that IT developments incorporate and take account of the needs of the other working groups. / On going
Discussion boards/pages debaters, alumni, coaches, judges involved in World Schools / Report on the feasibility of discussion boards/pages for debaters, alumni, coaches, judges, teachers, schools. / Resources and ease to be investigated by a member of the IT working group / To enhance and expand the existing role of the WSDC and to extend the WSDC community beyond the confines of the actual taking place of WSDC. / Report produced by February 2004.


A competition was launched via members of the Wales Schools Debating Championships Council and via the web-site (see Appendix 2). The response generated was limited and with the assistance of Square Eye Ltd a number of logos have been devised for approval. The intention that the web-site will be re-branded in light of the needs of each working group.