WHAPLit Unit 1 Calendar – Foundations, 8000 BCE – 500 CE

August 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
9 / 10 Introduction
-Syllabus and course website
-Cornell note-taking
-Literary Roundtable/Peer Editing Groups
-Hand out and discuss Unit 1 RIHLA assignment
-HW: Look over RIHLA, complete webquest and “Personal History” CCOT / 11Course Overview
Lecture #1: “What and Why is World History?”
-Discuss Carr’s text
-Reading journal
-HW: read about Paleolithic era & complete SCRIPTED chart, work on RIHLA
R: webquest and PH CCOT due by 3:30 / 12 Human Origins to the Paleolithic
-Video BWH U3 “Human Migrations”
-Discuss Clan of the Cave Bear in light of HTRLitLAProf
-Go over SCRIPTED charts
-DA: “Paleolithic Cave Painting”
-HW: read, complete 2nd column of SCRIPTED chart for Neolithic & color-code SIMs and DIFFs, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 2-18 / 13 Neolithic Revolution
-View Guns, Germs and Steel Episode 1: Geographic Luck
Lecture #2: “The Neolithic Revolution”
-Go over SCRIPTED charts, discuss initial SIMs/DIFFs, stamp
Begin WHFUA: Big Era 3, PTU L2 “Farming: Pros and Cons”
-HW: read, work on RIHLA / 14 Neolithic Revolution
-DA: “Venus Figurine” or “Map of Catal Huyuk”
Finish WHFUA: Big Era 3, PTU L3: “Who is Civilized”
View Legacy Episode 1: Iraq, The Cradle of Civilization
-HW: complete study questions (SQ) #1-10, add to journal, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 18-20
“The Ancient World” (p. 2-13); “Descent of Inanna” & “Epic of Gilgamesh” in Bedford (p. 23-39; 55-91) / 15
16 / 17 Mesopotamia (Sumer)
-DA: “Mesopotamian Creation Story”
-Discuss readings
Lecture #3: “What is a Civilization?”
Begin WHFUA: Big Era 3, LTU 3.3: “River Valleys and Complex Societies in Afroeurasia”
-Hand out field trip permission slips
-HW: read and annotate/do questions in journal, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 21
“Law in Ancient Society” in 32 Problems (p. 22-26) / 18 Mesopotamia (Babylon)
-View“Ancient Bablyon Damaged” (NatGeo)
-Discuss Law in Ancient Society
Continue WHFUA: Big Era 3, LTU 3.3
-HW: read and annotate/do questions in JOURNAL, complete A&A “Early Egyptian Art,” work on SQ #1-10 for RIHLA
Stearns: p. 20-22
“3 Mortuary Texts” in A&O (p. 18-22) / 19 Ancient Egypt
Finish WHFUA: Big Era 3, LTU 3.3
-View Legacy Episode 4: Egypt, The Habit of Civilization
-Discuss reading and A&A, stamp
-Begin SCRIPTED for Egypt
-HW: complete SQ #1, 3-6, 8, 9 for RIHLA
Stearns: p. 23-28; 30-31
“India: The Timeless Worlds…” & “China: The Ancient Way…” in Bedford (p. 1323-32; 63-73) / 20 Ancient India and China
-DA: “Stamp Seal” or “Mohenjo Daro”
WHFUA Big Era 4, LTU 4.2 L1&2 “Emergence of Complex Societies in East Asia”
-C&C chart and thesis template
-HW: complete 2ND column of SCRIPTED for any other Ancient Civ., begin to transfer info to C&C chart; review Ancient American cultures PPT; work on SQ #1-10 and #2-8 for RIHLA begin reading for LR#1
“Writing and Power” in Weisner-Hanks et al. (Ch. 2) / 21 Ancient American
-DA: “Olmec Giant Head”
WHFUA: Big Era 3, LTU 3.5: “Early Complex Societies in the Americas”
-Go over example C&C chart
-Discuss thesis statements
-How to C&C
-HW: finish C&C chart, read for LR#1, complete SQ #1-6 for RIHLA
R: FT permission slips due by 3:30
“Writing and Power” in Weisner-Hanks et al. (Ch. 2) / 22
23 / 24 Field Trip
Field Trip to Carlos Museum (Emory)
-HW: complete FT reflection, finalize C&C chart, read for LR #1, work on RIHLA
“Writing and Power” in Weisner-Hanks et al. (Ch. 2) / 25 Literary Roundtable #1
Topic: “Writing and Power: Defining World Views”
-Stamp FT reflections
-HW: prep essay, work on RIHLA / 26Ancient Civilizations C&C or
Timed C&C essay
-HW: read, complete “Foundations/Ancient” Timeline, review F/A “Snapshot” and complete Macro CCOT for “Ancient” period, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 32-37 / 27 Classical Period Overview
-Stamp Ch. 1 notes
-Debrief LR #1
-Go over Timeline and Macro CCOT chart
Lecture #3: “The Classical Period in World History”
Stearns: p. 38-41; 45-49
“Confucius and The Annalects” & “Lao Zi and the Dao de Jing” in Bedford (p. 1591-1610) or excerpts from Hogan’s “Tao Te Ching” / 28 Confucianism/Daoism
-DA: “Daoist vs. Confucian”
-Discuss readings
WHFUA: Big Era 4, LTU 4.2 L3 “According to Master Kung” or CTU 4.2.1 L2 “3 Main Belief Systems of China”
-HW: complete SQ #1&2 for RIHLA
Stearns: p. 56-62; 64-68
“Intro: India…” in Bedford (p. 1323-1330) & “The Rig Veda” in A&O (p. 42-46) / 29
30 / 31 Hinduism
-Go over religions chart entry for Confucianism
-Conduct Hinduism/Caste Activity and/or
-View “Hindu vs. Hindu: Caste Violence in India”
-Discuss activity/movie in light of readings
-HW: complete SQ #9 for RIHLA, continue religions chart
“Buddhist texts…” in Bedford (p. 1543-47), “A Challenge to Caste” & “The Path to Enlightenment” in A&O (p. 70-73)
September 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 Buddhism
-View BWH clip on “Buddhism” in U7 “Spread of Religions”
-DA: “The Dhammapada”
WHFUA: Big Era 4 CTU 4.4.1 L1 “The Life of Buddha” & CTU 4.2.1 L3 “Spread of Buddhism”
-Hand out materials for 2004 DBQ “Buddhism in China”
-HW: complete SQ #7, 8, 10 for RIHLA, continue religions chart, work on DBQ prep, read and annotate for journal
Stearns: p. 111-116
“The Ancient Hebrews” in Bedford (p. 127-33), “Genesis” & “Christianity” in A&O (p. 140-49; 196-203) / 2 JudaismChristianity
-DA: “Gospel of John” and/or “Pliny on Christians”
WHFUA: Big Era 4 LTU 4.1 L6 “Judaism and Hinduism”
-View BWH clip on “Christianity” in U7 “Spread of Religions”
-HW: continue religions chart, work on DBQ prep, read and annotate for journal, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 76-83; 87-91
“Greece: The Golden Age…” & “Rome: Creating…” in Bedford (p. 247-59; 1157-64); “ Theogony,” “Metamorphosis: The Creation and Four Ages” in Bedford (p. 263-77; 1270-74) / 3 Greco-Roman Art, Religion & Philosophy
-Guest speaker: Dr. Bonna Wescoat (Emory)
-HW: complete SQ #1, 2, 10 and #9 for RIHLA, work on DBQ prep, begin reading for LR#2
Plato “Allegory of the Cave,” Aristotle “On Philosophical Wisdom” in Bedford (p. 1083-89; 1111; 1149-53); “Identity in Caste in Territorial Societies, India and Greece” in Reilly (Ch. 2) / 4Greco-Roman Art, Religion & Philosophy
-DA: “Greek Personal Religion”
Lecture #4: “Evaluating Cultural Change in the Classical Period”
-LAB: Begin “Odyssey Online: Greece”
-HW: finish Odyssey Online, ransfer DBQ info to DBQ chart, prep for essay, read for LR#2, work on RIHLA
“Identity in Caste in Territorial Societies, India and Greece” in Reilly (Ch. 2) / 5
6 / 7
Labor Day
(No School) / 8 Belief Systems DBQ
Timed Belief Systems DBQ
-HW: read for LR#2
“Identity in Caste in Territorial Societies, India and Greece” in Reilly (Ch. 2) / 9Literary Roundtable #2
Topic: “Identity in Caste in Territorial Societies, India and Greece”
-HW: read, work on RIHLA
Stearns: p. 44-45; 49-54
Excerpts from Ch.7 of Traditions and Encounters, 4th ed.; Kautilya “Treatise on Material Gain” and selections from ITW “War, Rulers and Empire” in Bedford (p. 1145-48; 1515-43) / 10 Survey of Indo-Mediterranean Empires
-DA: “Kautilya: Duties of a King”
WHFUA: Big Era 4 LTU 4.4 “An Age of Greek and Persian Power”
-Discuss readings
-HW: complete SQ #1, 2, 4, 5, 7-9 and #3, 4, 6-8 for RIHLA, read and annotate for LR#3
Stearns: p. 83-87; 91-95; 106-11
“Assessing Imperial Authority” in Reilly (Ch. 4) / 11Han and Roman Empires
-DA: Sun Tzu: “The Art of War”
Lecture #5: “The Roman Empire and Han China”
Begin WHFUA: Big Era 5 LTU 5.1 “Centuries of Upheaval in Afroeurasia” L1-3
-HW: complete SQ #4-9 and #1-8 for RIHLA, read for LR#3
“Assessing Imperial Authority” in Reilly (Ch. 4) / 12
13 / 14Han and Roman Empires
-DA: Lao Tzu: “One Who Would Guide a Leader of Men”
Continue WHFUA: Big Era 5 LTU 5.1
-HW: read for LR #3, work on RIHLA
“Assessing Imperial Authority” in Reilly (Ch. 6) / 15 Han and Roman Empires
-DA: Seutonius: “The Life of the Twelve Caesars” and/or Marcus Aurelius: “To Himself”
Finish WHFUA: Big Era 5 LTU 5.1
-Discuss readings
-HW: read for LR #3, work on RIHLA
“Assessing Imperial Authority” in Reilly (Ch. 6) / 16 LiteraryRoundtable #3
Topic: “Assessing Imperial Authority in the Roman Empire and Han China”
-HW: read and annotate, work on RIHLA
“Silk Roads or Steppe Roads” in BWH U9, R#3 and/or Ch. 12 in Traditions and Encounters, 4th ed. / 17 Trade in Afroeurasia: Connections Across Land
-View BWH clip on “Silk Roads” in U9
Lecture #6: Silk Road: Classical Period Contacts”
-Along the Silk Road L1/2/4* from “Silk Road Project”
-HW: read, annotate and complete mental map of Afroeurasia
Gilbert’s “Introduction to the Indian Ocean World; Shaffer’s “Southernization:” excerpts from Periplus of the Erythraean Sea / 18 Trade in Afroeurasia: Connections Across Water
-View BHW clip on “Indian Ocean World” in U10
-DA: “Trade in the Indian Ocean”
-Discuss “Southernization” thesis, the Periplus & critique mental maps
-HW: complete SQ on “Southernization” work on for RIHLA, read and annotate
Stearns: p. 72-73; 102-03 / 19
20 / 21Trade in Afroeurasia: Nomads and Cross-Cultural Exchange
WHFUA: Big Era 3, LTU 3.4 L2 “Interactions Between Pastoral Nomads and Settled Peoples”
-HW: work on Classical Era Timeline, review Classical Era “Snapshot” and complete Macro CCOT for Classical Era, work on RIHLA, begin studying for exam / 22Review Unit 1
Lecture #7: “The Decline of Classical Civilizations”
-Review for exam
-HW: finish RIHLA / 23 Assess Unit 1
Unit 1 Exam
Unit 1 RIHLA/”In the World” Due
Stearns: Ch. 6 / 24 Rise and Spread of Islam
Stearns: Ch. 7 / 25 Rise and Spread of Islam (Abbasid and Umayyad Caliphates)
Stearns: Ch. 8* / 26
27 / 28 Rise and Spread of Islam (African Grasslands and Swahili Coast)
Stearns: Ch. 10; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” and/or Weisner-Hanks et al. Ch. 6 “Vikings and Ploynesians” / 29Latin West and Vikings
Stearns: Ch. 10; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” and/or Weisner-Hanks et al. Ch. 6 “Vikings and Ploynesians” / 30Latin West and Vikings
Stearns: 9
October 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 Byzantine Empire and Schism
Stearns: Ch. 9 / 2Byzantine Empire and Schism
Excerpts from Weisner-Hanks et al. Ch. 7 “Two Faces of ‘Holy War’” / 3
4 / 5Crusades
Bentley: Ch. 12*, 22* / 6Trade in Afroeurasian: Connections Across Land (Silk Roads) / 7Trade in Afroeurasia: Connections Across Land (Trans-Saharan)
Bentley: Ch 16 / 8Trade in Afroeruasia: Connections Across land (Indian Ocean)
Bentley: Ch. 16 / 9
Staff Development Day (No School) / 10
11 / 12
Columbus Day
(No School) / 13Trade in Afroeurasia: Connections Across Water (Indian Ocean) / 14Timed CCOT or DBQ
Stearns: Ch. 12 / 15Renaissance & Reunification in China (Sui, Tang, Song)
Stearns: Ch. 12 / 16Renaissance & Reunification in China (Sui, Tang, Song)
Stearns: Ch. 13 / 17
18 / 19Sinification (Japan, Korea and Vietnam)
Stearns: p. 286-87 / 20Comparative Feudalism (Japan v. Europe)
Stearns: Ch. 8; Bentley Ch. 19 / 21Africa and the Dar-al-Islam (Sudanic Empires)
Stearns: Ch. 8; Bentley Ch. 19 / 22Africa and the Dar-al-Islam (Swahili Coast)
Stearns: Ch. 14; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” or Wesiner-Hanks et al. Ch. 9 “The Mongol Impact” / 23Mongol Imperium
Stearns: Ch. 14; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” or Wesiner-Hanks et al. Ch. 9 “The Mongol Impact” / 24
25 / 26Mongol Imperium
Stearns: Ch. 14; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” or Wesiner-Hanks et al. Ch. 9 “The Mongol Impact” / 27Mongol Imperium
Stearns: Ch. 14; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 11 “Raiders of Steppe and Sea” or Wesiner-Hanks et al. Ch. 9 “The Mongol Impact” / 28Mongol Imperium
Bentley: Ch. 22 / 29Cross-Cultural Interactions: Traveler’s Accounts (Maro Polo and Ibn Battuta)
Bentley: Ch. 22; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 12 “The Black Death” and/or Weisner-Hanks et al. Ch. 13 “Facing the Black Death” / 30Cross-Cultural Interactions: Disease
Bentley: Ch. 22; excerpts from Reilly Ch. 12 “The Black Death” and/or Weisner-Hanks et al. Ch. 13 “Facing the Black Death” / 31
November 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 Cross-Cultural Interactions: Disease
Stearns: Ch. 11 / 3Pre-Columbian Americas (Maya)
Stearns: Ch. 11 / 4Pre-Columbian Americas (Aztec) / 5Pre-Columbian Americas (Inca) / 6Review Unit 2 / 7
8 / 9 Assess Unit 2
Unit 2 Exam
Unit 2 RIHLA/”In the World” Due / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
22 / 23 / 24 / 25
Thanksgiving Break (No School) / 26
Thanksgiving Break (No School) / 27
Thanksgiving Break (No School) / 28
29 / 30
December 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Finals / 18
Finals / 19
20 / 21
Winter Break / 22
Winter Break / 23
Winter Break / 24
Winter Break / 25
Winter Break / 26
27 / 28
Winter Break / 29
Winter Break / 30
Winter Break / 31
Winter Break
January 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Winter Break / 2
3 / 4
Winter Break / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
17 / 18
MLK Jr. B-Day
(No School) / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
February 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
President’s Day Observed (No School) / 13
14 / 15
President’s Day Observed (No School) / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
March 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
28 / 29 / 30 / 31
April 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3
4 / 5
Spring Break / 6
Spring Break / 7
Spring Break / 8
Spring Break / 9
Spring Break / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
25 / 26
Review / 27
Review / 28
Review / 29
Review / 30
May 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
2 / 3
Review / 4
Review / 5
Review / 6
Review / 7
Review / 8
9 / 10
Review / 11
Review / 12
Review / 13
AP Exam – 8am / 14 / 15
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
30 / 31