Minutes of a Meeting of Cornwood Parish Council

Tuesday 6th December 2016 at the Community Room, Church Park.

Present / Chairman: / T Brown
Councillors: / Mrs P den Hollander (Vice Chairman), T Offer, B Mundell, M Hawkes, R.Yarnold, C Munford, Mrs R Bonney
Clerk: / Maureen Haynes
Public / One

Open Forum

No issues raised

1216/01 / Apologies / County Councillor Hart
1216/02 / Minutes / Minutes for the meeting held on the 1st November 2016 were confirmed and signed
1216/03 / Declarations of Interest / Cllr Yarnold works under the TAP scheme
1216/04 / Report of County Representative – Councillor John Hart
Nothing to report
1216/05 / Report of District Representative - Councillor Bill Hitchins
South Hams – No decision yet on the Local Authority Trading Company. A new site inspection protocol for the Development Planning Committee has been introduced.
Dartmoor – There was a lively exchange of views at the National Park Forum. The Park launched the Moor Otters Public Arts Initiative. One hundred pieces of art will be displayed in and around Dartmoor, during the summer of 2017, after which they will be auctioned off to raise funds for the Park. Awards were given for the Junior Rangers Scheme which had been very successful.
1216/06 / Police Report
The council was pleased that a member of the local police force attended in place of James Brokensha, our local PCSO. There were no crimes to report. The officer agreed to pass on the Council’s concerns (see minutes 01/11/2016) about the stinger training at Fardel.
1216/07 / Matters Arising
540 / Highways Matters
There are potholes in Newtown. / Clerk to report
2489c) / TAP Fund
Contractors have tidied up the areas around the Village Hall and Public Toilets. It was agreed to apply for TAP Fund money for training to write a Local Plan. / Clerk to apply
2666b) / Public Conveniences
Donation box has been installed. No update on completion of the sale. / Clerk to chase
2688a) / Recreation Areas
Nothing to report.
2816b) / Disabled Access to Church
The Chairman and Clerk met the highways representative and church warden at the church. The kerb can be lowered and Devon CC will carry out the work but not till the spring. The Council can apply for Locality Funding to meet the cost.
2820a) / Housing Survey
Nothing to report.
2820b) / Survey of Current State of Public Rights of Way
Nothing to report
1016/09a / Energy Champions
Nothing to report
1116/08a / Village Hall Wi Fi
Depending on the package chosen, quotes ranged from £1800 – £2800 for two years. It was agreed to establish the level of need for Wi Fi before taking this further. / Clerk to liaise with Preston
1116/08e / Cooption of Councillor Haynes
Proposer – Cllr Hawkes Seconder – Cllr Yarnold
1216/08 / Chairman’s Time
a / Yew Trees
Council agreed to give a grant of £100 towards preservation of the trees in churchyard. It was agreed that the council would pay the total cost as they can claim the VAT back. The church would reimburse the Council.
b / Wassailing
The Council agreed to fund the cost of the celebration – approximately £100.
c / Expression of Thanks
The Chairman on behalf of the Council would like to thank Tim Saunders for clearing the verges.
Thank you also to Cllrs Munford, Mundell, Yarnold and Offer for their efforts to put up the Christmas tree and lights in the Village Square.
Thank you also to Delamore Estate for providing the tree and to Adrian Dawe for lending equipment to erect the tree.
1216/09 / Planning Applications
0498/16 - Dormer extension at Hazel Lodge, Bond Street, Cornwood. Approved
0582/16 - Single storey extension. Supported
0626/16 – Erection of shed for storage of equipment. Supported
1216/10 / Reports of Representatives
No reports
1216/11 / Footpaths
Nothing to report
1216/12 / Correspondence
No correspondence to discuss
1216/13 / Works
See Minute 2498c
1216/14 / Finance
The budget and precept demand was agreed.
1216/15 / Payments
The following payments were authorized
Payee / Goods/Service / Amount (£)
Maureen Haynes / Salary + expenses (£341.34), Travel (£44.10), Christmas light supplies (£23.90) / 409.34
South Devon Rural / Room hire / 15.00
DALC / Clerk’s training / 80.00
M Cooper / TAP works / 270.00
R Yarnold / TAP works / 177.00
J Miller / Planting pots / 116.12
L Owen / Planting pots / 34.87
Cllr Brown / Travel / 45.00
Cornwood Inn / Refreshments (Chairman’s allowance) / 105.25
Cllr Munford / Xmas Lights / 250.33


Payer / Goods/Service / Amount (£)
Devon CC / Locality Funding / 2000.00


Tuesday 7th February 2017 at the Community Room, Church Park at 7.30 pm

Signed …………………………………….. Date ………………………………..

Minute No …………………………………


06122016 Minutes