Questions for Pre and Post test for Soil Temperature Investigation:

Put the Investigation question on the board.

Read the following questions and have students answer from the options below each question.

In an investigation that answers the question

Which location, under the bushes or on the open grass, has the highest soil temperature 5 cm below the surface?”

1. What is the measured variable in this investigation?

  1. Location
  2. Time of day
  3. Soil temperature

2. What is a variable kept the same in this investigation?

  1. Taking soil temperature 5 cm below the surface
  2. Location at which temperature was taken
  3. Temperature of the soil at each location

3.What is changed to make a comparison (changed variable)?

  1. Location
  2. Time of day
  3. Soil temperature

4. What type of tool is needed to collect the information for the data table?

  1. Clock
  2. Ruler
  3. Thermometer

5. Squash and cucumber seeds sprout later in the spring than spinach seeds because they need what kind of soil?

  1. Fertilized soil
  2. Warmer soil
  3. Dryer soil

6. What provides plants outdoors the energy to produce food for themselves?

  1. Soil
  2. Water
  3. Sunlight

7. What would help make this investigation a fair test?

  1. Everyone measuring the soil temperature 5cm below the surface
  2. Everyone finding the best location to take soil temperature
  3. Everyone practicing taking soil temperature

8. Why is it important to do at least 3 trials when conducting a fair test?

  1. To let everyone have a turn measuring
  2. To make sure your data is correct
  3. To practice taking data

9. Fast Plants get their light energy from:


10. Plants outside get their light energy from:

11. Where does the water come from when Fast Plants are grown inside?


13. Where does the water come from for plants growing outside?


14. What 2 things do seeds need to sprout?


Rubric for Pre and Post Test

Exemplary Responses for Pre and Post student Test

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B

9. Fast plants get light energy from;

  • Fluorescent, grow lights, light system or lamps
  • May get additional light from the sun, if grown near a window

10. Plants outside get their light energy from:

  • Sunlight

11. Where does the water come from when Fast Plants are grown inside?

  • People watering them
  • Watering system

Note: would like students to state or imply that people provide the water for plants grown indoors

12. Where does the water come from for plants growing outside?

  1. Rain
  2. People watering them
  3. A hose/sprinkler etc.
  4. Groundwater

13. What 2 things do seeds need to sprout?


2.heat or warmth

Pacific Education Institute and Seattle Public Schools 2009