Winter Conference January 25-27, 2010

Wynfrey Hotel

Hoover, AL

Summer ConferenceJune 28-30, 2010

Grand Hotel

Point Clear, AL

ACCMA MISSION: To advance professional management within Alabama’s local governments and support the professional development of its members.


City and County Managers and Administrators

Clerks and Department Heads

County Commission Chairpersons & Commissioners

Mayors and Council Members

GOAL: To provide quality programs that will benefit local governments throughout Alabama.


The ACCMA Sponsorship Program offers companies the chance to participate in ACCMA events and network with local government managers and elected officials. Companies may choose to sponsor a specific conference event or become a general conference sponsor at either or both conferences.

Additional Benefits of Sponsorship:

  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign, directory, and website
  • Complimentary ad in ACCMA Membership Directory (see Sponsorship flyer)
  • Invitation to exhibit at annual Conferences (see Sponsorship flyer)
  • Listing on ACCMA Website (see Sponsorship flyer)
  • Complimentary registrations (Value $200.00 each)


See enclosed Registration Form. Amounts shown represent sponsorship for events at each conference and for both conferences (10% discount). Events may be mixed, i.e., Reception at Winter Conference and entire Summer Conference, etc.

Contact Mignon Bowers at 256-777-6701 or for additional information. ACCMA appreciates your continued support of our programs by all its associated companies. We look forward to a successful year in 2009.

Sponsorship of Specific Events at ACCMA Conferences


  • One (1) complimentary registration for company representative to attend one conference.
  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign, directory, and website.
  • Invitation to exhibit at sponsored ACCMA Conferences.

Continental Breakfast$500

  • One (1) complimentary registration for company representative to attend one conference.
  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign, directory, and website.
  • Invitation to exhibit at sponsored ACCMA Conferences.

President’s Luncheon$750

  • Two (2) complimentary registrations for company representatives to attend one conference.
  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign/banner, directory and website.
  • Listing on ACCMA Website.
  • One (1) complimentary business card size ad in ACCMA Membership Directory or one (1) complimentary quarter-page ad if sponsoring at both conferences.
  • Exhibit table at sponsored ACCMA Conferences.
  • Electronic mailing list of conference attendees.

Opening/Closing Events$1,000

  • Three (3) complimentary registrations for company representatives to attend one conference.
  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign/banner, directory, and website.
  • Listing on ACCMA Website.
  • One (1) complimentary quarter-page ad in ACCMA Membership Directory or one (1) complimentary half-page ad if sponsoring at both conferences.
  • Exhibit tablet at sponsored ACCMA Conferences.
  • Electronic mailing list of conference attendees.

Sponsorship of Entire ACCMA Conference

Conference Sponsors$2,500

  • Four (4) complimentary registrations for company representatives to attend conference.
  • Recognition on conference program and packets, sign/banner, directory, and website.
  • ACCMA Conference Sponsor Banner at all Conference events.
  • Listing on ACCMA Website.
  • One (1) complimentary half-page ad in ACCMA Membership Directory or one (1) complimentary full-page ad if sponsoring at both conferences. Full-page ad on Directory Covers (inside front, inside back, back cover) as available.
  • One (1) complimentary exhibit at sponsored ACCMA Conference.
  • Electronic mailing list of conference attendees.

Alabama City/County Management Association

Conference Sponsorship Program 2010

Registration Form

Yes, please sign us up to Sponsor the following ACCMA Conference events:

(Indicate which conference(s) you want to sponsor: W = Winter, S = Summer, B = Both.*

_____Breaks$500 _____ W_____ S $900 _____B

_____Continental Breakfast$500_____ W_____ S $900 _____B

_____President’s Luncheon$750_____ W_____ S $1350 _____B

_____Opening/Closing $1,000_____ W_____ S $1800 _____B


_____Conference Sponsors $2,500 _____ W_____ S $4500 _____B

*10% Discount if both conferences are sponsored.

Please complete form completely and sign it below. Information will be used on convention program, packets, signs and banners; ACCMA Membership Directory; and ACCMA Website.

Company Name: ______

Representatives Name(s):______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone: ______Fax______Email______

Signature: ______

(Signature Required)

Exhibit Booth ______Yes ______No ______Electricity (Extra charge)

Please return form and check (payable to ACCMA) to:


c/o Mignon Bowers, Executive Director

22343 Monterey Drive

Athens, AL 35613

RESERVE YOUR SPONSORSHIP TODAY by email to or by fax to 256-232-3092!