Resilience Empathy Confidence Aspiration Enquiry

Key concept/question: / Key Skills / Key outcome overall / Key competencies to keep in mind
Journeys: Where are we going? How will we get there? / Communication
  • Make explanations using appropriate language
  • Use a range of methods to communicate more complex ideas
  • Use talk to develop understanding of ideas by formulating descriptions and explanations; listening to each other and building on their ideas
  • Make simple judgments about how well they and others have worked, with some support.
  • Identify simple things they would do differently next time.
/ To solve problems in order to help Captain Barrow / Relating to others
Communicating well
Managing self
Problem solving
Dates: 7th Sept – 20th Nov (10 weeks) / Topic/Theme: All Aboard
SMSC / RE / PSED / Humanities (Geography and History) / The Arts
  • British Values : Democracy
  • Belief: the children will explore key beliefs and stories within Christianity and Judaism and the special place of story both in their own lives and within the lives of Christians and Jews.
  • New Beginnings: focuses on developing children’s empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.
The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within their community and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. / Geography – Journeys
  • Human and physical features- farm/seaside/town
  • Mapping skills – representing journeys – imaginary and real maps
/ Design & Technology
  • Design, make and verbally evaluate a boat
  • Desert Island art – collage, paint, pastels
  • Artist study – Caroline Appleyard
  • Sea music/rainstorm – using our bodies to make music
  • Singing

English / Maths / Science / PE / Computing
Key aspects of this subject will be covered (see separate planning):
Spoken language
Handwriting - high expectations, correct formation leading to joining
Phonics- across phases as appropriate
Spelling pathways / Key aspects of this subject:
Rigby Units (see separate planning):
Year 1 – Unit 1.1 Number Sense
Year 1 – Unit 1.2 Additive Reasoning
Year 1 – Unit 1.3 Geometric Reasoning
Year 1 – Unit 1.4 Number Sense
Year 1 – Unit 1.5 Additive Reasoning / Animals including humans
  • Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
  • Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
  • Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals
  • Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
  • Gymnastics (Pedpass planning)
  • Dance (Pedpass planning)
  • Outdoor games (Pedpass planning)
  • Rapid Router-algorithms
  • Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
  • Word processing