Mentor Soccer Club

Board Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2015

In Attendance:

Scott Brown

Jeff Petro

Margaret Brown

Len Kosatka

Aldo Lucrezzi

Mark Sobonya

Jim Buchan

Missy Read

Chris Andreano

Shawn Maffit

Marissa Rogenthein

Jim Burke

Chrystal Poling

Amy Freeman

Guest: Leslie Mongelluzzi


Ken Werner

6:03pm call to order.

Meeting Minutes

Chrystal motioned to approve February meeting minutes. This motion is seconded by Aldo. This motion passes.

Finance / Treasurer’s Report

2 quotes received for tax prep. Review at April meeting

New form to be filled out by any person submitting monies to club

Big chunk of player fees still unpaid

Committee Updates


Advertising for Fall season to begin this month

Need permission to hang banners

Summer camp advertising needs to start – dates needed

Newsletter submissions by Thursday, March 12


Met with Gary to discuss Junior DOC job description

Goal keeper training is done and went well

Jim Buchan suggested putting a positive note in the newsletter about how well the club must be doing with players seeing as how other clubs are approaching our players to come play for their clubs

Meeting with Marco, Amy, Missy, Gary and Tony to gather feedback on U5/6 program

Coaching surveys and player evaluations need to be completed

Guest Speaker Leslie Mongelluzzi on Positive Coaching Alliance: this is a program that may include workshops and emails detailing positive initiatives to be used by all club members with the goal of building a positive culture within the club

Rec Report

Rec tournament is scheduled for the weekend of June 6th

G15 girls is invited to a round robin tournament by Tracey Kaczur

All Star weekend is scheduled for weekend of May 30th

Registration for spring session is open

Are we still interested in an inner city meeting? Jeff will email out to see interest

U5/6 is waitlisted – if we had more coaches we could open up spots

Fall registration opens in April

Wave Report

Scheduling has commenced for travel and state leagues. State scheduling is a nightmare

There are 4 teams with Shaker and 7 Mesh teams

Mesh teams will play in a tournament in Dayton later this month

Missy, Ken, Jeff met with Mandy Hart and she is more than willing to hold a clinic with our players

4v4 tournament – still need prizes for big board

Missy is requesting anyone with jerseys that are no longer needed be turned in for younger new players so they wouldn’t have to order a uniform kit

Are jerseys ordered for Mesh?


Field lining needs to start this month. Scott is looking for volunteers and has put together a tentative schedule

Coaches, commissioners, and team managers are needed to help out this season


There may be a shortage of refs this spring, new process is not helping to get refs recertified

New and re-certifications for refs were held at Lakeland last weekend

2012 forms were not completed yet but 2013 were

Old Business

Display case is pretty much done

Intern job description – Ken was going to start on this

New Business

Scholarship information has been posted online

Uniform donation for Mr. Miller is underway

Collection bin for used in good condition equipment at 4v4 tournament

Missy proposed doing a dinner fundraiser for the club next year

The club will send out a survey monkey to gauge interest level

Need field permits with usage until mid-June

Motion to adjourn by Chrystal and seconded by Mark. Meeting adjourned 7:33 pm.

Mentor Soccer Board Member Action Page

·  Jeff Petro will email inner city participants to see if there is interest in meeting

·  Survey Monkey for dinner fundraiser

Calendar of 2015 Meetings:

January 11

February 8

March 8

April 12

May 17

June 14

July 12

August 9

September 13

October 11

November 8

December 13