Music Theory Final Project

Copies of this and all other forms will be on the “I” drive as well as on our SchoolTIES website:

Due: Tuesday, November 25, 2007

Your project will include:

·  Analyzed copy of music including:

o  Note names

o  Chords (letter name and Roman numeral)

o  Intervals

o  At least four cadences labeled with the correct name

·  Piece analysis chart, completed. This should be typed. You may hand-write rhythms or music notation if necessary. You may also cut-and-paste from Finale Notepad or a similar program.

·  Paper including:

o  General description of the piece with references to items on the Piece Analysis Chart.

o  The heart of the piece, with supporting evidence. Include brief outlines of each of the elements of music: Form, Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Timbre, Texture, Expression

o  Historical context of the piece, including a brief biography of the composer, why the piece was composed and for whom, when the piece was composed, where it was composed, 2 or 3 important historical events (non-musical) happening in the same time and place that you feel may have influenced the composer, if there is a story the piece tells and what it is, etc. If you are doing film, television, video, etc. music, you should include what the music is trying to portray on the screen. If the version of the piece that you are doing has changed from the original form, include information about the original and how your version has been adapted. Feel free to include other information as you see fit.

o  Anything else you feel contributes to an understanding of the work.

·  The analysis on your music may be in pencil, but must be legible.

·  The paper should be typed, 12 point font or less, single spaced. It should have correct grammar and spelling.

·  Include sources for all information that originates from outside the score.

·  Remember that this project is 30% of your grade. It should be a culmination of all we have worked on this trimester. The quality of the project will be expected to be up to that standard.