Bridge's “Celebrate Canada” Sports Day Schedule
Students have all been assigned a team colour and number. Show your team spirit by dressing in your team colour and theme!!!
8:20 Student leaders arrive to set up their stations in the field.
All decorated bikes to the gym – please leave your bike at your team colour poster and you must bring your helmet if you are riding your bike.
8:45All students report to classrooms for attendance and review expectations for the day
8:55 All participants in the bicycle parade to the gym.
All other students line up in house teams on the field to cheer on the parade.
9:10 Bicycle Parade! Parents - please join the students outside in the field as they line the parade route around the perimeter of the school. In order to admire the decorating efforts of our students, wheeled vehicles will be walked or ridden slowly.
9:35House Team Cheers!
9:45Pre-school Race! This will be held in the center of the field
9:50Fun Day Stations Commence!
*Each station activity should take about ten minutes. Some adjustments may be made.
*Teams are to be seated at the end of their activity and scorecards sent to the scorekeeper.
*Please WAIT for the announcement/music to move to the next station.
**** BLUE and GREEN move clockwise****
****RED and YELLOW move counter-clockwise****
10:40Watermelon Break – students remain at their fourth station for snack
Teams will send one leader to pick up the snack near the staffroom window
11:00Fun Day Stations Commence- Rotations 5 - 8
12:00 Rotations End
Lunch dismissal – students will go to their classroom to pick up lunchorders
12:05Family Picnic-Style Lunch- Families and students are invited to picnic outdoors. Please encourage all picnickers to use the recycling bins and garbage cans and keep Bridge playgrounds litter free.
12:40End of Lunch - The bell will ring and all students please find their teacher on the field.
12:45Great Human Vacuum- Litter Cleanup of the Field
Tug of War Event
Grade7 /Teacher/Parent Event
1:38Sports Day Dismissal - Remember to collect Parade vehicles from the Gym
- Please remember to wear a hat and use sunscreen.
- Our students are very busy Sports Day participants at the stations, earning team points and trying out new challenges. They are expected to remain with their team and participate in the activities led by our Grade Seven students. Please do not bring snacks to students during the station events. A midmorning watermelon break has been scheduled. Please keep those special treats for your family's lunchtime picnic.
- If your child is leaving with you before the end of the day, please make sure that you inform your child’s teacher.