PTSA Executive Committee Meeting
March 6, 2017
Topic: Executive Committee Meeting
Attendance: Sue Klassen
Tracy Demmo
Kathy O’Conner
Amy Duver
Mary McNamara
Marilyn St. John
The meeting was started at 11:40am.
Used Book Sale: More volunteers are needed to help sort books, set-up the sale in the Springhurst gym and to work the days of the sale. Space for storing and organizing the books continues to be an issue. Springhurst’s maintenance staff is still helping Mariana transport books. There was a general discussion on book sale needs. Mary has contacted in-need schools in the Bronx, they will come and take the books that do not sell.
Nominating Committee: Amy Duver is chairing this year’s committee and their first meeting is scheduled for this Friday. There are 6 positions opening up at the end of this school year. It was explained that last year’s chairperson (Jennifer Polimeno) needs to be consulted. The current president cannot participate in the interview process nor can she make nominations. The current president can be asked about job responsibilities and for her opinion on the process. Only one position of the PTSA Executive Committee can have co-chairs (this year it was the MS VP’s). Kaitlin Frye and Sue Chuang were mentioned as possible nominees.
25th Anniversary and Year End Dinner: The Mead House has been chosen as the location for the party; their fee for the night is $300. General discussion was conducted on catering, type of help needed, how many comped guests and what to charge per person. Distributors and stores (Rochambeau) will be approached about donating beer and wine to the PTSA event. DeCicco’s and the new cater on Ashford will be approached about donating food. A suggestion was made to reach out to other community businesses to donate food and beverages so the PTSA only has to subsidize refreshments. Amy Duver is chairing this event and will put a committee together. Rita Kennedy and Shannon Johnson will be asked to join the committee; Lynne Black and Anna Stearn have asked to be included (all are former members of the PTSA Executive Committee). The question of entertainment came up, the committee will consider the possibility of hiring a small band or combo to play outside once the other costs are budgeted. The event will be held on Friday, June 2 from 7:00pm until 10:00pm. The Mead House is giving us access on June 1st to store supplies and set-up. Anticipated attendance is 100 to 125 people. There was general discussion to start spreading the word about this event.
Discussion on Posting Committee Minutes on Website: We are only required to post General Membership meeting minutes on our website by our bylaws. To make our work more transparent we discussed posting our Executive meeting and Grant Committee meeting minutes. It was decided that an abbreviated version of those minutes would be posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report: The Harlem Wizards game produced a net profit of approximately $11,600; the Hudson Social Mixer showed a loss of a little over $800. The Wizards game continued to be a popular fundraiser; residents voiced their praise for this event. While we did not achieve our goal to break even on the Hudson Social mixer, it was a successful community outreach event. We will explore other locations more willing to work with us for the next community outreach event.
Springhurst Report: This year’s lost & found table is being organized and will be available during the Parent Teacher Conferences. It’s an opportunity for parents to retrieve any articles their child has lost. After the conferences, all remaining items will be donated. The New Family Outreach is being planned and this Friday (3/10) the Kindergarten orientation is being held. Kathy briefed Julia Drake on the Grant Committee’s decisions.
Middle School Report: Neither MSVP was able to attend the meeting
High School Report: Sue Klassen reported that the Scholarship Committee needs to be formed (she cannot participate this year because her daughter is a HS senior). The HS yearbook needs to be looked at and price quotes for the prom transportation need to be researched and decided upon for the students.
Teacher Appreciation: May 1-5 is Teacher Appreciation week, principals will be asked for suggestions. An email will go out encouraging parents and students to send notes/cards of appreciation to teachers. Unless the principals have an alternative plan, the PTSA will provide lunch for the teachers at the individual schools.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:02pm.