January 2015

To: Cheer Clinic Participants and Parents

From: Terita Berry, Denver East High School Cheer Coach

Subject: Cheer Clinic and Performance

Thank you for your interest in participating in the East Cheer Clinic and Game Day Performance!

Please carefully review the information in the packet. We are extremely excited to offer this clinic and look forward to working with you. East High School Cheerleaders take pride in their craft and love sharing their talents. Not only is this a great opportunity for us to connect with young people in the community, but it is also a great time to build interest in the wonderful sport of CHEER!

Saturday’s clinic will be filled with great activities, team building, skill building, technique, cheer choreography and fun! Following the clinic on Saturday, we will hold 1 rehearsal for the game day performance. Both the clinic and the rehearsal will be held at East High School and the game will be played at East High School as well. Details of times and locations can be found on the next page.

Should you have any questions or concerns after reading the included information and instructions, please feel free to contact me using the information listed below. Thanks again for your interest in participating in this year’s clinic.

There is no pre-registration. All participants should bring paperwork and payment on Saturday morning.

Terita Berry

Tel: 720-423-8356
Fax: 720-432-8308


Please Print (Ink Only)

Name: ______ Grade: _____ Age: ____

Student’s Phone: ______Parent Phone: ______

Student Email: ______

Parents’ Names: ______

Parents’ E-mail ______

Name of friend/relative who can be reached if parent/guardian cannot be reached:

Name: ______

Phone: ______

Do you plan to participate in the Game Day Performance? Circle one: YES NO

If no, please provide an address for us to send your clinic t- shirt and certificate of participation:

Address: ______


Please circle the size of T-shirt your junior cheerleader will need– Cost for shirt included in the registration fee:

Youth: S (6-8) M (10-12) L (12-14) Adult: AS AM AL AXL A2XL

Feel free to order additional t-shirts for parents, siblings and friends ($10 each) Use the lines below to indicate your additional t-shirt order:


Check List:

______Medical Release Form

______$25 Registration Fee (Cash or Money Order Only)/T-shirt Size Indicated

______ Completed Participation Information Page

East High School

Cheer Clinic and Performance 2015

Cheer Clinic

When: Saturday, January 17th

Time:8am-Noon (Registration 7:30am-8am)

Where: East High School (enter thru the school’s main entrance)

Panek Gymnasium (Small Gym)

Cheerleaders will be available to escort you to this location.

Note: While parents are welcome to stay, it is highly encouraged that parents register between 7:30am and 8am and pick up at 11:50am. We will have a parent showcase in the last 10 minutes of the clinic.

Clinic Attire: Comfortable attire and gym shoes (shorts, yoga pants, t-shirts, tank tops recommended) NO JEANS!!!

Parking: There are multiple parking options, however it is recommended that you park in the Teacher Lot directly across from the school’s main entrance or on the West side of the Esplanade (along the track and football field).

Game Day Practice

When:Friday, January 23rd 4:30pm-6:30pm

Where:East High School

Dance Room-2nd Floor (back hallway)

Attire: Comfortable attire and gym shoes-NO JEANS!!

Game Day Performance

East Angels Basketball Game

When: Monday, January 26th (Halftime) Approximately 7:30pm

Call Time: 6 p.m.

Where:East High School- Calloway Gymnasium (Big Gym)

Meet in the Panek Gymnasium at Call Time

Attire: Black Shorts or Pants, Clinic shirt and cheer bow (shirt and bow will be distributed at Monday’s practice) and gym shoes- NO JEANS!!

East High School Cheer Clinic
Medical Release Form

This form must be read and signed by the parent/guardian of all participants. Students will not be allowed to register or participate without this completed form.

I understand that by taking part in this or any athletic event, there is a possibility of injury or sickness to my daughter; therefore with this knowledge I give my permission for my daughter to participate in the Cheer Clinic held at East High School. I do hereby grant permission to hospital staff members to administer immediate treatment to my child should she become injured or ill. I also agree to hold harmless and indemnify East High School’s Cheer Coach, cheerleaders, employees and affiliates for any injury incurred as a result of my daughter’s participation in this clinic.
Participant Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Home Phone: ______Business Phone: ______

Insurance Company (Name and Policy#) ______

Any Medicines allergic to: ______

Physician: ______Phone:______