North Hill Medical Group – Patient Reference Group

Present: Dr Sayomi Gunawardena (GP Partner – PRG Lead) Date: 6th December 2011

Glenys Talbot (Practice Manager – PRG Lead)

Dr Kilian Hochstein (GP Partner)

Pat Racher (Nurse Practitioner / Nurse Manager)

Mr Mark Tatham Mrs Dawn King

Mr Harold Stone Mrs Linda McFadden

Mr Allen Toms Mrs Christine Jeffery

Minutes and Action Points /
Ref : / Detail: / Action by: / Due Date: / Date Completed: /
1. Opening
·  Dr Gunawardena opened the meeting at 6.40pm and welcomed everyone to the
Meeting and gave a brief overview of the Agenda for the meeting
2. Review and Agrees Minutes from Previous Meeting
·  West Bergholt Care Network / Parish Newsletter – HS and GT had arranged for
an entry into the West Bergholt Parish Newsletter giving a brief overview of the practice PRG.
·  Accessing other groups – representatives from the group had attended a
meeting as guests at Creffield Road Surgery. A full update was on the agenda for this meeting but agreed look at possibly visiting another surgery in the New Year.
3. Election of Chair / Secretary
·  GT gave the group a brief overview of what would be required of any individual assuming the role of either Chair or Secretary and the importance of a Patient Representative giving the patients ownership and identity within the group.
Mr Ripley who was absent from this meeting had proposed Mr Tatham as a possible candidate. MT agreed to assume the role and vote carried within the members in attendance. There was no-one currently able to assume the of Secretary – GT will continue to care take the role with a view to discuss at the next meeting to ascertain if any of the absent members would be interested in taking over the role in the longer term.
4. Terms of Reference
·  GT had drafted a proposed Terms of Reference for the group. All agreed that
a responsibility to ‘Promote better Patient Experience’ should head up both the practice and Patient representatives responsibilities. HS asked about clarification in the organisation section with regards Deputy Chair person and further members. GT explained that she had included this to accommodate expansion within the group and that these members would only be co-opted as and when required.
·  Once these amendments were made all agreed to implement these as the
Terms of Reference for the group. GT to distribute to all members and publish on the practice website.
5. Meetings Brief – Linda McFadden
·  LM had attended the Creffield Road PRG with SG and PR. This group mainly
comprised of patients over 60 yrs and had been meeting for approx 18 months. They also had a virtual group of approx 50 members. The group was chaired by one of the doctors but a patient representative had taken on the role of Secretary. They appeared to work well together and had helped the practice with the patient survey during their recent flu clinics and also with their impending move to new premises. LM felt there was a ‘warm feeling’ within the group, they meet at varying times to maximise attendance and have recently met monthly due to the forthcoming move. They have also produced a summary of the patient survey.
·  Shaping Future Services Workshop – this was a workshop facilitated by North
East Essex GP Commissioning and NHS North East Essex. The newly published North East Essex Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Clinical Commissioning Group was introduced and explained by the Public health team and that there would be summary document available in January. LM explained that the needs assessment highlighted the following areas:
·  Diabetes
·  Circulatory Disease
·  Mental Health
·  Learning disabilities
·  Maternity
The group split in to four groups covering the main subject areas – Mental Health, Primary Care, Hospital Services and Community Services. Each group was facilitated by a commissioner and was tasked with identifying the five main issues within their subject area. The plan is that the Commissioning Group will take these identified issues forward as their priorities in the current commissioning round. LM gave the group and overview of the four group findings and explained that further events will be held in the coming months to drill down further into the needs and priorities of the community.
6. Patient Survey
·  LM had kindly drafted 2 versions of a possible patient survey and the group
were asked to review and give their thoughts. A number of ideas were discussed surrounding format and frequency, how the surveys were worded and distribution.
·  All agreed that all members would give thought to areas they would like
included in the survey and feedback to GT before the next meeting. GT agreed to compile an initial draft of a possible Patient Survey before the next meeting to enable the survey to be agreed and begin distribution with a view to complete and analyse before end Feb 2012. / All / GT / 01/12
7. AOB
·  DK had noticed that the travel info on the practice website was different to the
packs issued in each surgery and stated that the website version was more appropriate. GT to discuss with management team and update as required.
·  AT suggested that all members share their contact details and GT agreed to
e-mail members attending this meeting as part of a distribution list to enable all members to have access to each others e-mail addresses.
·  DK suggested that results from National Survey is published on the practice
·  SG thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.00pm / GT
GT / 12/11
5. Date, Time and Location of Next Meeting
·  Thursday 19th January 2012, 6.45pm at Nayland Surgery
(Refreshments from 6.30pm)

Prepared by: Glenys Talbot, Practice Manager Page 4 of 4