19 August 2016

Dear All,

Forward Together in Hope – Vicariate Meetings

I am writing to invite you to one of the Forward Together in Hope meetings taking place in each Vicariate as follows:

29 September 2016 7-9pm South Tyneside and Gateshead

St Joseph’s Parish Hall, High West St, Gateshead NE8 1LX

6 October 2016 7-9pm Northumberland – Venue to be confirmed

12 October 2016 7-9pm Cleveland and South Durham

St Augustine’s Parish Centre, Larchfield St, Darlington, DL3 7TG

19 October 2016 TBC Newcastle and North Tyneside – Venue to be confirmed

20 October 2016 TBC Sunderland and East Durham – Venue to be confirmed

This is an open invitation to clergy, Forward Together in Hope lay representatives, parish members and school representatives. The purpose of the meeting is:

·  To provide participants with a brief update on where we are on the Forward Together in Hope journey.

·  To present a vision of what new partnerships could be like.

·  To confirm expectations about the next stages of the process – and the development of partnership proposals.

·  To provide the opportunity for participants to discuss and clarify any specific issues.

If you would like to attend, please register by completing the attached acceptance form and return it to Nancy Gash as soon as possible by post or email to .

If you cannot attend the nearest meeting to where you live, you will be welcome at any of the others.

If possible before the meeting, I would recommend that everyone takes a look at the Exploring the Way with our Neighbours documents recently sent to you. These are also available on the website at www.hope.rcdhn.org.uk/resources/exploringway_neighbours.php.

We look forward to seeing you there.

With every good wish

Rev Jim O’Keefe

Diocesan Development Director

To: Nancy Gash

Department for Development & Renewal

Forward Together in Hope

St Cuthbert’s House

West Road

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE15 7PY

Forward Together in Hope Vicariate Meetings

Dear Nancy,

I would be interested in attending the following Vicariate meeting.

29 September South Tyneside and Gateshead

6 October Northumberland

12 October Cleveland and South Durham

19 October Newcastle and North Tyneside

20 October Sunderland and East Durham

If you are not sure which Vicariate your parish is in you can check this by looking at the church directory on the Diocesan website.

Please see my details below.

Parish / School
Contact Telephone No
Email Address

Please return by post to the address above or email to

Thank you.