The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, February 21, 2012. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Steve Bury, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Leon Baker, Linda Jones, Gerald Reichert and Carrie Sokoloski. Others present included: Treasurer Kathleen Zander, Fire Chief George Lane, Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart, Chief of Police Alan Michaels and Director of Public Works Gary Zuroff. Councilman Matt Hull and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold were absent.
Approve minutes of the February 7, 2012 regular Council Meeting – Bury moved to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2012 regular Council meeting. Second by Dryden and the motion carried.
Recognition of and Proclamation for Dawson 100 Club
Greg Sadorf, from the Dawson 100 Club, was present to receive the proclamation from Mayor Jimison proclaiming February 2012 as Dawson 100 month. Sadorf gave a brief rundown of what the Dawson 100 Club has done in the past for the Fairgrounds and what their future plans are.
Street Committee meeting was held 02/15/2012, the following were present: Rhett Coon, Carrie Sokoloski, Mike Dryden, Gerald Reichert, Jerry Jimison, Gary Zuroff, Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, Wade Humphries and Kelsey Bray.
Yellowstone Industrial Park Minor Sub
Wade Humphries, City/County Planner, presented the Yellowstone Industrial Park Minor Sub Findings of Fact. Some changes have been made to the original plat, to include an alternate drainage plan for Oregon Lane and additional square footage for the turn-around area that’s being constructed as part of the first phase. Recommendation: The committee recommends conditional approval of the Yellowstone Industrial Park Minor Sub based on, and concurrent with, the findings of the City/County Planning Board and Zoning Commission Reviews.
Closure of Bell Street during county courthouse remodeling and construction project - Allen Rapacz, President of Schutz Foss Architects, PC, in Billings, is working on the expansion and elevator project at the county courthouse. The project is going out for bid on Tuesday, February 21. He would like permission to block off part of Bell Street, in front of the courthouse from around March 1, through May. He plans to ask the bidding contractors to include a parking/traffic plan. Recommendation: Committee recommends granting a partial closure of Bell Street, coordinating the traffic/parking plan with Public Works.
Gym Floor – Rec Dept. – Request for ACT Committee
The ACT Committee is planning the Makoshika Basketball Tournament for March 9 through 11, and would like to use the Recreation Department gym. The gym floor will need to be refinished prior to the tournament. Recommendation: Committee recommends the ACT Committee be allowed to use the Recreation Department gym, given the ACT Committee pay $600 toward refinishing the floor and the ACT Committee makes all of the arrangements with Key Janitorial, in coordination with Dean Svenvold at the Recreation Department.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - 4:30pm - 8:00pm
FUPR Committee Meeting
Present: Mayor Jimison, Carrie Sokoloski, Mike Dryden, Gerald Reichert, Rhett Coon, Gary Zuroff, Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, Dean Svenvold, Judge Burman, Wade Humphries, Kelsey Bray, Alan Rapecz with Schutz & Foss Architects.
Carrie Sokoloski: Act Committee vs. Rec Dept. Gym Floor - The Act Committee (as in years past) would like to use the Rec Dept. gym as one of the many courts for their annual basketball tournament. Back in January, Dean Svenvold stated that the court would need refinishing before it would be safe for a tournament. The Rec Dept. currently has not budgeted for the refinishing. The Act Committee paid for half of refinishing the last time it was done in 2009. Mr. Svenvold has for the last 19 years, at 60 to 80 hours per year, donated his and the Cities time to help with the tournament at no cost. This tournament is the only event held at the Rec Gym that the event holder charges the public and event participants a fee to be in or watch. Therefore, Mr. Svenvold felt that the Act Committee should pay for the refinishing of the court. Mr. Svenvold got a quote for $900 - $1000 to refinish. Mrs. Sokoloski and the Act Committee stated that she wished that there had been more communication in the matter and felt the Committee had not been told soon enough of the refinishing. Committee recommends granting use of the gym if the Act Committee could pay $600 towards the refinishing.
Ambulance / City Court Multipurpose Building - Committee discussed in depth to the direction that should be taken for the new building. The current plans from Eagle Rigid Span included an engineered building. There is no civil engineering with those plans which would include soils, water sewer, site drainage, etc. There were other questions as well regarding size and dimension. Judge Burman and Mr. Reichert stated that we should not build something that in a few years is not sufficient. We also have had preliminary cost estimates come in with too wide of margin between them and do not have a precise feel of what this could cost. If we hire an engineer, the engineering firm can address all of these issues and ensure that the project will be done right, if this is what the City really needs. Construction of a new City building downtown that will be around for the next 50 - 100 years needs to be addressed with serious consideration and hiring an engineer for the whole project is prudent. Committee recommends hiring Great West Engineering for preliminary design for Ambulance/City Court/Multipurpose Building.
Jones inquired as to whether the historical aesthetics of the downtown area will be considered in the new building. Coon stated the committee wants to make sure the building fits in downtown. Zuroff stated the preliminary engineering reports will put in the plans anything they are instructed.
Kevin: Four sewer projects SRF funding Mr. Dorwart notified the committee that the projected costs for four sewer projects was $281,000 and has increased to $438,000 due to expanded scopes of work. We currently qualify for $84,000 in SRF loan forgiveness. Committee recommends the City apply for the SRF loan for the four sewer projects with Great West Engineering.
Gary Zuroff: FYI-Engineering proposals for water/sewer projects
Mr. Zuroff presented proposals for 11 water sewer projects from multiple engineering firms. Proposals looked good except Mr. Dorwart had just a few financial questions pertaining to a couple proposals. Committee recommends waiting to approve the proposals until Mr. Dorwart has answers to his questions.
Mayor: FYI-MDU request for franchise renewal
Mayor Jimison presented a request from MDU requesting immediate renewal of their franchise for Glendive. These are 25 yr franchises. The City Attorney is currently looking over the request and the City and Committee had many questions. Committee tabled request until some of these questions can be answered.
Mayor: FYI - BNSF lease agreements
Mayor Jimison presented a communication from BNSF stating that they would like to finalize lease agreements for Our Park and the City Parking Lot. We have not received any answers to the City’s requests to be included in those lease agreements. Committee tabled the request until we hear back regarding our requests with the lease agreements.
Mayor: FYI - New Radio Reads
Mayor informed the committee that most of the new radio read water meters have been delivered and that public works will begin installations. Gary Zuroff stated that the workers will be wearing special blue vests with City signage on them for public awareness.
Mayor: FYI - CTEP Trails Project
Mayor and Mr. Zuroff informed the committee that the RFPs for the CTEP Trails Project are due Friday, February 24th at 5:00pm. The committee will be reviewing the RFPs at our next scheduled committee meeting.
Charles Mohr, 303 North Nowlan, addressed the Council regarding list prices and material purchased from contractors in previous projects by the City. Mohr feels if the City buys the material and tells the contractors what to use instead of the other way around, it would be cheaper for the City. Engineering firms may not like it because they get paid a percentage of the total cost of the project, and when the City purchases their own materials, it would cut the pay for the engineering firms. Mayor Jimison thanked him for his comments.
Warren Werp –Utility Worker position effective 02/22/2012 – Sokoloski moved to hire Warren Werp for the Utility Worker position, effective 02/22/2012. Second by Baker and the motion carried.
Jennifer Bithell – accept resignation as part time City Court Clerk, effective 02/13/12 – Sokoloski moved to accept the resignation of part time City Court Clerk, effective 02/13/2012. Second by Baker and the motion carried.
Request to advertise for Permanent part time City Court Clerk – Bury moved to approve the request from City Court Judge Kerry Burman to advertise for a new part time court clerk. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Bell Street Closure – request to close portion of Bell Street for construction on courthouse entrance and elevator – Sokoloski moved to approve the request to close a portion of Bell Street for construction on the courthouse entrance and elevator. The contractors are to work with Public Works, who will develop a traffic plan, talk with other business on the block and arrange for emergency access. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Rec Dept. Gym Floor – Permission for ACT Committee of Glendive Chamber to use Rec Dept. Gym for Makoshika Tournament – Coon moved to allow the ACT Committee of the Glendive Chamber to use the Rec Dept. Gymnasium providing they contribute $600.00 toward the cost to refinish the gym floor. Second by Bury and the motion carried.
Multiuse Building/Engineering proposal – Coon moved to allow the City to seek engineering /architectural services through RFP for the Multiuse/City Court/Ambulance Building. Second by Dryden and the motion carried.
Sewer Projects/SRF Loans – Permission to apply for SRF loan for four City Sewer projects – Baker moved to give permission for Public Works/Finance to apply for SRF Loan to fund sewer projects. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Resolution #2858 - Increase rates for Water Services, effective April 1, 2012 – Coon moved to approve Resolution #2858 regarding increasing rates for water services, effective April 1, 2012. Second by Reichert and the motion carried.
Accounts Payable Claims: $274,633.30 – Sokoloski moved to approve Accounts Payable claims in the amount of $274,633.30. Second by Bury and the motion carried.
Fire – The new Firefighter, Joel Gramm, will start the week of February 27th. He will receive a week of training before he is worked into the work schedule. Chief Lane mentioned the Duracell Co. has donated batteries for the second time for all the flashlights, safety systems, and radios. The batteries are worth a few hundred dollars. Mayor Jimison reminded Chief Lane the Girl Scouts will be here for a tour of City Hall at 6:30pm on the 27th.
Public Works – Payment for 90% of the radio reads cost was included in the claim total tonight. The crew has started installing them today. There are 2200 meters/boxes to install and will probably take approximately one year before they are all installed. Public Works employees now wear blue vests so the public is aware of whom they are. There are multiple projects going on. The CTEP application for the Trials project is due on the 24th. Sokoloski commended Public Works on the new blue vests. It is nice to have our employees clearly marked in the community. The Ranger Review will be doing a story on the new vests soon. Sokoloski asked about the trees being removed in the parks. Zuroff stated with the difficult weather in the past several years, the Cottonwood trees have taken a beating in the wind. Many are over damaged, dead or on their way to dying. Public Works will try to replace as many as possible with a variety of other trees.
Finance closed the bond issue for the radio reads recently for over $ ½ million. There is continued work being done on documents for anticipated growth. The annexation policy will be discussed at the next Ordinance Committee meeting. The MOU with the County on the waste water plant has been taken over to the City attorney and is also being reviewed by the County commissioners.
There have been many questions from developers regarding annexation. Zuroff encouraged the Council to pass a policy as soon as possible. All the Council members asked Dorwart to email the proposed annexation policy to them before the next meeting.
Police attended a pipeline training at noon today at WBI. Chief Michaels has attended several civic organizations and club meetings regarding safety and awareness. At the last 911 meeting, a MOU has been signed between Richland County and ours in case of power outages, Richland County would be our backup. The city is backup for Carter, Prairie, Wibaux and Fallon counties if they require a backup. Jones commended Chief Michaels on a job well done as she attended one of the meetings where he gave a talk on safety and awareness.
Requested Delay of vote on proposed Yellowstone Industrial Park Minor Subdivision – The developer requested a delay in the vote on the Yellowstone Industrial Park Minor Subdivision so Zuroff asked Mayor Jimison postpone putting it on the agenda.