Mr. Damon
OFF PERIODS: 1, 2(Fall Semester Only), 4(By Appointment only), 7(By Appointment only), 10 (By Appointment only)
Phone: (303) 655 – 8951
Students at PVHS work towards embodying the following core values daily.
Honesty, Accountable, Welcoming, Knowledgeable, and School Spirited
Course Description:
Honors Math Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry is the fourth in a five-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses for high school students. This class moves at an accelerated pace, with more in-depth investigations. It emphasizes several big ideas that form a foundation for calculus and other college mathematics courses. Students will explore concepts and develop mathematical relationships through observation, application, and both formal and informal proof. Lessons are designed to facilitate teamwork and encourage students to pose conjectures, justify solutions, and defend their thinking. Topics covered in this course include, Functions and their graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, analytic trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, analytic geometry, Sequences, Probability, and Limits.
Plagiarism / Cheating
Plagiarism is theft of another’s ideas and/or exact words/math, without giving proper credit to the original author. Plagiarism is a serious ethical offense and may be grounds for the student’s failure in this class. Cheating in any form is unacceptable and is grounds for failure in this class. Cheating includes plagiarizing anyone’s math work, using your cell phone to take pictures, using apps, etc.…
-Calculator (This is required in all math classes. TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus CE, TI-83 are the options)
-Number 2 Pencils (all work must be done in pencil)
-Pens / Colored Pencils / Highlighter (Student like doing notes with different tools what you use is up to you!)
-Whatever you need to be successful (3-Ring Binder or spiral notebook or whatever you need)
-Graphing Paper (100 Pages)
Classroom Policies
- Food and Drink will be allowed until students cannot clean up after themselves then food and drinks will be forbidden.
- Cell Phones must be put away (especially during an Assessment) in your backpack. Occasionally cell phones will be allowed and is up to the discretion of the teacher.
- Student will be marked tardy and could lose class work points if the students are not in their desk when the final bell rings.
In Progress Grades (18 weeks, 80% of Final Grade)
Learning Experiences 60%
-Homework: 10%
▪Students will earn full credit for completing the homework.
▪Homework will be given out in class or can be found on the class page and will be graded on completion and correctness.
▪Online Homework will be assigned throughout the year and will be graded on correctness and completion.
-Classwork and Participation: 20%
▪Students will receive daily participation points for completing the warmup and for being ready when the bell rings.
▪In class work will be assigned occasionally and must be completed in class.
-Check for Learning: 20%
▪Checks for learning will be given out throughout the year.
▪Checks for learning can take the form of projects, exit tickets, and pop quizzes.
-Khan Academy: 10%
▪Khan Academy will be assigned once per Chapter. It will be due the day of the test.
▪If student can get khan academy to a higher level then practiced then extra credit will be given out (This will be checked once near the end of the semester).
Evidence: 40%
-Tests: 100pts each
▪There will be a test at the end of each chapter.
▪The tests are based off of classwork, homework, and quizzes.
▪There will be no reassessments allowed
-Quizzes: 20pts each
▪There will be at least 1 quiz per chapter
Final Assessment (End of Semester, 20% of Final Grade)
-Final Exam: 15%
▪Students will take a cumulative final exam.
▪Grades on the final are final, there will be no reassessments of the final
-Final Review: 5%
▪Students will turn in the final review on the day of the final that will be graded on completion.
Missing and Make up work
Learning Experience Missing and Make up work Policy
If a student is unexcused from class and misses a learning experience it will be put in the gradebook as a 0. If a student is excused from class and misses a learning experience they will be exempt from the activity (per PVHS policy).
Evidence Missing and Make up work Policy
If a student is unexcused from class and misses a test or quiz (evidence) they must still take that test or quiz but the best score they can receive on that test or quiz is a 50%. If a student is excused from class and misses a test or quiz then they will have two days plus the number of excused absence days to make up that test or quiz (per PVHS policy).
Grading Scale
Advanced: Students work represents an advanced level of sophistication and understanding.
90%-100% A
Proficient: Students work represents a proficient level of understanding.
80%-89% B
Partially Proficient: Student work represents movement towards proficiency.
70%-79% C
Below Proficient: Students work represents need for significant work towards proficiency.
60%-69% D
Unsatisfactory: Students work represents an unsatisfactory product. Students receive NO CREDIT for a course that they fail and must redeem the credit through summer school or credit recovery.
0%-59% F
As a Parent or Guardian I have read and understand what is expected of my child. I promise to support him/her to do their very best. As a Student I have read and understand what is expected of me in this class. I promise to do my very best.
Date Parent or Guardian Signature Student Name Printed and Initialed Here