Virtue Academy

Flashlight Examples

Cast of Characters

Detective………...….A young women concerned with the growing trends of the world.

Assistant……………………Timid, yet bright, the detective couldn’t make it without her.

Scripture reader………………………………………….A diligent example of humility.

Bully……………………………Mean girl at school who doesn’t know what a smile is.

Teased………………………..She’s picked on. She’s not LDS. She needs an example.

Nice girl……………………………………..….The example who helps anyone in need.

Daughter……………………………………………..Full of heavenly hope and dreams.

Mom...……………………………………………………….…..There to explain divinity.

Sibling punk………………………………..………… The example of what-not-to wear.

Sibling righteous………………………………………………………She remains calm.

Mom 2……………………………………………………There for more than discipline.


1.  Detective and Assistant searching for virtue.

2. Bedroom: Knowledge and Faith.

3. School: Good Works and Choice and Accountability.

4. Home: Divine Nature and Individual Worth.

5. In front of the mirror: Integrity and Virtue.

Lights on. Detective and Assistant walk on in trench coats and a brief case.

Detective- The world is wickedly dark and I don’t like it. Assistant nods and agrees with everything the detective says. Satan has a firm hold on the hearts of many. How can any youth make it through! Begins pacing. Young Women all over the world are forgetting their values. Too many Young Women are loosing sight of the importance of virtuous lives. I tell you, it’s time to raise the standard. The dark, dark world needs the light of salvation! But how? How can we light such a dark and depressing place?

Assistant- Perhaps through examples?

Detective- Hmmmm. Examples. It’s a brilliant idea. I can just see it. The world is saved by awesome examples of virtue. But who will be the examples?

Assistant- The youth. We are the leaders of tomorrow.

Detective- Excellent! Encourage those who will have a lasting impact. But wait. We know how to be an example. But do they? Points to audience. How can we be examples to an unbelieving world!

Assistant- By watching those who try.

Detective- Of Course! And there are no better people to observe than our own associates, the Young Women of Virtue academy! (name of girl), our mission, should we choose to accept, is to find the examples of the believers and bring their virtuous light into the lives of others.

Assistant- I accept.

Lights are flipped off. Pictures of every young woman are stuck on the wall, the young women scurry to their designated scenes. There, they remain still and silent until the flashlight beam highlights them. The Detective turns her flashlight on girls’ pictures.

Detective- Example one. A Bedroom. (Full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example) is an example of Faith and Knowledge. Shines flashlight onto scene two. (name of girl) is reading her scriptures. Her homework is near by.

Scripture reader- First Timothy four twelve. “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” Flips pages. Second Nephi thirty-one sixteen. “And now my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved.” In order to be an example, I need to follow Christ’s example. And to follow Christ’s example, I need faith. Pauses. Wow. It’s really so simple. Well, I’d better finish my homework now. Knowledge along with faith can help improve my life as I endure to the end. Pulls out her homework. The Detective turns the light back to her and the Assistant.

Detective- A beautiful example. She mentioned faith, but was also showing faith by reading her scriptures.

Assistant- She also believed the words she read.

Detective- Who’s next?

Assistant- Example two. A school. (Full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example) are examples of Choice and Accountability and Good Works. Shines flashlight onto scene three. Girls are moving around and chatting. They have their books in their hands. Bully walks up to the teased and bumps into her. She drops her papers.

Bully- oops sorry. Let me help you. She kicks the papers and scatters them. The Good Girl rushes forward and begins picking up papers.

Good Girl- Is that all of them?

Teased- Yes. Why did you help me?

Good Girl- Why shouldn’t I? It’s the right thing to do.

Bully- She’s such a beep beepaty beep. Good Girl faces her.

Good Girl- please don’t use that language around us. Bully sneers.

Teased- You’re a Mormon, aren’t you?

Good Girl- Yep. How did you know?

Teased- There’s a glow about you. Good girl shrugs.

Good Girl- I guess it’s because of the truthfulness of the gospel. Would you like to learn about it?

Teased- I’d love to.

The Detective turns the light back to her and the Assistant.

Detective- So humble. Her choice to stand up for the right made her an example. And look what came of it. That girl may choose to join the church.

Assistant- It’s amazing. And look at her smile.

Detective- Example three. The home. (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); are examples of Divine Nature and Individual Works. Shines flashlight onto scene four. A girl is doing her personal progress on the couch.

Daughter- “Be partakers of the divine nature…Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.” Second Peter one, four through seven. Number two. “Increase your understanding of and appreciation for womanhood.” Mom, what are important attributes to being a mother? Mom enters the room. She has a cookbook in her arms.

Mom- Important attributes to being a mother huh? Well, I think every mother need patience, love, responsibility, and even the ability to set goals. But patience tops them all.

Daughter- It says in this scripture to have temperance as well. Sometimes I get mad at people, even my siblings, and I can’t help it.

Mom- In D&C 18:10, it says “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” Sometimes, you just have to remember that. Also remember than you are equally precious in God’s eyes, and he loves you and will strengthen you whenever you feel angry.

Daughter- Thanks.

The Detective turns the light back to her and the Assistant.

Detective- Does she have virtue or what? She is a beautiful example of the believers. We have one last scene.

Assistant- Example four. In front of a mirror. (Full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example); (full name of girl), (age), (class), (life example) are examples of Integrity and Virtue. Shines flashlight onto scene five. A girl is bending over in the mirror. Her hair is neat, and her make-up simple.

Sister Righteous- Yep it’s modest. Sister Punk walks in front of the mirror. She’s chewing bubblegum, her hair is a mess, her make-up is extreme, and her clothes are very immodest. (note to actors. Just wear a tan shirt under a low-cut blouse.) Sister Righteous looks at her.

Sister Righteous- (name of girl), why are you wearing that? And look at yourself. You’re a mess. Don’t you want to be modest like the prophet commanded.

Sister Punk- Why? It doesn’t affect anyone. It’s just clothing.

Mom2- Yes it does. When you are immodest, you are being pornography. And we know that pornography leads to immoral actions and the destruction of the family. Also, the way you dress will attract similar people. Those only interested in your body will be attracted to you if you dress immodestly. You are a daughter of God. Your dress reflects your virtue. Sloppy dress does not portray any.

Immodest dress cheats you of integrity. Serving the Lord means more that helping people and reading the scriptures. It means acting like the Lord. Virtue and Integrity are two values many people in the world don’t have. They believe they are old fashioned and hold you back. In reality, the push you forward.

Daughter Punk- I guess I should change.

Mom2- I highly recommend it.

The Detective turns the light back to her and the Assistant.

Assistant- Wow. That’s intense.

Detective- True, but it is so necessary. These Young Woman are truly some of the best examples to follow. The modest sister was amazing. It can be hard to encourage others to choose the right. Yet she did. Well, do you think we accomplished our mission?

Assistant- Yes. Lights turn on.

Detective- well, it’s time to say goodnight to our wonderful audience and go home. They gather up their stuff. A girl runs on with a bundle of mania folders.

Girl- Wait! We have new recruits! The examples of the girls have encouraged others to join Virtue Academy!

Detective- That’s wonderful! She takes the folders and begins reading the spotlights. Welcome all do Virtue Academy where you will be trained to be examples of the believers. Good night.