2016 Summer Projects Completed and 2017 & Beyond projects

Winter Maintenance:

¨  Applied 977 yards of traction E-chips to the service area

¨  Cold patched roads that where asphalt potholing was constant from the warm and wet winter

¨  Plowed and stored snow

¨  Steam thaw

Spring projects:

¨  Advanced pothole patching before spring grading of all dirt roads

¨  Back fill lamp post in Townsquare with pea gravel to keep garbage out

¨  Spring street sweeping of all paved roads, week of April 26th

¨  Dust control, calcium chloride application all dirt roads, started May1st

¨  Vac-truck all storm water system intakes

¨  Removed Junk cars for the Fire Department

¨  Brushing of bike paths and roadways shoulders

¨  Crack sealed 7,111 linear feet of asphalt roads

¨  Remove abandon cars around town

Fall Projects:

¨  Sweep streets

¨  Clean up leaves and clean out storm intakes

¨  Grade and compact all roads before freeze

¨  Bring in winter sanding chips

¨  Grind up brushings

Airport Side:

Arlberg Avenue:

¨  Patch repair road with asphalt, completed June 2016

¨  Crack seal, completed June 2016

¨  Grade and repair shoulders, completed June 2016

¨  Clean debris out from under the guard rails to improve drainage, completed June 2016

¨  Removed dirt and winter debris build up from Guardrails, completed 6-14

¨  Shoulder and drainage repair, completed July 2017

¨  Grind Asphalt and repaved 27,000 sq. ft. of roadway, completed 9-1-16

¨  Culvert replacement or clean out and ditch clean out from 304 to 450, completed 8-30-16

Alyeska View

¨  Remove old steel cross culvert between Cortina and Brighton, completed 6-24

¨  Replace cross- Culvert at Cortina and Alyeska View, completed 6-24

¨  RAP spread, graded and compacted at the Garmisch intersection, completed 8-18

351 Davos

¨  Replace and lower driveway culvert, completed 6-24

Donnner and Davos intersection

¨  Spread RAP, Grade and compact, completed 9-27-16


¨  Install new driveway culverts and ditching at 245 and 257 Cortina, completed 6-29

Alpine Meadows

¨  Replace and clean up ditching at 1030 Alpine Meadows, completed 7-5-16

Mt. Hood

¨  Clean out drainage area from cross culvert of Mt Hood., completed 6-18-16

Bike path

¨  Crack sealing from Alyeska T to Hotel

¨  Brushing on bike path, completed Spring 2016

Projects for 2017:


¨  Repave the last two remaining section between Nina’s wall and intersection with Tram Way

¨  Grade and compact shoulders to maintain drainage

Alyeska View

¨  Improve drainage between Davos and Cortina

¨  Brushing

Challenge/Mountain Side:


¨  New driveway culverts at 200 & 224 Taos, completed June 2016


¨  Remove rock out ditch line and reshape ditch to control water, completed June 2016

¨  Stabilize bank of ditch to support bike path. , completed June 2016

¨  Clean around Beehive in-take and mark beehive for winter, completed June 2016

¨  Vac-truck drainage system. Complete 2017

Alyeska Condo’s drainage:

¨  Remove all drainage pipe that causing the ground to fail, completed 6-27

Olympic Mountain Loop

¨  Installed new berms to control traffic and parking, completed 8-10-16

White Pass

¨  Tied ditch into new drainage storm system inlet, completed 7-27-16

¨  Removed old abandon storm system culvert behind Alyeska West Condos, completed 7-27-16

Projects for 2017:


¨  Replace cross culvert at intersection of Chrystal mountain


¨  Dig out road bed and remove organic/wood material that causes constant potholing

¨  Ditch both sides of the road and collect water off Chrystal Mt road to send it directly to Alyeska creek

Chrystal Mountain

¨  Ditching improvements on several aspects of the road

¨  Clean out cross culvert at White pass intersection

Timberline side:

Alyeska View:

¨  Removed all pipe and installed new Curtain drain at 244 Alyeska View, completed 6-2

¨  RAP spread, graded and compacted at the Garmisch intersection

Alpine Meadows:

¨  Build new headwall on Tanka creek culvert, completed 8-8-16


¨  Install new drainage system from Alyeska Daylodge parking lot to Alyeska View, completed 7-22


¨  Build new headwall on Tanka creek culvert, completed 8-9-16


¨  Asphalt pavement repair from Alyeska Highway to Church, Completed Oct 2016

Culvert markings

¨  Mark major culverts, especially ones prone to freezing

172 Kitzbueal

¨  New Culvert

¨  Improved ditching


¨  Ditching up on the upper portion of Timberland

¨  Brushing Virgin Creek to Turn

Projects for 2017 and beyond:


¨  Remove old culvert closest to 260 Alta and replace with new, creates an overall drainage if the main line plugs up

Alyeska View to Higher Terrace

¨  Might need another cross culvert further down the hill

¨  Install curtain drain for spring water in front of 270 Alyeska View

¨  Alyeska View (Northland to Upper Terrace hill needs ditching improvements)

Alpine Meadows

¨  Ditching down left side between Northland and Loveland

¨  Cross Culvert at corner of Megeve

¨  Several Driveway culverts along this stretch


¨  Exam glaciations problem from natural spring at Alyeska Highway, spoke with Right of Away and property owner

Deb’s Way Trailhead

¨  Finish Path Improvements

¨  Re-set bollards


¨  Brushed alders on Holgrem and park and ride, completed 8-18-16

¨  Towed several junk cars, completed over the summer

¨  Aphalt repair and cracksealing on all streets, especially to the school, completed June 2016

2017 Project and Beyond

Girdwood Park and Tennis court parking lot area

¨  Improve drainage

¨  Improve parking surface

Mine Roads:

Ruane Road

¨  Brushed both sidehills on each direction of the road, completed 7-7-16

Jewel Mine Road

¨  Brought in new road bed material and capped it with RAP to rise the road and improve drainage, completed 6-20-16

Gunnysack Mine and Sproat intersection:

¨  New cross culvert installed, completed 8-19-16

2017 Project and Beyond

Gunnysack Mine

¨  Replace culvert at intersection

¨  Ditch down both sides of the hill to connect with new DOT drainage system


¨  Ditch and possible culvert replacements from Gunnysack to 383 Sproat

Old Girdwood:

West St

¨  Cut back east bank of the road, straighten the road and returned road to the platted right of way, installed a 2 inch layer of recycled Asphalt, completed 8-17-16

Old Dawson:

¨  Replace cross culvert at 245 Old Dawson, completed 9-19-16

¨  Graded and compacted 3” of new RAP on the entire Old Dawson including the intersection at Gold, completed 9-20-16

Billy’s Alley

¨  Brushed entire alley, completed 4-2-16

2017 Project and Beyond

¨  Brush dike road

¨  Add RAP to Main between Gold and end of road

Road maintenance industrial lot:

¨  Built a new Winter chip storage out of cement blocks

¨  Started the relocation of the Fire Department to their new lot

2017 Project and Beyond

¨  Electric to Bull rail

¨  Lights installed

¨  Hydroseed

¨  Build fence

¨  Continue relocating GFD to their new lot

¨  Continue stockpile of RAP and high quality road material as it becomes available