R.E. Scheme of work Foundation and Key Stage 1.

Areas of study:

Believing; Belonging; Leaders and Teachers; Stories; Celebrations; Symbols.

Foundation Stage Themes 1 / Foundation Stage Themes 2
Me and my senses
Special times
Special objects
Our beautiful world
Special places
Special words / Making friends
Special books
Living things
Special people
Being responsible
Mercury Year 1 Themes
Term 1: Myself
Me and my favourite things
Who am I?
How I celebrate
My feelings
This is how I like to do it!
Harvest time / Term 2: Celebrations
Bonfire night
Hindu celebrations of Holi
It’s my birthday!
Hannukkah – festival of lights
The Nativity story / Term 3: Stories
Focus on Christian and Jewish stories
Include stories from other faiths as appropriate for Year 1 children
Secular stories / Term 4: Special People
Special people at home and school
The Queen
Sporting heroes
Jesus the miracle maker
Jesus the healer
The story of Easter / Term 5: Belonging
Local groups
Where I live
My country
My world / Term 6: Beliefs
I believe….part 1
Main focus: What do Christians believe?
What do people from other faiths believe?
I believe….part 2
Saturn Year 2 Themes
Term 1: Myself
Who am I?
Shaping up?
Jesus’ rules
Anger management
Harvest / Term 2: Celebrations
Special times: focus on Christian celebrations
Poppy Day
[Include the Hindu celebration of Divali ]
Christmas / Term 3: Stories
That will teach you a lesson!
The Lost Son
The Widow’s mite
The Wise Rabbit
Stories with morals / Term 4: Leaders and Teachers
What is a leader?
Following Jesus the leader
Moses and the great escaspe
The Easter story
What do religious leaders have in common? / Term 5: Belonging
What does it mean to belong?
Belonging in Christianity
How do people of other faiths show they belong?
Humanism / Term 6: Beliefs
Main focus: What is the Bible?
What is the Torah?
Do Hindus believe in one god?
Christian symbols
Hindu and Jewish symbols

R.E. Scheme of work 2012-13 Key Stage 2.

Areas of study: Beliefs and questions; Inspirational people; Teachings and Authority; Religion and the individual; Religion, Family and Community; Worship; Pilgrimage and Sacred places, Symbols and Religious expression; Beliefs in Action in the world.

Venus Year 3: Themes
Term 1:
Birth ceremonies
What does a baby need?
What is sin?
Christian baptism
Muslim birth ceremonies
Sikh birth ceremonies
Making comparisons
Harvest / Term 2:
Right and wrong
Doing the right thing
Making choices
A good influence
Wrong choices
David and Goliath
Inner strength
It’s up to you
Christmas / Term 3:
The birth of Jesus
A gift from God
Lost in Jerusalem
Jesus’ baptism
The temptations of Jesus
Jesus’ disciples / Term 4:
Christianity contd.
Church visit
Reflecting on learning / Term 5:
Making something new
Seven days
Source of life
A view from the East
As Science sees it / Term 6: Caring for the environment
How do you feel?
How God feels
Small creatures
Jupiter Year 4 and 5 Themes Cycle B [2014-15]
Term 1:
Inspirational people
What a hero?
Anne Frank
Mahatma Gandhi
Oscar Romero
Mother Teresa
We can make a difference
Harvest / Term 2:
War and suffering
Why are there wars?
Why is there suffering?
Responses to suffering
Christmas day truce
Christmas / Term3:
Judaism eg:
Ten commandments
The synagogue
Festivals eg Rosh Hashanah / Yom Kippur / Term 4:
Who is my neighbour?
When I needed a neighbour
Whose neighbour are you?
Journey of life and death
What do Christians believe?
Other faiths
Easter / Term 5:
Becoming an adult
Belonging to a group
Confirmation and Believer’s baptism
Bar Mitzvah
Taking responsibility
Initiation ceremonies / Term 6:
Continue from Term 5

Jupiter Year 4 and 5 Themes Cycle A [2015-16]

Term 1:
Inspirational people
What makes Jesus an inspiration to Christians?
Desmond Tutu
Sister Frances Domenica
Rabbi Hugo Gryn
Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
Aung San Suu Kyi
Harvest / Term 2:
Christian symbolism
The cross – a symbol of Jesus
Why is the rainbow a symbol of Christian hope?
Water – baptism / washing
Food – Communion / Shabbat
Light – Divali / Hannukah / Advent
Christmas / Term 3:
Sikhism eg:
A Sikh hero
Guru Nanak
A travelling companion
The Khalsa
The Guru Granth Sahib
Festivals / Term 4:
Words of wisdom
Why the Bible matters to Christians
Two key bible stories
Four New Testament stories
Easter / Term 5:
Christian beliefs in action around the world
What values/qualities do you think are important?
Fairness and social justice – 3 stories
The Salvation Army
Christian Aid / Term 6:
Continue from Term 5

Neptune Year 5 and 6 Themes Cycle B [2014-15]

Life’s big questions
Ultimate questions
Is there a god?
Rules for life – a Hindu story
Rules for life – a Buddhist story
Harvest / Term 2:
A Christian wedding
A Jewish wedding
Arranged marriage
When relationships go wrong
Christmas / Term 3:
Hinduism eg:
A supreme power
Gods and goddesses
Living things
Worship / Term 4:
It’s not fair
Who can bring justice?
Prayers for justice
Fair trade
Sheep and goats
Easter / Term 5:
Poverty and wealth
Bible teachings
Points of view
Money for charity
An honest wage
The cost of living / Term 6:
Continue from Term 5

Neptune Year 5 and 6 Themes Cycle A [2015-16]

Term 1:
Moral maze
Jonah’s dilemma
Actions and beliefs
Religious dress
Moral choices
Solving a dilemma
Harvest / Term 2:
Race and diversity
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King
A multi faith centre
Christmas / Term 3:
Islam eg:
The final prophet of Islam
The Bilal mystery
The 5 pillars of Islam
The Qur’an
A mosque
Fasting and feasting / Term 4:
Sacred places and Pilgrimage
Christian pilgrimage: eg Walsingham and Lourdes
Islam: Mecca
Easter / Term 5:
Creation and Stewardship of the earth
[See TES resources] / Term 6:
Continue from Term 5