NACAS SouthBoard of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, June 27, 2017; 10:00 am EST, 9:00 am CST
Board Members:
Sharon Boyd, President, Brett Jackson, President Elect, Glen Loughridge, Vice President, Donna Swarb, Treasurer, Victoria Fowler, Conference Coordinator, Rich Steele, Past President, Rick Torres, Professional Development Coordinator, Felecia Townsend, Membership Coordinator,(Absent) Brett Jackson, Vice President, Connie Davis, Southern Representative to NACAS National, ABSENT, Sarah Nikirk, Secretary
Norman Grizzell, Technology and Communications Coordinator, (Absent), Cary Schutes, Hans Weichhart and Kelsey Finn from the National Office
- Call to Order/WelcomeSharon
Guest Kelsey Finn, CEO, to present Funding Proposal
Kelsey was on the call today to update the group about the proposal from NACAS National entitled “Growing Organizational Capacity”
Kelsey gave the group the background on the proposal and explained that she started getting calls around the March/April timeframefrom the different Presidents around the regions and in particularPresident Mark Ironside from the East region asking for additional support from the National office around supporting membership services for all of the regions. Mark and other Presidents proposed that the national office look at creating a position that could potentially be funded from all of the regions to would be the Member Services Coordinator.
Kelsey explained that with Corey as the Membership Director, we have seen an uptick in membership from all of the regions but she and others believe that if someone were charged to implement a 12-month retention campaign to retain members,the overall impact would be great and overall financially solvent.
The total funding needed is $40,000 per year for two years – ($10,000 from each region.) Kelsey explained that the benefits packagefor this position would be covered by NACAS National.
Kelsey asked that we get back with her on our decision and/or at least our thoughts on this by July 24th. Sharon agreed that we would convene a conference call after Felecia was back in the office so that we could get her opinion on this since she is our Membership Coordinator. Sharon plans to set-up that conference call.
Kelsey said that several questions had already been asked and she covered those. Answers below:
- What happens if we don’t grow membership? Kelsey explained that there would be key metrics created for this position to meet and obviously, if they were not then the position would no longer be funded.
- What if all four regions do not want the position? Kelsey’s hopeful that all four will want the position but if for some reason they do not then they will look for a plan B. Growing membership is a whole organization mission. She hopes each region will see the holistic approach and need of this position.
- How do you envisionthat you will prioritize the work for the position’s time across the regions? We will work directly work with each of the regions to discern their needs. Each regions is unique but they do have some similarities. We’ll focus on helping each where they are in terms of membership growth and retention.
- Kelsey went on to say that Hans has received a great opportunity as the Chief Relationship Officer for the Educational Theatre Association in Cincinnati, OH,in his background in the arts and that we would miss him very much. Hans will be with us until the end of July.
- Corey will start attending our phone calls in the future.
- Kelsey said she attended all of the conferences back to back and all did really well and that she had learned a lot from those experiences.
- NACAS National launched the Web site and they have received a lot of good feedback
- Secretary’s ReportSarah
The Business Meeting Minutes in April as well as the May Board Meeting Minutes were approved. Sarah will send those to Norman to post.
3. Treasurer’s ReportDonna
Balances as of 6/27/17
Chase $134,620.94
Edward Jones $108,922.08 ($4,087.48 cash, $104,834.60 investments)
May statement depicted the bulk of the conference expenses
Donna sent out the May financial statement in advance of the meeting for everyone’s review.
Donna reported that we are on track to have a good year financially unless something unforeseen happens.
- Conference Coordinator’s ReportVictoria
Just got back from the NACAS East conference and got some good ideas on several things but was in the process of reviewing “Event Moby” as the new application for registration. Victoria additionally learned the East region distributes meal cards in lieu of the scanners and was going to look at whether or not scanning was the best use of our funds. Victoria said we would continue this discussion.
Victoria reported that she has started to receive business package questions from the business partners. Sharon and Brett said the decision was to keep everything the same in terms of business partner proceduresfor nowand that we would transition to business partner packages in 2019.
Glen will change the dates on the current business partner information and send something to UPS right away.
Victoria, Brett and Glen agreed to meet offline
Glen reached out to Anita Chapman on potential sites and Victoria asked if Glen would send her that information to herand they would work together from there.
The Marriott has our contract now for September.
Our Host chair should join in on the calls in July.
- Vice President’s ReportGlenn
My report is proceeding with work toward the new site for 2020. Investigating Ashville, Austin, New Orleans, Nashville, and many others but found out Nashville was so popular that if we are sincerely interested in this location as a spot, we might look at and then book it for 2021.
Glenn said that Austin looks good right now but knew there were many things to research and review.
Glenn asked what the normal timeframe to wrap up things for and
Victoria said we like to have things wrapped up in October
- President-Elect’s ReportBrett
Nothing to report today
- South Rep to the NACAS BoardConnie
Kelsey updated the group on NACAS National in Connie’s absence
- Professional Development CoordinatorRick
Rick reported there will be virtual roundtable on College Services
From Georgia College centered around vendor Advice and the RFP process
Senior Institute July19th-21st
July 26th is a Webinar on Bike Programs
Penny Cox gave a Webinar recently and it was very good
- Publications & Technology CoordinatorNorman
No update – Not present
- Membership CoordinatorFelecia
No update - Not present
- Immediate Past PresidentRich
There were only two suggested changes to the Regional Affiliation Agreement and they surrounded section 12.Rich said the recommendation to section 12 was to make termination mutual;for the region as well as National. Each party could get out of the agreement only with due CAUSEwith a thirty-day notice.
We will get a refreshed copy from Hans to review.
- Other business: Sharon
Affirm Appointments to National Committee:
Nomination for NACAS Vice President
Rich convened a process in which he and the committee reviewed two recommendations and they were:
Ryan Greene-Middle Georgia
Andy Meeks from Northern Kentucky University
After a discussion, the committee recommended Ryan Greene for the Vice President position.
The qualifications were:
Candidate would be engaged and committed to NACAS
Proven leadership on NACAS Board
Have relationships with the NACAS South Board
Sharon called for a vote and the Board approved the recommendation of Ryan Greene
Fall Planning Meeting – Charleston at the Marriott
September 10-12
Please go ahead and make travel arrangements
We discussed if we would have our regular meeting at the Fall planning meeting and it was decided that we would continue with the October Board Meeting by conference call in lieu of the face-to-face meeting in Charleston.
- Adjourned at 10:43 am
Next Meeting: July 25, 2017@ 10:00am EST
(Standing meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month)