Science Stem Question Grid for Grade 2, Avenues Level C, Volume 1
Prepared by Debbie Barr for Guilford County School System ESL Department, November 2009
Number / Stem Question and Foils / Goals
Objectives / Correct
The Adventures of Taxi Dog
20-21 / When the lady in the taxi sang, what part of her body vibrated to make the sound?
A. lips
B. vocal cords
C. throat
D. lungs / 4.05 / B
The Adventures of Taxi Dog
20-21 / What part of Jim and Maxi's bodies vibrated to allow them to hear the lady sing?
A. vocal cords
B. skin
C. ear drum
D. nose / 4.04 / C
The Adventures of Taxi Dog
22-23 / Look at the picture. What was the weather like on the night the baby was due?
A. snowy
B. rainy
C. windy
C. hot / 2.03 / A
A Movie in my Pillow
20-23 / Which is an example of a mixture?
A. an avocado
B. fruit salad made of mangoes, papayas, and watermelon
C. a glass of sweet tea
D. a mango / 3.05 / B
A Movie in my Pillow
20-23 / What is used to measure heat from the sun?
A. wind vane
B. rain gauge
C. thermometer
D. anemometer / 2.04 / C
A Movie in my Pillow
26 / Miss Sha-Sha-She-Sha is a ____.
A. carnivore
B. herbivore
C. decomposer
D. insect / Goal 1
planned incidental instruction / A
Lunch in the City
40-41 / The street is noisy because ____. (Choose the best answer.)
A. there is a lot of traffic and many people are talking.
B. air vibrates and makes sound waves.
C. objects vibrate and make sound waves.
D. traffic and talk cause the air and objects to vibrate and make sound waves. / 4.01 / D
54 / Hot oil is a ____.
A. gas
B. solid
C. liquid
D. mixture / 3.04 / C
54-55 / Sounds like a sizzle or a shout make the eardrum and the____, anvil, and stirrup bones vibrate.
A. hammer
B. nail
C. screw driver
D. saw / Goal 4 vocabulary:
planned incidental instruction / A
Mrs. McNosh and the Great Big Squash
20-21 / The part of the squash that Mrs. McNosh scraped out was ____.
A. a gas
B. a solid
C. a liquid
D. hot / 3.04 / B
Clever Ana and the Greedy Giant
80-96 / What type of weather did NOT help the carrots, wheat, and corn grow?
A. rain
B. sunshine
C. snow
D. warm temperatures / 2.03
2.05 / C
108-125 / Which two foods are liquids?
A. wheat and broccoli
B. lettuce and corn
C. lemons and oranges
D. milk and orange juice / 3.01
3.04 / D
4-5 / What did the heat from the sun cause? (Choose the best answer.)
A. It made the animals hot.
B. It made the land dry.
C. It made everything hot and dry.
D. It did not affect the land / 2.05 / C
6-15 / How did the animals know rain was coming?
A. Their senses told them.
B. They used a thermometer.
C. They used a wind vane.
D. They used a rain gauge. / 2.04 / A
4-27 / How did the weather change in this story?
A. It was hot and dry and then it rained.
B. It did not change.
C. It was cold and then it got hot.
D. It was windy then the air got calm. / 2.06 / A
28-33 / What happened after the rain came?
A. The air got cold.
B. Everything got hot and dry again.
C. Snow fell.
D. It got very windy. / 2.05
2.06 / B
Puddles to the Sky
140-141 / A ____ measures how much rain falls.
A. anemometer
B. thermometer
C. barometer
D. rain gauge / 2.04
Goal 2
direct instruction / D
Puddles to the Sky
140-141 / This poem is about ____.
A. hurricanes
B. the water cycle
C. clouds
D. how to stay dry on a rainy day / Goal 2
direct instruction / B
Where Do Puddles Go?
144-146 / What happens to puddles after the rain stops?
A. They condense.
B. No one knows.
C. They evaporate.
D. They freeze. / 2.05
Goal 2
direct instruction / C
Where Do Puddles Go?
148-149 / What are clouds made of?
A. water vapor drops
B. ice
C. snow flakes
D. cotton / Goal 2
direct instruction / A
Eva's Cloud
173-176 / When the cloud cried, it created ____.
A. evaporation
B. precipitation
C. temperature
D. air pressure / Goal 2
direct instruction / B
Show What You Know
192 / Which is NOT a word about water?
A. water cycle
B. anemometer
C. moisture
D. precipitation / Goal 2
direct instruction / B