Mrs. Kelly Hammock

Class Rules:

1.  Be in your seat with class materials, ready for class, when the bell rings.

2.  Follow the rules in the student handbook.

3.  Clean up after yourself and DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BOOKS!

4.  No food or drinks allowed.


Failure to follow class rules will result in the following consequences:

1st offense- verbal warning

2nd offense- written warning

3rd offense- contact parent/guardian

4th offense- classroom detention (LOTS OF GRAMMAR)

5th offense- Referral to office

School Information

I encourage you to follow the facebook or twitter feed for all up to date information. Our official facebook page is Smiths Station High School Ybk and the Twitter feed is @SSHS_PRINCIPAL.

Course Content

British Literature:

We will read a collection of short stories, plays, novels, myths, poems, and folk tales that are from the old English period (A.D. 449-1485) until the modern period (1901-present).


You will complete an analytical research paper on a British author that will be 6-9 pages long. You will complete an essay writing section.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

There will be a vocabulary and literary terms test given weekly throughout the semester. It is important to build vocabulary and knowledge of literary devices for the state test. You will be given grammar exercises weekly. On Fridays, you will have a quiz on grammar usage. It is important to take practice ACT test and prepare for college entrance testing.

Essay Notebook

You will write and demonstrate the correct writing technique for essays. You will need a three prong folder for this notebook. All handouts and essays will be put into this notebook.

English Notebook:

Put this sheet at the beginning of the notebook. Periodically, I will give you a quiz or vocabulary test; you may be allowed at certain times to use this notebook for a test. A comprehensive and organized notebook will carry significant weight in your overall performance in the class.

Book Reports:

You are required to do four book reports for the school year. Each student will do one ORAL book report for each 9 weeks.


Major grades: 50%

Homework: 25%

Quizzes: 25%


One folder with prongs for essay writing.

Colored pencils


Three-ring binder with dividers- Vocabulary/literature terms

Daily language workout

Literature notes


Index cards for research and vocabulary

White Computer paper /colored paper/ Kleenex is extra credit!!!