ACTION (Please select) / ADD / CHANGE / DELETE

Please print additional copies of this Appendix if required. Guidelines on how to complete the form are set out the next page.

(M) / Dealing Answerback Code (M) / Coordinator Name (M) / Role / Coordinator Phone No (M) / Coordinator Email Address (M) / DCS
Time / #TCID Category
/ *Trading Status / DXtra

# BFI (Bank Financial Institution), CFS (Captive Finance Subsiduary), CI (Corporate Institution), MSP (Major Swaps Participant), NBFI (Non-Bank Financial Institution), SD (Swaps Dealer)

* HO (Head Office); FB (Full Branch); SUB (Subsidiary); AFF (Affiliate) or OTH (Other)



Field / Completion Notes /
TCID / Enter your four character Dealing code e.g. ‘CITL’ or ‘BARK’
Dealing Answerback Code / Field with 0 – 9 spaces, A-Z and will accept the following characters – percent (%), Asterisk (*), comma (,), dash (-), full stop (.), forwards slash (/), semi colon (;), equals (=), question mark (?)
Coord Name / Thomson Reuters hold the contact details of two named Dealing co-ordinators for each Dealing code to ensure we have a correspondence contact for important service updates.
It is important that clients maintain up to date co-ordinator information and inform us of changes when required.
For clients using our Dealing Xtra (DXtra) service for Thomson Reuters Dealing, the Dealing co-ordinators are the DXtra administrators for Dealing codes they are responsible for.
Enter the name of each Dealing Coordinator against each TCID – two Dealing Coordinators are required for each TCID.
A third contact known as the “DCS” is optional. The DCS is the person named on the Daily Confirmation Statement report generated off the Dealing Xtra portal. If a DCS is not specified the contact name of Dealing Coordinator #1 will be will be displayed on the Daily Confirmation Statement.
Role / DC1 = Dealing Coordinator #1 – mandatory requirement
DC2 = Dealing Coordinator #2 – mandatory requirement
DCS = Daily Confirmation Statement recipient – optional
Phone No / Enter the telephone number of each Dealing Coordinator– this is the phone number that Thomson Reuters will use to contact the site in the event of any emergency issues that need to be raised with you.
Email Address / Enter the email address of each Dealing Coordinator – this is the email address that Thomson Reuters will use to contact the site in the event of any issues that need to be emailed to you.
DCS Time / The Daily Confirmation Statement is a complete statement of the trades (confirmed trades) you have undertaken in the previous period. The system will produce the Daily Confirmation Statement at your specified time and can be used for back office reconciliation. An interim Daily Confirmation Statement containing trades from the last Daily Confirmation Statement time to present time) can also be delivered on request. Dealing Xtra will provide you with the interim Daily Confirmation Statement within a few seconds.
Daily Confirmation Statements can be produced at different times for each TCID (except for 00.00 or 24.00). The times selected must be stated in GMT equivalent.
TCID Category / Enter the categorisation that the TCID is classified under - one per TCID:
Ø  BFI (Bank Financial Institution)
Ø  CFS (Captive Finance Subsiduary)
Ø  CI (Corporate Institution)
Ø  MSP (Major Swaps Participant)
Ø  NBFI (Non-Bank Financial Institution)
Ø  SD (Swaps Dealer)
This information will be displayed on the Dealing Directory to allow greater transparency within the Dealing market as to the counterparty. In the US Dodd-Frank Act it was stated that the reporting requirement (i.e. who reports the trade) is determined by the status of the bank. The regulatory rules are not yet finalised so we are unable to confirm how it will be used and what the implications are for getting it wrong.
Completion of this field is a mandatory requirement.
Trading Status / Select the Trading Status for each TCID:
Ø  HO (Head Office)
Ø  FB (Full Branch
Ø  SUB (Subsidiary)
Ø  AFF (Affiliate)
Ø  OTH (Other)
In Matching the client’s Trading Status is used to help clients allocate credit correctly. The rationale in Dealing is similar in that it will help Dealing clients to determine how to clear and settle with that counterparty. Also the Trading Status may also define the regulatory jurisdiction that institution falls under and their reporting obligations. The field will be displayed in the Dealing Directory.
Completion of this field is a mandatory requirement.
DXtra / Enter a Y (yes) if the Coordinator requires access to reporting capabilities provided by the Dealing Xtra capability. Access to Dealing Xtra is not mandatory for Dealing clients.
M / Mandatory field
O / Optional field


(M) / Dealing Answerback Code (M) / Coordinator Name (M) / Role / Coordinator Phone No (M) / Coordinator Email Address (M) / DCS
Time / #TCID Category
/ *Trading Status / DXtra
ABCD / ABC INTL LDN / Alan Ledger / DC1 / +445428971 / alan.ledger@ABC Bank.com / 19.00 / BI / HO / Y
ABCD / ABC INTL LDN / John Smith / DC2 / +445421234 / john.smith@ABC Bank.com / 19.00 / BI / HO / N
ABCD / ABC INTL LDN / Phil Brookes / DCS / +445426789 / phil.brookes@ABC Bank.com / 19.00 / BI / HO / Y
EFGH / ABC BANK FORWARDS / Ray Daniel / DC1 / +445425656 / ray.daniel@ABC Bank London.com / 17.45 / NBI / FB / Y
EFGH / ABC BANK FORWARDS / Jason Bridge / DC2 / +445428824 / jason.bridge@ABC Bank London.com / 17.45 / NBI / FB / N
