Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI)
2018 Schedule of LEMI Formation Workshops and Spiritual Retreat
PASTORAL FORMATION – Minimum 5 hours required
4.0 Standard Four: Pastoral: “A lay ecclesial minister demonstrates a range of leadership and pastoral skills needed for functioning effectively.” (National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers)
“Goal: Pastoral Formation cultivates the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that directly pertain to effective functioning in the ministry setting and that also pertain to pastoral administration that supports direct ministry.” (Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, page 47)
January 30, 2018Pastoral Ministry Workshop, Deacon Bob Ewan, Pastoral Center, Richmond, 9:30 am–3:30 pm (See Description on p.2)
May 15-16, 2018Catholic Diocese of Richmond Ministry Leader Convocation, Virginia Crossings Hotel, Richmond (See Description on p.3)
HUMAN FORMATION – Minimum 5 hours required
1.0 Standard One: “Lay ecclesial ministers demonstrate the qualities of human maturity needed for fruitful ministry with the people of God.”(National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers)
“Goal: Human Formation seeks to develop the lay ecclesial minister’s human qualities and character, fostering a healthy and well-balanced personality, for the sake of both personal growth and ministerial service.” (Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, p. 36)
July 26, 2018Developing Cultural Intelligence at the Catholic Diocese ofRichmond, Dr. Sandra Upton, V.P. of Educational Initiatives, Cultural Intelligence Center CQC), (10:00 am – 3:00 pm (See Description on p.4)
-Pastoral Center, Richmond (LIVE)
-St. Andrew Church, Roanoke(SIMULCAST)
-(Possible Third location TBD- SIMULCAST)
Sept. 25, 2018StrengthsFinder Workshop, Dr. Ann Deaton, Pastoral Center, Richmond
10:00 am – 3:00 pm (See Description on p.5)
SPIRITUAL FORMATION – Overnight Retreat Required
November 2-3, 2018 LEMI Retreat, Dr. Pat Kelly, President/Licensed Psychologist, Kelly
Counseling & Consulting, Roslyn Retreat Center, Richmond (See Description on p.6)
January 30, 2018 – LEMI Pastoral Ministry Workshop presented by Deacon Bob Ewan, Pastoral Center, Richmond, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. Registration fee: $10 for lunch.
This workshop is designed to help lay ministry leaders learn how to offer compassionate care and a pastoral presence to those experiencing loss and grief – whether they are youth or adults, struggling with the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or another crisis of some kind.
Deacon Bob Ewan, formerdirector of diaconate formation in the Diocese of Richmond, continues to help LEMI candidates reflect on ways to develop their pastoral identity and experience personal growth.
REQUIRED READING FOR THIS SESSION: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Psychiatrist Frankl’s memoir of life in Nazi death camps offers lessons for spiritual survival. Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward.Please purchase this book and read it before the January 30th session. The paperback is only a little more than 150 pages and is available from the Office of Christian Formation for $10.00. Email to receive a copy.
For your LEMI Self-Assessment, this workshop can help you acquire competencies for Pastoral Formation under the National Certification Standards for Lay Ministers:”
Core Competency # 4.1: “A lay ecclesial ministers will exercise sound practices of compassionate pastoral care.”
May 15-16, 2018, Catholic Diocese of Richmond Ministry LeaderConvocation, Virginia Crossings Hotel, Richmond.
Theme: “We have seen the Lord!” John 20:25. Called into action as missionary disciples through the revelation of the Risen Lord, ministry leaders will gather to enrich their faith with spirited insights and enliven their ministries with the mercy of God. May we discover the Risen Christ among us and respond to our call with new hope, compassion and peace.
Sponsored by the Office of Christian Formation and the Office of Worship, this two-day conference offers keynote addresses and breakout sessions by national speakers.Connect with colleagues from across the diocese, attend Mass together, visit the exhibit hall, enjoy meals, social time and overnight accommodations. Open to lay ministry leaders, deacons, and pastors. Registration details and costs will be available in January 2018.
Tuesday, May 15 / CONVOCATION SCHEDULE12:00pm / Registration & Exhibits Open
1:30-2:00pm / Opening Prayer, Welcome
2:00-3:30pm / Keynote
3:30-4:00pm / Break to travel to Breakouts and visit Exhibits
4:00pm / Official Check-in to the rooms
4:00-5:00pm / Breakouts
5:00-5:30pm / Break and visit Exhibits
5:30-6:30pm / Mass
6:45-8:00pm / Dinner
8:00-9:00pm / Social
8:00-9:00am / Breakfast
8:30-9:30am / Exhibits
9:30-10:00am / Opening Prayer
10:00-11:00am / Keynote
11:00-11:30am / Break to travel to Breakouts and visit Exhibits
11:30-12:30pm / Breakouts
12:30-1:30pm / Lunch
1:00-1:30pm / Last chance to visit Exhibits
1:30-2:30pm / Keynote
2:30pm / Closing Prayer
3:00pm / Conference Ends
For your LEMI Self-Assessment, this convocation can help you acquire competencies for Pastoral Formation under the National Certification Standards for Lay Ministers:
Core Competency # 4.2: “A lay minister will foster a pastoral ministry that empowers people to inculturate the Gospel in their own culture and to foster unity in diversity in the Catholic Church by utilizing human, spiritual, theological and pastoral approaches proper to each culture.”
Core Competency # 4.3: “Implement the principles and processes of evangelization and faith formation as outlined in national and universal Church documents.”
Core Competency#4.4: “Employ the use of modern means of communication technology to proclaim the Gospel.”
July 26, 2018,Developing Cultural Intelligence at the Catholic Diocese of Richmond,Dr. Sandra Upton, V.P. of Educational Initiatives, Cultural Intelligence Center (CQC), 10:00 am–3:00 pm.
Presented at two, possibly three, locations:
- Pastoral Center, Richmond (LIVE)
- St. Andrew Church, Roanoke(SIMULCAST)
- Possible third location TBD (SIMULCAST)
The purpose of the training session is:
To introduce participants to the cultural intelligence research and model and its relevance to their role as parish leaders and staff at the Diocese of Richmond
To increase participants’ awareness of their own CQ strengths and weaknesses
To develop participants’ understanding of cultural values and their influence on interactions with international priests and a diverse population of parishioners
Prior to the workshop, participants will take the online CQ Self-Assessment and receive a personalized CQ Feedback Report that provides self-ratings, worldwide norms, personal scores on 7 cultural values, and an action plan for utilizing the feedback received.
For your LEMI Self-Assessment, this workshop can help you acquire competencies for Human Formation under the National Certification Standards for Lay Ministers:
Core Competency # 1.1: “A lay minister will appreciate and affirm the dignity of the human person and the positive values of diverse cultures, races, and socioeconomic groups within their respective self-understandings.”
Competency #1.2: “Identify personal gifts and limitations through self-reflection, collaboration with others, peer feedback, supervisory assessment processes, and/or spiritual companioning.”
September 25, 2018, Exploring Your Strengths, Dr. Ann Deaton, Pastoral Center, Richmond 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
This workshop will help LEMI participants develop an understanding of their personal strengths (using their results from the Clifton StrengthsFinder® tool), and identify opportunities to consciously leverage their strengths in work and life.
anticipated outcomes FOR PARTICIPANTS
- Knowledge of the unique value and impact of focusing on your strengths
- Individual awareness of your top five strengths and what these mean
- An understanding of how your strengths play out in your daily life and work
- A new lens and language for effective collaboration
- An opportunity to learn from and with LEMI colleagues
Each registrant will receive a copy of the bookLiving Your Strengths and take the Clifton Stengthsfinder® online assessment tool prior to the workshop of September 25th. A $15.00 workshop fee covers book cost and lunch.
For your LEMI Self-Assessment, this workshop can help you acquire competencies for Human Formation under the National Certification Standards for Lay Ministers:
Core Competency #1.2: “A lay minister will identify personal gifts and limitations through self-reflection, collaboration with others, peer feedback, supervisory assessment processes, and/or spiritual companioning.”
SPIRITUAL FORMATION – Required Overnight Retreat
2.0 Standard Two: Spiritual: “Sharing in a common priesthood of all the baptized, a lay ecclesial minister demonstrates Christian spirituality as foundational to ministry, integrated in service with the people of God, and possessing a sacramental view of the world that recognizes the world can be a vessel of God’s presence and God’s transforming grace.” (National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers)
“Goal: Spiritual formation aims to arouse and animate true hunger for holiness, desire for union with the Father through Christ in the Spirit, daily growing in love of God and neighbor in life and ministry, and the practices of prayer and spirituality that foster these attitudes and dispositions. It promotes and strengthens that fundamental conversion that places God, and not oneself, at the center of one’s life. Openness to this ongoing conversion is a prerequisite for fruitful spiritual formation.” (Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, p. 38)
November 2-3, 2018 LEMI Retreat, Dr. Pat Kelly, President/Licensed Psychologist, Kelly Counseling & Consulting, Roslyn Retreat Center, Richmond
Retreats and days of reflection are an essential component in all ministry formation programs. In a relaxed, prayerful setting, Dr. Kelly will help us explore the practice of mindfulness. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment – and Your Life, “mindfulness is awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particularway: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”Mindfulness practice can help reduce stress and anxiety and lead to more emotional stability.
The overnight retreat will be held at the Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond, beginning Friday, November 2nd at 5:30 pm and ending Saturday, November 3rd at 3 pm. LEMI subsidizes the cost of single, overnight retreat accommodations and three meals so that LEMI participants pay only $50.