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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011)
ilssb-cctd-march17item01 / ITEM #13



Approval of the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant: Renewal Grantee List. / Action
Public Hearing


Before the California Department of Education (CDE) can make annual grant awards for the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG), the California Education Code (EC) Section 53074 requires that the CDE submit a list of recommended new and renewal grant recipients to the State Board of Education (SBE) for review and approval. The CDE brought a list of grantees to the January and March 2016 SBE meetings to be funded in the 2015–16 fiscal year. In September 2016, the CDE brought a list of eligible new grantees to be funded in the 2016–17 fiscal year. These grantees did not apply for, or were not awarded, funding from the 2015–16 fiscal year. Current grantees from the 2015–16 fiscal year have provided the CDE with a progress report and renewal application. The CDE is now providing a list of 362 eligible renewal grantees for the 2016–17 fiscal year.


The CDE recommends that the SBE approve the list of 362 renewal grantees listed in Attachment 1 for the grant term of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2019.


The CTEIG program was established as part of the 2015–16 California State Budget.

The CTEIG was created as a state education, economic, and workforce development initiative with the goal of providing pupils in kindergarten through grade twelve, inclusive, with the knowledge and skills necessary to transition to employment and postsecondary education. The purpose of the CTEIG is to encourage the development of new career technical education (CTE) programs and enhance and maintain current CTE programs during implementation of the school district and charter school local control funding formula (LCFF).

A grant recipient under EC Section 53072 may consist of one or more, or any combination, of the following:

a.  School Districts

b.  County Offices of Education

c.  Charter Schools with an active charter number

d.  Regional Occupational Centers or Programs operated by joint powers authorities, provided that the application has the written consent of each participating local educational agency (LEA)

The focus of the grant is the delivery and sustainability of high quality CTE programs. Grant recipients of these funds are expected to implement and maintain a CTE program meeting the elements of a high quality CTE program pursuant to EC Section 53071(c):

(1)  Offers high quality curriculum and instruction aligned with the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards, including, but not limited to, providing a coherent sequence of CTE courses that enable pupils to transition to postsecondary education programs that lead to a career pathway or attain employment upon graduation from high school.

(2)  Provides pupils with quality career exploration and guidance.

(3)  Provides pupil support services including counseling and leadership development.

(4)  Provides for system alignment, coherence, and articulation, including ongoing and structural regional or local partnerships with postsecondary educational institutions, with documented formal written agreements.

(5)  Forms ongoing and structural industry and labor partnerships, documented through formal written agreements and through participation on advisory committees.

(6)  Provides opportunities for pupils to participate in after school; extended day; and out-of-school internships, competitions, and other work-based learning opportunities.

(7)  Reflects regional or local labor market demands and focuses on current or emerging high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations.

(8)  Leads to an industry-recognized credential, certificate, or appropriate postsecondary training/employment.

(9)  Is staffed by skilled teachers or faculty and provides professional development opportunities for those teachers or faculty members.

(10) Reports data, as a program participation requirement, to allow for an evaluation of the program.

In addition to meeting the minimum requirements as outlined, the CTEIG requires a proportional dollar-for-dollar match as follows:

a.  For the first funding term, $1.00 for every $1.00 received from this program. For the 2015–16 application matching funds may be based on local match expenditures starting July 2015 through June 2017.

b.  For the second funding term, funds expended from the grant dollars must be matched $1.50 for every $1.00 received from this program, and must be expended by June 30, 2018.

c.  For the third funding term, funds expended from the grant dollars must be matched $2.00 for every $1.00 received from this program, and must be expended by June 30, 2019.

The local match may include funding from school district/charter school LCFF apportionments pursuant to EC Section 42238.02, the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, the California Partnership Academies, the Agricultural Incentive Grant, or any other source except from the California Career Pathways Trust.

Per EC Section 53070(b), the grant amounts are appropriated as follows, “…unless otherwise determined by the Superintendent in collaboration with the executive director of the state board”:

a)  For applicants with average daily attendance (ADA) of less than or equal to 140, 4 percent is designated

b)  For applicants with ADA of more than 140 and less than or equal to 550,

8 percent is designated

c)  For applicants with ADA of more than 550, 88 percent is designated

LEA allocations are determined using the following formula:

·  A base amount calculated on an LEA’s proportional share of the total 2015–16 ADA in grades seven through twelve

·  A supplemental allocation calculated on each of the following:

o  New CTE programs

o  English-learner, low-income, and foster youth students

o  Higher than average dropout rates

o  Higher than average unemployment rates

o  Existing student participation in CTE programs

o  Regional collaboration

o  Operation within a rural area

Grant applicants were required to validate how the applicant met, or will over the course of the first grant period meet, the minimum eligibility criteria which includes:

·  the demonstration of high-quality CTE programs,

·  how the applicant would match the dollars received from the CTEIG, and

·  the sustainability of CTE programs for three years past the cessation of the grant.

Applicants unable to demonstrate high-quality programs and/or sustainability were not recommended for funding.


The SBE received information regarding the CTEIG in December 2015. The SBE received items for CTEIG Grantee Approval in January, March, and September 2016.


Funds from the CTEIG are appropriated to the CDE from the General Fund for the CTEIG in the following amounts:

(1)  For the 2015–16 fiscal year, $400 million

(2)  For the 2016–17 fiscal year, $300 million

(3)  For the 2017–18 fiscal year, $200 million


Attachment 1: March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the Career

Technical Education Incentive Grant (13 pages)

2/22/2017 4:37 PM


Attachment 1

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March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation
19642120000000 / ABC Unified / $ 1,320,923
19769680109926 / Academia Advance Charter / $ 111,333
19642460126003 / Academies of the Antelope Valley / $ 74,438
36677360116723 / Academy of Careers and Exploration / $ 59,106
01611190000000 / Alameda Unified / $ 444,391
19757130000000 / Alhambra Unified / $ 1,453,746
01611190130625 / Alternatives in Action / $ 80,000
33669770000000 / Alvord Unified / $ 1,491,319
30664310000000 / Anaheim Union High / $ 4,083,929
45698560000000 / Anderson Union High / $ 328,431
23655400000000 / Anderson Valley Unified / $ 77,624
19642460000000 / Antelope Valley Union High / $ 2,787,972
36750770000000 / Apple Valley Unified / $ 2,409,620
19642610000000 / Arcadia Unified / $ 500,000
01612590115238 / ARISE High / $ 78,471
40687000000000 / Atascadero Unified / $ 599,211
19642790000000 / Azusa Unified / $ 733,333
36400480000000 / Baldy View ROP JPA / $ 6,000,000
33669850000000 / Banning Unified / $ 315,642
19643030000000 / Bellflower Unified / $ 716,217
48705240000000 / Benicia Unified / $ 133,333
01611430000000 / Berkeley Unified / $ 708,203
19643110000000 / Beverly Hills Unified / $ 303,892
55751840000000 / Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified / $ 40,000
04614080000000 / Biggs Unified / $ 66,097
19647331931047 / Birmingham Community Charter High / $ 100,000
14766870000000 / Bishop Unified / $ 214,909
13630810000000 / Brawley Union High / $ 333,988
30664490000000 / Brea-Olinda Unified / $ 340,516

March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation
05615560000000 / Bret Harte Union High / $ 189,438
19643370000000 / Burbank Unified / $ 1,043,733
04100410000000 / Butte County Office of Education / $ 111,356
47736840000000 / Butte Valley Unified / $ 99,460
41688900000000 / Cabrillo Unified / $ 66,399
05615640000000 / Calaveras Unified / $ 289,765
13630990000000 / Calexico Unified / $ 491,337
13631070000000 / Calipatria Unified / $ 161,361
28662410000000 / Calistoga Joint Unified / $ 68,719
43694010000000 / Campbell Union High / $ 625,000
58727286115935 / Camptonville Academy / $ 70,438
30664640000000 / Capistrano Unified / $ 2,952,651
37735510000000 / Carlsbad Unified / $ 368,681
42691460000000 / Carpinteria Unified / $ 158,267
10621661030840 / Carter G. Woodson Public Charter / $ 161,647
34739730000000 / Center Joint Unified / $ 332,080
19643520000000 / Centinela Valley Union High / $ 981,663
13631150000000 / Central Union High / $ 700,609
50710430000000 / Ceres Unified / $ 566,710
04614240000000 / Chico Unified / $ 365,108
20652010000000 / Chowchilla Union High / $ 215,116
49706560000000 / Cloverdale Unified / $ 129,133
10621170000000 / Clovis Unified / $ 2,240,376
33736760000000 / Coachella Valley Unified / $ 1,297,380
40754650000000 / Coast Unified / $ 106,601
30741200000000 / Coastline ROP / $ 1,088,231
36741380000000 / Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa ROP / $ 3,220,622
06100660000000 / Colusa County Office of Education / $ 50,000
06615980000000 / Colusa Unified / $ 172,918

March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation
07100740000000 / Contra Costa County Office of Education / $ 4,196,479
16638910000000 / Corcoran Joint Unified / $ 279,553
52715060000000 / Corning Union High / $ 207,295
37680310000000 / Coronado Unified / $ 204,475
33670330000000 / Corona-Norco Unified / $ 3,359,232
49738820000000 / Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified / $ 40,000
19644440000000 / Culver City Unified / $ 437,077
42750100000000 / Cuyama Joint Unified / $ 86,056
19768690119636 / Da Vinci Design / $ 269,675
37680496119564 / Dehesa Charter / $ 66,667
08100820000000 / Del Norte County Office of Education / $ 104,806
08618200000000 / Del Norte County Unified / $ 157,492
15634120000000 / Delano Joint Union High / $ 908,593
33670580000000 / Desert Sands Unified / $ 1,629,904
44697994430245 / Diamond Technology Institute / $ 48,865
48705320000000 / Dixon Unified / $ 303,193
24753170000000 / Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified / $ 66,667
19644510000000 / Downey Unified / $ 1,680,434
47702500000000 / Dunsmuir Joint Union High / $ 45,870
04614320000000 / Durham Unified / $ 116,045
51713730000000 / East Nicolaus Joint Union High / $ 91,123
19741950000000 / East San Gabriel Valley ROP / $ 3,756,977
43694270000000 / East Side Union High / $ 2,116,090
01404280000000 / Eden Area ROP JPA / $ 2,964,707
09100900000000 / El Dorado County Office of Education / $ 1,200,359
19645190000000 / El Monte Union High / $ 433,333
15751680000000 / El Tejon Unified / $ 115,144
34673140000000 / Elk Grove Unified / $ 2,518,770
37681060000000 / Escondido Union High / $ 1,060,666

March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation
57726860000000 / Esparto Unified / $ 130,490
12755150000000 / Eureka City Schools / $ 288,329
54768360000000 / Exeter Unified / $ 86,000
48705400000000 / Fairfield-Suisun Unified / $ 666,667
45699890000000 / Fall River Joint Unified / $ 151,466
37681220000000 / Fallbrook Union High / $ 85,333
54753250000000 / Farmersville Unified / $ 129,000
12753740000000 / Ferndale Unified / $ 69,352
34673300000000 / Folsom-Cordova Unified / $ 1,149,200
36677100000000 / Fontana Unified / $ 2,886,613
23655650000000 / Fort Bragg Unified / $ 109,896
18750360000000 / Fort Sage Unified / $ 55,970
12628100000000 / Fortuna Union High / $ 216,523
43694680000000 / Fremont Union High / $ 829,126
10101080000000 / Fresno County Office of Education / $ 3,361,305
10621660000000 / Fresno Unified / $ 4,513,406
30665140000000 / Fullerton Joint Union High / $ 137,066
34673550000000 / Galt Joint Union High / $ 555,144
30665220000000 / Garden Grove Unified / $ 2,423,959
45752670000000 / Gateway Unified / $ 201,651
43694840000000 / Gilroy Unified / $ 150,000
19645680000000 / Glendale Unified / $ 1,755,465
11101160000000 / Glenn County Office of Education / $ 57,350
47104700117168 / Golden Eagle Charter / $ 37,135
37683380119610 / Gompers Preparatory Academy / $ 52,666
19647331933746 / Granada Hills Charter High / $ 353,347
04755070000000 / Gridley Unified / $ 197,427
37681300000000 / Grossmont Union High / $ 2,225,776
24736190000000 / Gustine Unified / $ 190,376
19734450000000 / Hacienda la Puente Unified / $ 1,381,404

March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation
11765620000000 / Hamilton Unified / $ 115,885
16639250000000 / Hanford Joint Union High / $ 656,249
49753900000000 / Healdsburg Unified / $ 175,565
37683380114462 / Health Science High / $ 176,515
37681303732732 / Helix High / $ 120,000
33670820000000 / Hemet Unified / $ 1,111,111
37683383731247 / High Tech High / $ 572,667
34765050130757 / Highlands Community Charter / $ 56,015
24656980000000 / Hilmar Unified / $ 202,060
13631490000000 / Holtville Unified / $ 187,836
50755490000000 / Hughson Unified / $ 174,101
30665480000000 / Huntington Beach Union High / $ 1,750,000
13101320000000 / Imperial County Office of Education / $ 50,000
13631640000000 / Imperial Unified / $ 303,784
30736500000000 / Irvine Unified / $ 1,293,333
41689240000000 / Jefferson Union High / $ 636,853
37681710000000 / Julian Union High / $ 42,226
33670900000000 / Jurupa Unified / $ 1,238,210
17640140000000 / Kelseyville Unified / $ 186,066
15101570000000 / Kern County Office of Education / $ 333,333
15635290000000 / Kern High / $ 5,642,239
37683380118851 / King-Chavez Community High / $ 135,316
16101650000000 / Kings County Office of Education / $ 31,838
12629010000000 / Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified / $ 116,410
17640220000000 / Konocti Unified / $ 106,667
19646590000000 / La Canada Unified / $ 235,153
19740880000000 / La Puente Valley ROP / $ 132,595
54105465430327 / La Sierra High / $ 93,388
30665550000000 / Laguna Beach Unified / $ 223,433
33751760000000 / Lake Elsinore Unified / $ 1,202,853

March 2017 Recommended Renewal Grantee List for the