Dear Everybody,

On behalf of Rodney and Jenny Harrison, thank you to all in many of the villages across the Savernake Team who have stopped me to ask how Rodney is and to pass on messages of goodwill.

Just to ensure that you are in possession of the right September information, Rodney had a heart attack on the 16th September, having been admitted to GWH at Swindon earlier in the day with chest pains. He was sent home within a week and will be on a programme of rehabilitation and recovery, and convalescence, which will take us up to the New Year.

As a family, they are coping well with what has plainly been a very stressful situation, but they need to be left alone, and in particular, visiting is not encouraged because of the risk of infection, which is the last thing Rodney needs.

In the Bedwyns, we therefore have a situation which is to be treated as an interregnum; i.e. all parochial and church business is to be referred to the churchwardens of the respective parish, and all pastoral matters in any of the Bedwyn parishes referred to me as Team Rector. The bright side is that, apart from the inevitable hiccough over the first weekend, when 2 other members of the Savernake Team clergy were also away, because we are now working as a Team our flexibility is such that over the period Rodney is away, there is every reason to hope that most of our expectations of church life should continue more or less as normal. We are of course grateful, as always, to our retired clergy, who are very graciously filling in breaches where necessary

With my love in Christ



November 2nd / 6pm / Evensong
November 9th
Remembrance Day / 10.45 / Remembrance Day service
At the War Memorial
November 16th / 11am / Morning Worship
November 23rd / 8am / Holy Communion
November 30th
Advent Sunday / 11am / Family Communion
Collingbourne Ducis

The Bedwyns

Some of you may not know that Rev. Rodney Harrison, Team Vicar of the Bedwyns, Savernake and East Grafton suffered a heart attack last month and will be off all duties until after Christmas. Please remember him, and his wife Jenny, in your prayers.


Thank-you to all those who contributed to our Harvest Festival, through decorating the church and donating produce for the Crisis Centre. Thank you too to those who cooked, prepared the hall and entertained us at the Harvest Supper.

The Harvest supper was very popular with about 70 people enjoying a delicious dinner, with an astonishingly accomplished performance by Imogen Lambert, on both cello and the recorders. Harvest Supper is not a fund raising event but simply for the fun of being together. However, with so many tickets sold, a small profit is made which we use to pay for wine at various events through the year such as the glass of wine we served after our Harvest evensong.

Growing Healthy Churches

The PCC have been looking at the seven marks that make a healthy church, and we have been unexpectedly surprised at the health of St Nicolas’ church, compared with many small rural churches. Of course there is lots of room for things we could do better and out of the discussion several concerns have been raised including how outward looking are we? What about our visiting? and how do we encourage small groups? The first action we intend to take, is to introduce a monthly bible study with supper for Christians in Chute.

Sunday Club

Sunday Club will be meeting at 10am to 11.30 on November 2nd. We will be thinking about what poppies symbolise for us on Remembrance Sunday, before having fun with craft activities and music. All 4-11’s welcome to get together, have fun and learn about Jesus.

Remembrance Day Service

As in previous years, Jerry from the Hatchet has kindly offered to lay coffee on for us after the service. The collection will go to Ex-services Mental Welfare.

A Wedding!

We are looking forward to the wedding of Maria Tunley to Rowan Casson on November 29th. Sadly our heating won’t be in by then, but we would like to meet in the churchyard that morning for our annual leaf sweep at 10am in readiness for the wedding at 2pm. Please can as many as possible come and help, coffee and something delicious will be served half-way through!

Christmas services

For everyone, especially all children and families, there will be a nativity play on Sunday 21st December followed by tea in the village hall. This will be instead of Morning Worship at 11am.

There will be an initial sort out at Sunday Club in December, and a rehearsal on Saturday 20th in the afternoon, which is when we plan to hold Holiday Club. This performance will be instead of the Crib Service on Christmas Eve.

More information next month, but if you would like to know more now, ring Hannah on 730717.


It was suggested a while ago that each year, in November’s edition of the Chronicle, we should include information on one of those who gave their lives for King and Country, in one of the World War’s. The following is the first such contribution.

Chris Stock

Norman Cook

Norman Cook was born in Clanville, 1896, to Henry and Louisa Cook. Clanville was also the birthplace of his father, Henry, and Norman’s sisters, Jessie and Lilian, who were 2 and 4 years younger respectively. By way of contrast, Louisa had been born in Tangley.

In 1901, when Norman was just 4, we know that Henry was employed as a Dairyman, living in Clanville Street, Penton Mewsey – subsequently, the family is known to have lived at 4 Orchard Cottages, Chute Lodge, which is where they were when Norman was killed.

During the war, Norman served as a Private in the 1st Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment. In 1915, British troops of the Third Army had been sent to the Somme to relieve the French, duly being succeeded by the Fourth and Fifth Armies, the latter arriving in July 1916. In July and August of that year, there was a marked offensive campaign in the area, of which Norman Cook was part, giving up his life on 28th August, 1916, aged 20.

He is buried in the Forceville Communal Cemetry and Extension, Somme.

Others from Chute to loose their lives during the Battle of the Somme included Geoffrey Scott (July 1916), Henry Ridley (July 1916) and Francis Joicey-Cecil (September 1916).

We will remember them ......


On Wednesday, 15th October 2003, 46 of us travelled by coach to visit the Tank Museum at Bovington, Dorset "Where History Explodes Into Life". This visit turned out to be a fascinating insight into armoured vehicles of all types from England, Germany, France, Poland and Russia and from the 1st and 2nd World Wars.

On entry we were all handed a Personal Audio Unit which enabled us to key into an explanation of the types and history of the various exhibits and to appreciate more fully the hugely uncomfortable, cramped and dangerous conditions endured by their occupants. We all decided that this exhibition was well worth visiting and of very good value.

We then visited Poole Quay for a breath of sea air, a walk along the harbour looking at various craft and the opportunity to take tea before travelling home.

Our last outing of the season is on Wednesday, 19th November when we visit the Wilton Carpet Factory for a tour to include seeing these famous carpets being produced. We will also visit the Wilton Shopping Village for the opportunity of a spot of Christmas Shopping.

There are still a few seats left. Departure times are as normal.

We are now taking bookings for our Christmas Lunch which will be held, once again, at the Wyke Down Country Pub & Restaurant on Wednesday, 3rd December. This has always been a very popular occasion and early bookings are advised. This event is for members only

John Burden



There are 4 applications to record:

Land by Prospect Villa, Upper Chute – Build House

High Ridge, Upper Chute – Extend Conservatory

Chute Manor – Work to improve trees

Village Green, Upper Chute – Work on Chestnut Tree

There are two application outcomes to record:

The Bungalow, Upper Chute – Amend Roof Lights - Approved

Hatchetts, Lower Chute – Work on rear Yew hedge - Approved

Alert For Wiltshire Residents

Trading Standards are warning all Wiltshire residents to be careful if they receive a mailing from a company called Friedrich Mueller. The Company is based abroad and is being investigated by the Office of Fair Trading in conjunction with authorities in Europe. The advice offered is NOT to use the phone number or send any money. This mailing should be binned. If any resident has already become involved they are advised to ring Trading Standards for advice on 08451 201 202

Low Price Compost Bins

Wiltshire Waste Partnership is making compost bins available at the low price of £6.00 instead of the usual £39.50. The offer is limited to two bins per household and can be claimed/arranged by calling 0870 844 3005.

Tesco Charity Trust

All Tesco stores hold a number of Community Gift Vouchers to support fund raising events – eg as raffle prizes. They are intended to help charities and voluntary groups providing support to children, the elderly and the disabled. If you think you may qualify for this help you should write to the Customer Service Manager at your local Tesco store explaining the body you represent, the event you are organising, and how you intend to use the vouchers. Requests, however, for vouchers valued at over £50 should be directed to Local Community Sponsorship, CSR Unit, Tesco Stores Ltd, Tesco House, Delamare Road, Chestnut, Herts EN8 9SL.

Next Meetings Of Chute Parish Council

Are scheduled for 7.30pm on Thursday 6th November and 11th December 2003. Venue: Village Hall. Members of the Public are welcome. The Agenda will be displayed at the four Notice Boards around the Parish and the minutes of the previous meeting will also be displayed on the Council Notice Board at the village hall.

David Clark

Clerk to Chute PC

Chute Forest Parish Council

Mr. & Mrs. Bament, as Community Emergency Volunteers, together with Ken Yelf, (Neighbourhood Watch Representative) and the councillors, took part in an exercise to test their ability to cope with an emergency situation. The role play included a coach load of children from Chernobyl (!) crashing into a local house, having lost their way in atrocious weather, on New Year's Eve, while the rest of the village were partying in another local house! During the exercise, telephone contact had to be made with emergency services and notes made to record the proposed actions, priorities etc.

We thought we had covered the recommended actions pretty well, but the official comments will be very interesting.

Date of next meeting Thursday November 20th, 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

A. Cherrington (Clerk to the Council)


The Weekend

What a great weekend!! Twenty six volunteers turned up over the course of the weekend and the community spirit was fantastic. Everybody worked so hard that we managed to decorate the main hall, the front and rear entrance porches and the committee room! I am seeing many villagers in a different light after watching them in some most unusual positions, to try and reach both low and high difficult areas of the hall. Tim Harker and Eoin Lambkin, I am sure, would not be daunted by Everest !

Everybody that came to help said that they were so proud of the Hall that they wanted to make sure the standard was maintained. All the previous custodians who shed so much blood sweat and tears to give us the wonderful Village facility we now have made this pride possible. Our continued appreciation to all those who were involved.

On behalf of the trust, I would like to thank most sincerely all those people who came to help, either to paint or to supply sustenance to the painters. Once again a huge thank you.

Pat Caddick

Chairman, Village Hall


The Village Hall Committee, on behalf of the entire Village, would like to thank Bill Shaw for all his efforts during his 2 ½ year tenure as Chairman of the Hall Trustees. Never an easy task, he has guided the committee, and indeed the hall, to continuing success. We wish him well as he undertakes new challenges.

Village Hall Committee

Drop into Upper Chute Village Hall ....

on Thursday November 13th between 9.30 and 12.30

...... and meet Rural Needs Initiative and representatives from agencies including Voluntary Action Kennet, Steps to Learning, TEMPO and Citizens Advice Bureau to find out what they can offer you.

Rural Needs Initiative is a small voluntary organisation based in Marlborough working to support families – particularly those with young children. We provide an “outreach service” taking play activities and Playpacks to toddler groups in the area. Another service we offer is the “Drop in” when there is a chance for you to get information on your doorstep rather than having to travel far afield.

If you are thinking about doing a computer course, returning to work, volunteering or setting up your own business, come along. There will be several people with “hands on experience” of successfully starting a business from home to fit in with family life; you can talk with them about their experiences.

Equally if you have retired but would like to take an active part in the life of the wider community, or would like to be able to use a computer, then this is a chance for you to find out what is available locally.

There will be refreshments and activities for children as well as a chance for complimentary manicure, or a relaxing hand, head or neck massage from a qualified complementary therapist.

Everyone is welcome ... we look forward to seeing you at the Village Hall on November 13th between 9.30 and 12.30.

For further information contact Rural Needs Initiative on 01672 513010 or e-mail

Betty Dobson, Co-ordinator Rural Needs InitiativeTHE


Friday Club is moving to the Pavilion. From November, we will be meeting every week at the Pavilion, Chute Playing fields.

Still 7-9pm

Still 50p or £1 per family

Still loads of fun!

Everyone welcome

November 7th / Seniors*
November 14th / Juniors*
November 21st / Both
November 28th / Seniors

*Seniors are 11 and over, or if preferred 11 year olds may come to the *Junior evenings, which are from 7 years old.


The Committee and Members of Chute Club would like to thank the Chute Fete for their kind donation to the club.

The Club is available for weddings, christenings, Christmas parties, meetings, etc. Telephone for further details.

Sheila Green

730293 or 772459


Paul and Lisa Jackson are delighted to announce the safe arrival of Joe Harvey on October 12th at 9.27 am (a little earlier than anticipated) weighing 6lb 6 oz, a very welcome baby brother for Alice.


Sat 1st / 8 pm / Chute Club / Halowe’en Disco. Fancy Dress (ghosts and witches)
Sun 2nd / 10 am / Village Hall / Sunday Club
Sun 2nd / 6 pm / St Nicolas / Evensong
Sun 2nd / 8.30pm / Chute Club / Chute Club AGM
Thurs 6th / 7.30 pm / Village Hall / Chute Parish Council Meeting
Fri 7th / 7pm / Pavilion / Friday Club - Seniors
Sun 9th / 10.45 am / War Memorial / Remembrance Day service
Thurs 13th / 9.30 – 12.30 / Village Hall / Rural Needs Initiative
Fri 14th / 7pm / Pavilion / Friday Club - Juniors
Sat 15th / 8.30 pm / Chute Club / Denver Spur Country Band (all welcome)
Sun 16th / 11am / St Nicolas / Morning Worship
Tues 18th / 8 pm / Village Hall / Gardening Club
Wed 19th / 7.45pm / Chute Club / Whist Drive
Thurs 20th / 7.30 pm / Village Hall / Chute Forest Parish Council
Fri 21st / 7pm / Pavilion / Friday Club – Juniors & Seniors
Fri 21st / 8 pm / Village Hall / Barn Dance
Sun 23rd / 8 am / St Nicolas / Holy Communion
Fri 28th / 7pm / Pavilion / Friday Club - Seniors
Mondays / 7.30 pm / Village Hall / Line Dancing
Tuesdays / Hatchet PH / Quiz
Wednesdays / 10 am / Village Hall / Mothers & Toddlers
Thursdays / Hatchet PH / Curry night


It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that as from 2pm on Friday 24th October, the Post Office and shop attached to the Cross Keys will be closed permanently, your nearest Post Office then will be Ludgershall, or Andover.

As most of you will have heard, we are having to give up the tenancy at the Cross Keys, due to lack of local support. This also applies to the Post Office and shop – if there had been more support from villagers, we might have been able to make a small profit from the business, and therefore carry on. But after several warnings to use us or lose us, it has been made blatantly obvious that it is not necessary to have either the shop or Post Office in the village. Apart from a few loyal people – thanks to you all, it is a shame there weren’t more of you! - locals are obviously shopping elsewhere. The same applies to the pub. Even though we have been able to turn it back into more of a local pub, with darts, pool team, quiz nights, other functions, etc. as well as the food side, it seems that it is not an integral part of the village as it was in the past. What a shame.