Class Displacements – Thursday 18 April

REG / 2 Moray - Mrs Young / Class displaced to B42
Period 1 / 1/45R Art – Mrs Young / Class displaced to B01 (Mr McAvinue)
Period 2 / S3 Art – Mrs Lee
S3 Art – Mrs Young / Class displaced to B51
Class displaced to B42
Period 3 / 2/123S Art – Mrs Young / Class displaced to B42
Period 4 / 2/67M Art – Mrs Young / Class displaced to B20
Period 5 / 1/123G Art – Mrs Young / Class displaced to Y20 (Mr Cunningham)
Period 6 / S1 Art Elective / Class displaced to B30

Castle to Cashmere Project: Just a reminder that all students involved in this project who are attending the Cathedral Visit should make their way to the Cathedral on Tuesday 23April.The tour will commence at 3.45pm. The meeting with the Chairman of the Castle to Cashmere project board will take place at MorayCollege on Wednesday 24April at 3.45pm. All those attending should make their way to MorayCollege for 3.45pm and report to the reception. (KG)

WholeSchool Pupil Council: Meeting at 1.20pm tomorrow (Friday) in Mr Gray’s room (Chemistry - G25) to get litter picks organised and started. Thanks. (RG)

Comic Relief: The total raised so far is £1395.67 – fantastic effort! Please hand in any late donations or sponsorship money to the school office by Friday 26April. (MM)

Women in Sports Day: This Saturday, 20th April, sports sessions for girls and women will be available in rugby, hockey, basketball and tennis. Rugby will run from 10am-11am at ElginHigh School (Mrs Macrae will be there helping out) and is for adults and 12-18yr olds. Hockey will run from 11am-12pm, also at ElginHigh School, and is for adults and 15-18yr olds. Basketball will run from 12pm-1pm, also at ElginHigh School, and is for adults and 5-18yr olds. Tennis will be held at Elgin Lawn Tennis Club from 2-4pm and is for adults and 5-18yr olds. Please come along, it’s a great opportunity to get fit and try out some sports you may not have done before. Have a look at the poster in the canteen or see Mrs Macrae in G02 for more information. (EM)

Trampoline Club: Trampoline Club starts back this Monday 22nd April 3.30-4.30pm. Collect a form from PE department. (L Stewart, ActiveSchools)

Rugby League Coaching Sessions: Start TODAY! 3.30 – 4.30 at Morriston. If you are interested please put your name forward to PE department by end of lunch today. It’s open to all. Males and females. (Active Schools)

Fantastic Freestyle Dance: Free taster sessions with Hollie from danceWORKZ. Open to all. Beginners welcome. START NEXT TUESDAY. 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Collect a consent form from the PE department. (Active Schools)

Board Games: Board Games will be on tomorrow lunchtime (Friday) in room B20. (NG)

Girls’ Rugby: Could all girls currently playing or interested in playing rugby please come to a short meeting in G02 at 1:15pm on Monday 22April? Thanks. (EM)

Strictly Come Dancing: If anyone has any photos or videos from Strictly Come Dancing could you please pass a copy to Mrs Macrae in G02. Thanks very much. (EM)

MoraySecondary Schools, Boys & Girls Golf Championships: If any pupils are interested in the above competition can they please collect an entry form from Mr Wylie in the PE Dept. (JW)

Girls Fitness Sessions: Girls fitness sessions with ActiveSchools and Elgin Youth Cafe. Sign up for free spinning sessions at Moray Leisure. Come to the PE department @ 1.10pm Friday 19th. Limited Spaces.


S1-S3 XscapeTrip: Could the following pupils please come and see Miss Davison (G31) during registration today: Conor Wallington 3G, Keturah Adam 3I, Andrew Legge 2G. Thank you

Badaguish Outdoor Challenge: A reminder to all competitors that we have meetings on Thursday and Friday lunchtime. Meet in room B14 at 13:15pm (RR)


Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Friday 19 April:

8:55Connor Gordon 6M9:55Neil Highmore 5R11:00Matthew Campbell 5G

11:55Macauley Allen 5S1:40James Hartley 4S

Int 2 Psychology: Int 2 Psychology students- the NAB scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled due to staff illness. It will be re-scheduled for Tuesday 23 April. These students should remain in school rather than attending College. Please meet Mr Webster in the Library at the start of period 5 today. (AW)

S5 Pupil Council: There will be a very brief meeting of the S5 pupil council on Friday 19April at Registration in the conference room. All members of the council should report to registration and then make their way to the Conference room. (KG)

S6 Yearbook: The following S6 pupils should report to Mrs Havinden (G12) as soon as possible with their yearbook payment: Caitlin Bowcutt, Curtis Davidson, Helen Doherty, Connor Gordon, Mandy Gordon, Sevgi Gul, Asia Mathieson, Dylan O’Neill, Sian Pymm, Becky Saunderson and Carly Sewell. These payments must be made by Thursday 25April. (JH)

Modern Apprenticeships: S4/5/6 Modern Apprenticeship opportunities have arisen within the IT Analyst Team at Capgemini in Inverness and Nairn. Successful candidates will gain an SVQ 3 in IT. Work experience will be industry specific and will enable candidates to become a permanent member of staff at Capgemini.Please apply in writing with CV to

Closing date is Friday 31May 2013.