Check Your Understanding (THIS IS NOT a QUIZ

Check Your Understanding (THIS IS NOT a QUIZ

Check your understanding (THIS IS NOT A QUIZ!):

Part I

Sections 1-3

  1. How does the Chief feel about the black boys?
  2. How do the black boys feel about Nurse Ratched?
  3. When does the fog first happen for Chief? What do you think this means?
  4. When Chief describes his yelling as an “Air raid air raid!” what experience in his past could this be referring to?
  5. Who’s R.P. McMurphy? Describe him.
  6. Why is McMurphy sent to the “Institution of Psychology”?
  7. How has Nurse Racthed set up the ward as an anti-cure?
  8. What’s the difference between the Acutes and the Chronics?
  9. Who’s the “bull goose loony” on the ward?
  10. How are McMurphy’s hands different from Harding’s?
  11. How does McMurphy’s voice and laughter affect the ward?
  12. Why was McMurphy laughing at Chief as he introduces himself to him?

Check your understanding:

Part I

Sections 1-3

  1. How does the Chief feel about the black boys?
  2. How do the black boys feel about Nurse Ratched?
  3. When does the fog first happen for Chief? What do you think this means?
  4. When Chief describes his yelling as an “Air raid air raid!” what experience in his past could this be referring to?
  5. Who’s R.P. McMurphy? Describe him.
  6. Why is McMurphy sent to the “Institution of Psychology”?
  7. How has Nurse Racthed set up the ward as an anti-cure?
  8. What’s the difference between the Acutes and the Chronics?
  9. Who’s the “bull goose loony” on the ward?
  10. How are McMurphy’s hands different from Harding’s?
  11. How does McMurphy’s voice and laughter affect the ward?
  12. Why was McMurphy laughing at Chief as he introduces himself to him?

Check your understanding:Name______

Section 4

  1. What does Chief imagine Nurse Ratched as?
  2. What is Nurse Ratched’s technique in keeping control and disciplining as she describes to the black boys?
  3. Describe the unspoken language between NR and the BBs.
  4. What happens each morning? Create a brief timeline.
  1. What was Chief’s job in the Army?
  2. What happens to Taber? Why?
  3. How is the ward like the Mill (a factory/combine)?
  4. Chief mentions the fog again in his flashback. Can you gather any more meaning? Make note of it on your chart in the packet.

Check your understanding:Name______

Section 4

  1. What does Chief imagine Nurse Ratched as?
  2. What is Nurse Ratched’s technique in keeping control and disciplining as she describes to the black boys?
  3. Describe the unspoken language between NR and the BBs.
  4. What happens each morning? Create a brief timeline.
  1. What was Chief’s job in the Army?
  2. What happens to Taber? Why?
  3. How is the ward like the Mill (a factory/combine)?
  4. Chief mentions the fog again in his flashback. Can you gather any more meaning? Make note of it on your chart in the packet.

Check your understanding:Name______

Part I - Section 5

  1. The Fog Machine makes an appearance again, who hides in it? What may be the meaning behind this?
  2. Describe the first Group Meeting experience for MM. How are some of the men “emasculated” by Ratched?
  3. Does Dr. Spivey believe MM story that he’s really “insane”? Why does MM claim to be insane?
  4. What’s MM realize during the meeting?
  5. On pg. 50 microcosm…think about it..:)
  6. Describe the purpose of the flashback concerning Pete Bancini (the “tired” one). What happened to him?
  7. McMurphy describes what happened to Harding as a “pecking party”. How does Harding react? Why does he react this way?
  8. What strategies does Nurse Ratched use manipulate the patients…AND Dr. Spivey?
  9. Describe what happens at the Shock Shop?
  10. Did you catch the ALLUSION to Greek Mythology??
  11. Prediction: will McMurphy fall victim of NR or will he win his bet?

Check your understanding:Name______

Part I - Section 5

  1. The Fog Machine makes an appearance again, who hides in it? What may be the meaning behind this?
  2. Describe the first Group Meeting experience for MM. How are some of the men “emasculated” by Ratched?
  3. Does Dr. Spivey believe MM story that he’s really “insane”? Why does MM claim to be insane?
  4. What’s MM realize during the meeting?
  5. On pg. 50 microcosm…think about it..:)
  6. Describe the purpose of the flashback concerning Pete Bancini. What happened to him?
  7. McMurphy describes what happened to Harding as a “pecking party”. How does Harding react? Why does he react this way?
  8. What strategies does Nurse Ratched use manipulate the patients…AND Dr. Spivey?
  9. Describe what happens at the Shock Shop?
  10. Did you catch the ALLUSION to Greek Mythology??
  11. Prediction: will McMurphy fall victim of NR or will he win his bet?

Part I - Section 6

  1. Why the story/flashback about the Santa Claus?
  2. How does NR control the time/clock?
  3. What embarrassing thing happens to Chief? Why?
  4. Take note of the fog again…how may this add to its deeper meaning?
  5. Who wins when MM gambles w/ the men? What’s this say about MM?
  6. What does MM try to do w/ Nurse Pilbow?
  7. What does MM figure out about Chief at the end of the chapter?

Part I – Section 7

  1. Chief describes the ongoing sound in the hospital as “low, relentless, brute power”. How may it add further meaning to the combine symbol?
  2. What happens to old Vegetable Blastic?
  3. How does this scene highlight Chief’s paranoia/mental damage from the shock treatment?
  4. Why does this happen on a night when he DOESN’T take his pill?
  5. How is the PR guy’s laugh different from that of MM’s?
  6. In Section 1, Chief states “But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen” (8). Did this all actually happen? What’s reality? What’s not…?

Part I - Section 6

  1. Why the story/flashback about the Santa Claus?
  2. How does NR control the time/clock?
  3. What embarrassing thing happens to Chief? Why?
  4. Take note of the fog again…how may this add to its deeper meaning?
  5. Who wins when MM gambles w/ the men? What’s this say about MM?
  6. What does MM try to do w/ Nurse Pilbow?
  7. What does MM figure out about Chief at the end of the chapter?

Part I – Section 7

  1. Chief describes the ongoing sound in the hospital as “low, relentless, brute power”. How may it add further meaning to the combine symbol?
  2. What happens to old Vegetable Blastic?
  3. How does this scene highlight Chief’s paranoia/mental damage from the shock treatment?
  4. Why does this happen on a night when he DOESN’T take his pill?
  5. How is the PR guy’s laugh different from that of MM’s?
  6. In Section 1, Chief states “But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen” (8). Did this all actually happen? What’s reality? What’s not…?

Part I – Section 8

  1. Why is MM treated differently?
  2. Describe the incident w/ the toothpaste. This is just one example of what? Think theme!
  3. Describe Chief’s flashback about his father poking fun at the government. What’s the purpose of this section?
  4. Note some of the mechanical terms Chief uses in describing Nurse Ratched as she goes to stop MM from singing.
  5. What are convalescents? How does MM try to “get Nurse Ratched’s goat” with the towel incident?
  6. How may the last line of the chapter hint at the theme of emasculation?

Part I – Section 8

  1. Why is MM treated differently?
  2. Describe the incident w/ the toothpaste. This is just one example of what? Think theme!
  3. Describe Chief’s flashback about his father poking fun at the government. What’s the purpose of this section?
  4. Note some of the mechanical terms Chief uses in describing Nurse Ratched as she goes to stop MM from singing.
  5. What are convalescents? How does MM try to “get Nurse Ratched’s goat” with the towel incident?
  6. How may the last line of the chapter hint at the theme of emasculation?

Part I – Section 8

  1. Why is MM treated differently?
  2. Describe the incident w/ the toothpaste. This is just one example of what? Think theme!
  3. Describe Chief’s flashback about his father poking fun at the government. What’s the purpose of this section?
  4. Note some of the mechanical terms Chief uses in describing Nurse Ratched as she goes to stop MM from singing.
  5. What are convalescents? How does MM try to “get Nurse Ratched’s goat” with the towel incident?
  6. How may the last line of the chapter hint at the theme of emasculation?

Part I – Section 9

  1. What are some of the ways that MM tries to amuse or get some of the men to laugh?
  1. What does MM complain about again? Who wins this argument?
  1. How did MM’s interview with the Dr. go on the 2nd day?
  1. What are Dr. Spivey’s new suggestions (via MM) and how does NR respond?
  1. Chief mentions the fog and the combine again…any added meaning? What has just occurred?

Part I – Section10

  1. What do you think Kesey is trying to show with the Monopoly scene?

Part I – Section 11-14

  1. Chief begins this chapter referring to the fog again. How is he affected by it?
  1. Chief says, “He’s safe as long as he can laugh”. Who’s he and what does this mean beyond the text, theme?
  1. What does MM want a democratic vote on in this section?
  1. Why is he frustrated w/ the men…so much so that he takes their money in gambling?
  1. What final bet does MM make w/ the men. Does he win? Does it matter? What has he shown the men about trying vs. not trying?
  1. Section 12 begins a psychotic episode for Chief. He climbs into the picture. What does this do to and for the Chief?
  1. Section 13 mentions the fog again…what is chief’s perception of it now?
  1. Section 14 – what does Chief mean when he says (about Rawler’s suicide), “what makes people so impatient is what I can’t figure; all the guy had to do was wait” (think emasculation…)

Part I – Section 15

  1. Explain the following quote concerning the fog, “You had a choice: you could either strain and look at things that appeared in front of you in the fog, painful as it might be, or you could relax and lose yourself”
  2. What was the genesis of Chief’s association with the fog?
  3. Why do you think, based on his description of the shock shop table etc., Chief feigns being deaf and dumb?
  4. Who is Colonel Matterson? What does Chief finally understand about him?
  5. What does Chief say to Pete as he “floats by”?
  6. Who’s trying to “pull people out of the fog”
  7. In your eyes, who “wins” the argument about watching the World Series game?

Part I – Section 15

  1. Explain the following quote concerning the fog, “You had a choice: you could either strain and look at things that appeared in front of you in the fog, painful as it might be, or you could relax and lose yourself”
  2. What was the genesis of Chief’s association with the fog?
  3. Why do you think, based on his description of the shock shop table etc., Chief feigns being deaf and dumb?
  4. Who is Colonel Matterson? What does Chief finally understand about him?
  5. What does Chief say to Pete as he “floats by”?
  6. Who’s trying to “pull people out of the fog”
  7. In your eyes, who “wins” the argument about watching the World Series game

Part I – Section 15

  1. Explain the following quote concerning the fog, “You had a choice: you could either strain and look at things that appeared in front of you in the fog, painful as it might be, or you could relax and lose yourself”
  2. What was the genesis of Chief’s association with the fog?
  3. Why do you think, based on his description of the shock shop table etc., Chief feigns being deaf and dumb?
  4. Who is Colonel Matterson? What does Chief finally understand about him?
  5. What does Chief say to Pete as he “floats by”?
  6. Who’s trying to “pull people out of the fog”
  7. In your eyes, who “wins” the argument about watching the World Series game?

Part II – Section 1 and 2

  1. What does Chief mean when he says, “There’s no more fog any place” (149).
  2. What mistake did Chief make in section 15 that he’s now regretting?
  3. How does Nurse Ratched regain control after the World Series incident?
  4. What does the one doctor think he’s diagnosed MM with? What’s it an allusion to?
  5. Why has NR changed her mind about sending MM to “Disturbed”?
  6. Why is NR not concerned “that it may take weeks” to break MM?
  7. What happens when MM is put on latrine duty?
  8. What is chief finally able to see in this chapter (now that the fog machine is off)?
  9. What sensory details does chief include when he wakes up at night and looks out the window? Why is this significant?
  10. What’s the significance of chief’s description of the nurse with the birthmark who tries to scrub it away?

Part II – Section 1 and 2

  1. What does Chief mean when he says, “There’s no more fog any place” (149).
  2. What mistake did Chief make in section 15 that he’s now regretting?
  3. How does Nurse Ratched regain control after the World Series incident?
  4. What does the one doctor think he’s diagnosed MM with? What’s it an allusion to?
  5. Why has NR changed her mind about sending MM to “Disturbed”?
  6. Why is NR not concerned “that it may take weeks” to break MM?
  7. What happens when MM is put on latrine duty?
  8. What is chief finally able to see in this chapter (now that the fog machine is off)?
  9. What sensory details does chief include when he wakes up at night and looks out the window? Why is this significant?
  10. What’s the significance of chief’s description of the nurse with the birthmark who tries to scrub it away?

Part II – Section 3-6

  1. What does MM Learn at the pool?
  2. To what does Chief compare MMs knowledge of being “committed” (he refers to his past…)
  3. Who dies at the end of Section 3?
  4. Who is Sefelt and what happens to him?
  5. How is Fredrickson involved with Sefelt’s incident? Explain what this shows about NR’s manipulative nature.
  6. Describe Mrs. Harding. How is she like Nurse Ratched?
  7. How does MM react when Harding asks him what he thinks of his wife?
  8. What was the tub room actually used for 15 years ago?
  9. How has MM changed in section 6?

Part II – Section 3-6

  1. What does MM Learn at the pool?
  2. To what does Chief compare MMs knowledge of being “committed” (he refers to his past…)
  3. Who dies at the end of Section 3?
  4. Who is Sefelt and what happens to him?
  5. How is Fredrickson involved with Sefelt’s incident? Explain what this shows about NR’s manipulative nature.
  6. Describe Mrs. Harding. How is she like Nurse Ratched?
  7. How does MM react when Harding asks him what he thinks of his wife?
  8. What was the tub room actually used for 15 years ago?
  9. How has MM changed in section 6?

Part II – Section 3-6

  1. What does MM Learn at the pool?
  2. To what does Chief compare MMs knowledge of being “committed” (he refers to his past…)
  3. Who dies at the end of Section 3?
  4. Who is Sefelt and what happens to him?
  5. How is Fredrickson involved with Sefelt’s incident? Explain what this shows about NR’s manipulative nature.
  6. Describe Mrs. Harding. How is she like Nurse Ratched?
  7. How does MM react when Harding asks him what he thinks of his wife?
  8. What was the tub room actually used for 15 years ago?
  9. How has MM changed in section 6?

Part II – Section 7 - 8

  1. Harding states, “I don’t think you fully understand the public, my friend; in this country, when something is out of order, then the quickest way to get it fixed is the best way.” (190). Is he right? If so, where have you seen an example of this?
  1. McMurphy thinks that, “he don’t think getting her [NR] out of the way would really make much difference; he says that there’s something bigger making all this mess and goes on to try to say what he thinks it is. He finally gives up when he can’t explain it.” (192). What do you think this “something bigger” may be?
  1. What does MM get angry about with the men? Especially Harding?
  1. MM yells, “Are you guys bullshitting me!”…what has he just found out that angers him?
  1. What’s Billy Bibbit’s outburst about?
  1. How does Kesey create tension/suspense in the meeting? (Think of MM and the ringing in Chief’s ears…how do they parallel each other?
  1. What is supposed to be NR’s final “victory”?
  1. What does MM do that shocks NR?

Part 3 – Section 1

  1. Why does “basketball season” come to an end?
  1. What did MM convince NR to let him and the men do?
  1. How is she subtly trying to change their minds about it?
  1. Chief states, “But I remembered one thing: it wasn’t me that started acting deaf; it was people that first started acting like I was too dumb to hear or see or say anything at all” (210). Explain how his flashback adds background to this statement. What does being Native American have to do with it?
  1. How was Chief’s dad “fixed” by the combine? What is the combine outside of the context of the hospital (in regards to Chief’s story about his dad)?
  1. What agreement to MM and Chief make at the end of Section 1?

Part 3 – Section 1