AP Human Geography LEOCT/AP Exam Study Guide

Geography Basics

  1. Cartography*
  2. Scale*
  3. Projection
  4. Space*
  5. Location
  6. Site
  7. Situation
  8. GIS, GPS, remote sensing*
  9. Mathematical location*
  10. Latitude/Parallel*
  11. Longitude/Meridian*
  12. Equator, Prime Meridian*
  13. Greenwich Mean Time*
  14. Telling time from Longitude*
  15. International date line*
  16. Formal/Uniform region, examples*
  17. Functional/Nodal region, examples*
  18. Vernacular/Perceptual region, examples*
  19. Relocation Diffusion & examples*
  20. Expansion Diffusion-Hierarchical, Contagious, Stimulus & examples of each*
  21. Environmental determinism vs. Possibilism*

Population & Migration

  1. Ecumene vs. Non-ecumene*
  2. Density-arithmetic, agricultural, physiological
  3. Hearth*
  4. Diffusion-hierarchical, contagious, relocation
  5. Crude birth and death rate*
  6. Natural increase rate and NIR equation*
  7. Doubling time
  8. Total fertility rate*
  9. Infant mortality rate*
  10. Life expectancy*
  11. Demographic transition model-stages 1-4*
  12. Agricultural vs. Medical revolution
  13. Population pyramids*
  14. Dependency ratio*
  15. Thomas Malthus and theory*
  16. Mobility vs. Migration
  17. Push-Pull Factors (cultural, economic, and environmental) examples*
  18. Refugees
  19. Intervening obstacles and opportunities & examples*
  20. Quotas
  21. Net migration
  22. Brain drain
  23. Chain migration*
  24. Undocumented immigrants
  25. Center of population
  26. Migration patterns: Rural–›Urban, Urban–›Suburban, Urban–›Rural


  1. Habit vs. Custom
  2. Folk culture, examples*
  3. Popular culture, examples (describe housing, clothing, food-snacks and alcohol, etc.)*
  4. Taboo
  5. Hog production-why is it different in the Middle East & North Africa?*
  6. Globalization vs. Local diversity*
  7. Glocalization*
  8. Westernization vs. Traditional culture*
  9. Dialect
  10. Isogloss
  11. Language family, branch, group*
  12. Indo-European language family & examples*
  13. Sino-Tibetan language family & examples*
  14. Romance languages*
  15. Extinct, reviving, endangered, isolated languages
  16. Lingua franca*
  17. Pidgin language*
  18. Ebonics, Franglais, Spanglish
  19. Universalizing vs. Ethnic religions & examples*
  20. Main ideas of the 5 main religions*
  21. Hearths & diffusion of 5 main religions*
  22. Holy places*
  23. Toponyms
  24. Hierarchical vs. Autonomous religion
  25. Ethnicity vs. Race*
  26. Plessy v. Ferguson 1896*
  27. Separate but equal doctrine*
  28. Jim Crow laws*
  29. Brown v. BOE 1954*
  30. De facto vs. De jure segregation
  31. White flight, block busting
  32. Apartheid in South Africa
  33. Nationality
  34. Nation-state*
  35. Self-determination*
  36. Multi-ethnic vs. Multi-national state & examples*
  37. Centripetal vs. Centrifugal forces & examples*
  38. Ethnic cleansing, examples of, genocide*
  39. Balkanized*
  40. Balkanization*

Political Geography

  1. State*
  2. Stateless nation*
  3. Sovereignty
  4. Boundary
  5. 5 basic state shapes, pros/cons, & examples*
  6. Landlocked states & examples*
  7. Physical boundaries & examples
  8. Geometric boundaries & examples
  9. Cultural boundaries & examples
  10. Subsequent boundaries
  11. Antecedent boundaries
  12. Superimposed boundaries
  13. Relic boundaries
  14. Unitary vs. Federal states & examples, devolution
  15. Gerrymandering*
  16. Frontiers/ “buffer” states
  17. Law of the sea/UNCLOS, EEZ
  18. Heartland vs. Rimland theory*
  19. Enclave vs. Exclave
  20. International vs. Supranational organizations: UN, EU, NAFTA, NATO, Warsaw Pact, OPEC, CIS*
  21. Containment*
  22. Domino theory*
  23. Terrorism-Taliban, Al-Qaeda

Development/Economic Geography

  1. Human Development Index, four factors that determine it*
  2. Types of jobs/Types of production-primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary*
  3. Gender-Related Development Index*
  4. Gender Empowerment Measure
  5. Maquiladoras*
  6. Industrial Revolution*
  7. Cottage industry vs. Fordism
  8. Transnational corporation*
  9. Outsourcing*
  10. Bulk gaining industries & examples*
  11. Bulk reducing industries & examples*
  12. Rostow’s 5 stages of development*
  13. Core-periphery model*
  14. Agglomeration
  15. Ancillary activities
  16. Deglomeration
  17. Ecotourism
  18. Rust belt, Sun belt, etc.
  19. 1st-5th world countries & examples*
  20. The “Asian Tigers”*


  1. Transhumance*
  2. Extensive agriculture
  3. Intensive cultivation
  4. Hunting and gathering
  5. Subsistence agriculture*
  6. Commercial agriculture*
  7. Capital vs. Labor intensive agriculture
  8. Slash and burn agriculture*
  9. Shifting cultivation, swidden*
  10. Agribusiness
  11. Pastoral nomadism*
  12. Green Revolution*
  13. GMOs
  14. Crop Rotation
  15. Ranching
  16. Horticulture
  17. Truck farming
  18. Plantation
  19. Von Thünen’s model*
  20. Sustainable agriculture
  21. Horizontal vs. Vertical integration*
  22. Weber’s least cost theory*

Urban/Industrial Geography

  1. Central place theory*
  2. Market area/ hinterland
  3. Range
  4. Threshold
  5. Rank-size rule
  6. Central business district*
  7. Concentric zone model*
  8. Sector model*
  9. Multiple nuclei model*
  10. Gentrification*
  11. Megalopolis
  12. Megacities
  13. Resource node
  14. Transport node
  15. Clustered rural settlements
  16. Dispersed rural settlements
  17. Circular settlements
  18. Linear settlements
  19. Primate city*
  20. Edge city*
  21. Colonial city
  22. Fall-line cities
  23. Gateway cities
  24. Entrepôt
  25. Redlining
  26. Squatters/Squatter settlements
  27. Sprawl, Urban vs. Suburban sprawl*
  28. Greenbelts