3rd March 2017

Lighthouse Keepers

Finn Greenaway – for working really hard on his writing

Isla Rouen – for making a brilliant effort with reading and homework

Stanley Hudson – for working hard at maths

Eggs of Excellence (Service)

Matthew Thomas – for always volunteering to carry out jobs

Nuala O’Donnell – for being helpful in the classroom

Charlie Baker – for his contribution and enthusiasm in football club

Class 3 Student of the Week

This week’s Student of the Week in Class 3 is:

Esme Morgan-Osbourn

Well done Esme!!


Next week, we will be learning about Patience and we will update you fortnightly on which particular virtue we are learning about.

Pebble Wood Project

It was wonderful to see so many people at Pebble Wood Day, to launch the woodland garden in memory of Sara Illsley. Sara was amuch loved Nursery Nurse, who worked with the Pebbles in Class 1 for over eight years and sadly died in May of last year. The presence of so many pupils, past and present, with their parents and grandparents, as well as friends and staff, in such wet and cold conditions, was a mark of tribute to how Saraendeared herself to everyone'shearts. The garden area was marked out at the end of the field and several trees were planted, along with daffodils at their base. We were delighted that Sara's husband, Nick, and their daughter, Charlotte, were able to attend and plant the first tree. We are looking forward to seeing the garden develop over the next few years, as the protective Cornish hedge is built, allowing less hardy trees to be planted. We hope to see the hedgerows full of native shrubs and wildflowers, as a reflection of the beauty of the natural environment Sara so loved. We were also able to pay tribute and remember a parent who has sadly passed away – Julie Byles. Her husband, Andy, also planted a tree in her memory. A big thank you to Lucy Trinder and Sally Pyner for co-ordinating the project and the activities and to the Kehelland PTA for providing refreshments. Please go to our website to view some lovely photos of the day, under the ‘news’ tab or, use the link below:

Wonderful Experience!

Below is a picture of Chloe Kind and Jamie Vardy from Leicester City Football Club. Chloe had the privilege of walking out onto the pitch with Jamie Vardy prior to Leicester’s match against Liverpool on Monday evening. I am sure this is an experience she will treasure for a long time.

3 Cornish Piskies & their Amazing Adventures

On Tuesday, the Rev Samuel Marsden came into school to share stories he has written about 3 Cornish Piskies, with children in Class 2 and 3. If your child would like a copy of the book, it is priced at £7.00. Please let Mrs Polglase, Mrs Orchard or Miss Campbell know if your child would like a copy and arrangements can be made for Mr Marsden to bring them to school. Please can payment accompany any order. Thank you.

Water Bottles

Please can all children bring in their own water bottle to keep in the classroom. It is not ideal for children to be sharing water bottles or cups. Water Bottles can be purchased from the school office at a price of £1.00 each. Thank you.

Dance Workshop

Cheap Date Dance are carrying out a workshop at school on Thursday 9th March ending in a performance for parents to come along and watch at the end of the day. We would therefore like to invite parents to school at 2.45pm. Parents will be seated in the middle of the hall facing outward towards a ‘running track’ style set up, which will limit space. The plan is for each class to perform a short show and when your child has performed, you will be able to take them home. In the case of siblings in other classes, children who have already performed can be accommodated in the library.

Class 1 Performance – 2.45pm

Class 2 Performance – 2.55pm

Class 3 Performance – 3.05pm

Please note that we cannot admit anyone into the hall until 2.45pm

Kehelland PTSCA Spring Fayre – Friday 24th March 2017

Please see the poster giving details attached to this newsletter.

Poster design by Esme Morgan-Osbourn & Chloe Kind

KS 1 & 2 SATs Tests

The dates for the KS1 and KS2 SATs tests are:

KS1 Week in May to be arranged (Y2 children)

KS2 Week beginning Monday 8th May 2017 (Y6 children)

I would be most grateful if parents could keep these dates in mind when planning any holidays or short breaks away. Thank you.

Empty Large Pop Containers

Please may we ask that you save any empty large plastic pop bottles and bring into school. These will be used to make repairs to the greenhouse. Thank you.

Diary Dates

Mar03Football v Weeth – away game

07Trek Day at Trencrom – Class 1

09School Workshop – Cheap Date Dance

09Carn to Cove production – Kehelland Chapel Hall – 7.00pm

16PTSCA AGM – 7.00pm at school

21Class 2 Trek

23Wear your Slippers Day

24Kehelland School Spring Fayre – 2.30 – 5.30pm

28Class 3 Trek

31End of Spring Term – 1.15pm

Apr18Beginning of Summer Term -8.45am

30School Gardening & Decorating Day

May01Bank Holiday – school closed

08-12KS2 Sats Week

24Group & Class Photographs

29-2nd June Half Term

Jun14-16Class 3 Residential – Eden Project

27Sports Day

30Gig on the Green

July01Kehelland Village Tea Treat

21End of Summer Term – 1.15pm

Geoff Smith