
Pontypridd Town Council

7.00pmWednesday7th March 2018

Pontypridd Museum, Bridge Street, Pontypridd


Councillor S. Presse (Mayor)

Councillor J. Baxter

Councillor L. Bengough

Councillor J Brencher

Councillor M. Brown

Councillor S. Carter

Councillor L. Davies

Councillor S. Duggan

Councillor H. Fychan

Councillor M. Harvey

Councillor M. Powell

Councillor S. Pritchard

Councillor C. Thomas

Councillor L Tomkinson

Councillor B Watts

Councillor A. Williams

Councillor K. Woodward

In attendance:

Rachel SmithChief Executive

Jacqui HopkinsAdministration Officer

85.Apologies for absence:

Councillors S. Belzak, D. Paul, B. Fox, A. Bevan, S. Powderhill and S. Powell.

86.Declarations of Interest:

Non declared.

87.Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015


To note the duty imposed by the Act.



88.1The minutes of the Town Council Meeting on the 31st January 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed.

88.2The minutes of the Staffing Committee on the 6th February 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed.

88.3The minutes of the Policy & Finance Meeting on the 21st February 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed.

89.Mayor’s Announcements

To note the Mayor and Deputy attended a presentation lunch at St. Dyfrig’s Church outlining the application to the Heritage Lottery Fund on Sunday 25th February 2018.


To note the report.

90.Chief Executive’s Report

90.1Dates and Times of Council/Committee Meetings

Members had a lengthy discussion in regard to the proposed dates for full Council meetings up to the AGM.

It was noted that discretion regarding the times of Council and Committees had been exercised following a decision made at Council on 26th July 2017. It was suggested that a degree of flexibility be maintained in relation to Committee meetings to allow them to be appropriately responsive.


(a)It was decided as a general rule that in future Council meetings would take place on the last Wednesday of each month and the Policy and Finance Committee would take place on the penultimate Wednesday of the month with the other Committees to be scheduled on earlier Wednesdays as and when required.

(b)The above to be arranged wherever possible not to clash with RCT Council’s meetings and consequently the Council meeting provisionally arranged for 25th April was changed to Wednesday, 18th April 2018.

(c)That the Committee meetings up to the AGM be held at 6.30 p.m. for Council and 6.00 p.m. for Committees.

(d)That the decisions at (a), (b) and (c) above only be effective up to the AGM andbe reviewed further at that council meeting.

90.2Electronic Service of Papers and Agenda for Council and Committees

Members were referred to recently received guidance from One Voice Wales regarding service of papers for Council and Committee meetings.

In view of cost to the Town Council involved in sending out papers for Council and Committee meetings by 1st class post, Members considered whether it was appropriate to serve papers electronically.

The Chief Executive expressed her concerns that the legislation did not explicitly and clearly support service of all documentation electronically. She advised continuing to serve the summons by hard copy but sending out all supporting papers electronically where members had confirmed they were in agreement with receiving them this way.


The summons/agenda be sent out to all Members in hard copy with all supporting papers to be delivered electronically to Members who have agreed to send it in this way. Member would all be contacted regarding the preference of service. This matter to be reviewed further at the AGM and in the interim the Chief Executive was to seek further advice on this issue.

90.3General Data Protection Regulations – May 2018

It was confirmed to Members that training is currently ongoing with participating Community Councils in the area with the support of the Welsh Assembly Government. Members noted that this training is to be extended to all staff and Members. Members noted that the Data Protection Policy together with supporting documentationis currently being drafted by the Community Councils with consultant support and will be put before Members in due course.


To note the report.

90.4The Public Space Protection Order – Intoxicating Substances

Members were referred to the leaflet received from the Head of Environmental Health at RCTCBC detailing the proposed Intoxicating Substance exclusion zones within Pontypridd Town Centre. Members noted that the consultation in relation this this extends up to the 12th March 2018.

There was a lengthy discussion between Members regarding the likely impact of such an order within the proposed intoxicating substances exclusion zone in Pontypridd. Although Members were supportive they were concerned that this may not address the core issues.

Three Members of the opposition were against this motion having expressed support only for proposals 1 and 4.


To broadly support the four proposals within the public space protection order and to seek to work in partnership with RCT in relation to the development and implementation of any such order.

90.5Community Alcohol Partnership - Action Plan/Template

Members were informed that there will be a meeting of the Community Alcohol Partnership Working Group on Thursday, 15th March at 2.00 p.m. at the Council Offices in Ty Elai, Tonypandy.


That Councillor Simon Pritchard be the nominated representative of the Town Council on the Community Alcohol Partnership Working Group.

90.6Consultation Document on Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on Local Toilets Strategies

Members had previously had the opportunity to consider the consultation document prepared under Section 8 of the Public Health Wales Act 2017.


Members noted that the Local Authority had a duty to prepare a Local Toilets Strategy and under the guidance should produce their strategy through engagement with other bodies including the town Council. The Town Council expressed the support regarding any such engagement with RCT in preparation of this policy and would be supportive of any development of the public toilet facility within the Pontypridd area.

90.7Planning Law in Wales Consultation

Members were referred to the Law Commission’s Consultation paper and noted that comments were invited regarding the potential impact of the proposed changes including the potential costs and benefits of the same.

Members were referred to the response that had been provided by the Chief Executive and circulated to Members prior to the meeting.


To note the response.

90.8Creating a Parliament for Wales

Members were referred to the document entitled Creating a Parliament for Wales, part of the public consultation launched in order to consider the scope of the potential electoral organisation and internal reforms which are made possible and are inviting view on the potential changes.

In order to given Members the opportunity to consider these papers fully this matter was deferred to the next Council meeting.


To defer this item to the next Council meeting.

90.9International Women’s Day

Members were reminded that an event supported by the Town Council celebrating International Women’s Day was due to take place in the Museum on the 8th March 2018 to celebrate International Women’s Day.


To note the report.

90.10“A Better Pontypridd” Event

Members were referred to the proposed “A Better Pontypridd” Event arising out of a meeting between the Muni Arts Centre, Interlink, Engineering for the Future and Pontypridd BID. Members noted that it was proposed that this event take place in March/April 2018 and that it was intended to bring together local businesses and organisations to create a “Circular Economy” driven by the principles of the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.


To note the report.

91.Chief Executive’s Supplementary Report (Item 11)

Lift Update

Members noted from previous Council and Committee updates preparatory works are ongoing in relation to the new lift in the Museum.

Members were updated verbally by the Chief Executive following the meeting with the architect which had taken place on the afternoon of the 7th March 2018. The architect had confirmed the details of the tenders received in relation to the proposed lift installation in the Museum and association building works.

Members were informed that in in view of the very tight timetable for finalising the submission to MALD of the request for the agreed grant monies it was requested that authority be delegated regarding the final tender and building contract decisions. Members were specifically referred to paragraphs 11 and 12 of the financial regulations relating to the Contracts/Procurement Procedure and Payments under contract for buildings or other construction works.


To note the report and delegate authority to the Chief Executive and Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee in consultation with the Chief Executive in relation to any decisions that are required with regard to the tendering and building contract process for the replacement lift project.

92.Correspondence Received


To defer the correspondence received to the next Council meeting.

93.Planning Applications


To note the planning applications.

The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

Signed: ______

Councillor S Presse - Chairperson

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7th March 2018