Mary’s Catholic Primary, A Voluntary Academy

June 2017 Newsletter

Our Mission Statement

“To walk hand in hand with God, loving Him, loving each other and loving ourselves, doing our best with the gifts He gave us to make the world a richer place.”

Dear Parents and Carers,

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion throughout the month of June. Each service was a wonderful occasion for the children and their families. They will celebrate together with a school Mass at St Mary`s church at 1:30 on Thursday 6th July and come back to school for a celebration party.

On behalf of the First Holy Communion children and the Catechists, we would like to invite you to join them on this very special occasion.


Children in KS2 have all returned thoroughly tired but happy from their residentials in Kingswood and Castleton. The two clear favourite activities at Kingswood were The Leap of Faith which Odhran said helped him ‘conquer his fear of heights’ and Jacob’s Ladder which Keo said was ‘challenging but encouraged him to feel brave as it was so much fun’.

At Castleton children loved `playing the part of leader at the Roman battle’and `exploring the Castleton area with friends` (Umar & Anica)

Yr 3 had a fun sleepover in school last night and loved having the field to themselves till late in the evening. They were exceptionally well behaved and went to sleep at a fairly respectable hour. We think they will sleep well tonight!!

Thank you to all the staff for giving up their time to ensure the children have such valuable and enriching experiences.

St Barnabas Mass

On the 9th June, St Mary’s Yr 6 joined the other Barnabas Trust schools to celebrate this feast day Mass at Nottingham Cathedral with Bishop Patrick. Each school contributed something special to the Mass and it was lovely to see the Cathedral so full of young people celebrating their faith. We look forward to many more Trust Masses to come!

Football Season 2016-17

The boys in the school football team have now played their final game of the season and maintained their fantastic winning spree! Over the course of the season, they've played 10 games and dropped only 2 points, with an amazing 9 wins and 1 draw!

Their final game was a hard fought battle with Bentinck, the only team to take points from them all season, but the boys didn't take long to settle into their stride and come from behind to go on to win the game 3-1, hitting the post on at least two other occasions in the game.

They have demonstrated excellent teamwork throughout the season and their hard work has paid off as they are confirmed as league champions with this final result! Well done boys!

Dance Congratulations

After qualifying in the East Midlands Regional Heats of the Great Big Dance Off, our KS2 dance team travelled to Oxford on Monday for the National Finals. Despite the heat and a very long day, the dancers were an absolute joy to be with. They put on a fantastic performance and we are now proud to say that the St Mary’s dance group are 20th in the whole of the country for their efforts. What a fantastic achievement! Well done to Cormac, Roma, Eve, Maddie, Kady, Tatiana, Emmanuela, Vicky, Honey, Mercia, Nattalia, Zeze and Aishat.


The end of year reports will be given out on Monday 10th Julyalong with Year 2 and Year 6 SATs results.

If you would like to discuss your child’s report, please make an appointment with their class teacher at some point before the end of term.

Sports Day

Weather permitting, Sports day will take place on Friday 7th July for F2-Y6.

The KS1 (F2, Y1 and Y2) day will begin at 9:30am and KS2 (Y3-Y6) events will begin at 1:15pm.

Foundation 1 & 2 have planned separate fun days on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th July.

Sun Care

As the weather appears to be changing, please send your child to school with a sun hat and sun cream and please apply sun cream on exposed skin before school each morning- as children are out for a long time at break and lunch time.

Date for your diary


Tuesday 4th Foundation 2 Pirate Fun Day

Wednesday 5thFoundation 1 Beach Day

Thursday 6thCommunion celebration

Friday 7thSports Day

Monday 10thReserve Sports Day

Monday 17thSummer Fayre - 1-3pm

Wednesday 19th Leavers’ Assembly - 9am

Friday 21stLeavers’ Mass – 2pm

Tuesday 25thLast day of term


Tuesday 5th Children return to school

Please note the Inset dates for this term:

Thursday 13th July Inset Day

Friday14th July Inset Day

Yours sincerely

Mrs G Kelly

Head Teacher

Under the Trust name of St Barnabas Catholic Academy Trust

Designated Senior Persons for Safeguarding

Mrs G Kelly – Head Teacher, Ms K O’Neill – Deputy Head, Miss L O’Sullivan – SENCO, Mrs U Lilley – Governor

All persons can be contacted at school on telephone number 0115 9151799