WisHHRA Board Meeting Minutes

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DATE: / 12/3/15 / TIME: / 9:30 AM / PLACE: / Conference Call
LEADER: / Brenda Reinert / RECORDER: / Robbi Bos
X / Brenda Reinert, President / A / Sandra Aspenson, Membership Chairperson / A / Chris Schmitz, Historian / X / Kristie McCoic, Southwest Co-Representative
X / Angie Hupf, President Elect / A / Steve Rush, WHA Liaison / A / Joel Ohrmundt, Northwest Representative / X / Veronica Baricevic, Southeast Co-Representative
X / Kathy Hansen, Treasurer / A / Heather Fields, Legal Counsel Liaison / Vacant, Northeast Representative / X / Nicole Berlowski, Southeast Co-Representative
X / Robbi Bos, Secretary / A / Troy Koebke, Compensation Committee Liaison / X / Ann Roundy, Southwest Co-Representative

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:



Discussion Summary




Person Responsible for Follow-up


Date Required

I. Call to Order / Meeting was called to order at9:34 a.m. Sandy Aspenson reached out to Brenda to say that she is leaving the HR profession for now. We have an immediate vacancy as Membership Chairperson. Brenda can run it until we find a replacement. Board members should reach out to any member who might be interested in this role.
Meeting minutes presented. / Kathymoved approval of the meeting minutes. Seconded by Kristie. Motion carried.
II. Membership Report / Brenda noted that as of 11/30/15, we have 200 members comprised of 188 renewalsand 20 new members.
Kathy asked about the membership for an Administrative Assistant supporting HR. After discussion, it sounds like the position functions as an HR Assistant, which would meet our membership eligibility requirements. Brenda will check with TEAM to see if her request was approved. / Nicolemoved approval of the membership report, seconded byKristie. Motion carried.
III. Treasurer’s Report / Kathy shared that we have a lot of checks coming in during November and December, which will make the figures look better than the report would indicate. Kathy and Robbi audited the books since the last meeting. There were no concerns. / Robbi moved approval of the treasurer’s report, seconded by Veronica. Motion carried.
IV. Compensation Committee Update / Brenda reported on Troy’s behalf. Troy mentioned to Brenda that at the last compensation meeting, the question came up as to whether you have to be a member of WisHHRA to use the listserve. Brenda told him that vendors are not on the listserve. Verisight is interested in being on the listserve. The Board discussed whether there should be an exception for Verisight since they do our compensation survey. Discussion was held. It was decided that we would monitor our listserve activity and send any comp related questions to Verisight as we deem appropriate, but we are not willing to include them on the listserve at this time. / Brenda will get in touch with Troy to share the results of our discussion.
V. Legal Update / No report.
VI. Region Reports / Northwest – Joel shared that the relationship between Ministry and Marshfield has been a major topic of discussion for the area. Joel noted that volumes are up in their inpatient departments and FTE’s are up and asked if others were seeing a similar phenomenon. Robbi shared that this is true for her hospital as well. Joel reported that Randy Schade’s role has been filled by combining Clinic and Hospital HR functions. Randy has retired. Aspirus Wausau is going to have a $30M “facelift” for their hospital.
Northeast – No report.
Southwest – The situation with the VA is resulting in an exodus of staff to other hospitals. The closure of Kraft/Oscar Mayer in Madison may be a source for candidates for occ health and facilities staff.
Southeast – Children’s Hospital is opening a new clinic in Brookfield in spring 2016. Wheaton is being kind of split up as an organization, some facilities are being sold off or gifted to other ministries or organizations. This will occur in the first quarter of 2016. This is being done to position Wheaton to be in a good place financially – and it allowed the sisters to make their own call as to where and to whom those organizations would go. This is a very tough time for Wheaton and its employees.
VII. WHA Update / No update.
VIII. ASHHRA Update / Brenda reported that Christine Jensema was reelected as Region V representative.
The conference will be in Grapevine,TX for ASHHRA in September.
IX. Scholarship Discussion & Selection / 5 applicants for the scholarships were received. One applicant did not provide transcripts. This was universally the candidate the Board felt was most qualified. The lack of a transcript is problematic. / Robbi moved that Brenda reach out to Brooke Whitty candidate to request that she submit a transcript and if the GPA matches what she put on her resume, that Brooke Whitty be awarded the scholarship. Robbi will work on updating the scoring criteria to include minimum eligibility standards for next year.
X. Orientation for New Board Members / Angie will move to the president’s role in January. Brenda will continue to work with the Chapter awards as well.
XI. Membership Committee Update / No report.
XII. Communication Committee Update / Brenda will work with Kathy to get the online payment process implemented so that membership dues can be paid online in the upcoming year.
XIII. Education Committee Update / 2016 Conference
  • CHHR will be offered on the Wednesday. Board members will be invited to
  • Theme? Please share ideas with Brenda.
  • Chip Madera as Keynote speaker.
  • Brenda is getting presenters, we still need more.
  • Planning Committee: Robbi, Angie, Nicole and Brenda

XIV. Partnership Committee Update / No update except that we are looking at partnerships for the conference.
XV. Bylaw Committee Update / No update.
XVI. Legislative/Legal Committee Update / No update. Everyone is focused on the 1095C and the new W2. Discussion about how organizations are approaching these requirements ensued. Most have contracted with other entities, but are having time obtaining the data. Education to employees about the various forms that they will get was discussed. / Kristie will contact Fred Bounds to see if he could provide us with and informational piece that our members could share with their employees about the purpose of 1095C forms and what to do with them when they get them.
XVII. Other Business/Updates / None. Angie will be taking the Presidency for our next meeting in February. It will be held by conference call.
XVIII. Adjournment / Kathy moved and Kristieseconded to adjourn at 11:01 a.m. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting: February 4, 2016 – Conference Call

Rev: 08/22/2011